Tuesday, April 19, 2022

Ayn Rand on Dictatorship (of the Proletariat, et al)


  1. (((Thought Criminal)))April 19, 2022 at 6:42 AM

    I can't help but note the irony that this is an Objectivist Society fundraising video.

  2. *Atlas Society / same thing

  3. What a horrible person. She's dead, but unfortunately not forgotten.

  4. F*ck Comte

    Derpy hates and fears what he does not understand.

  5. I hate and fear objectivism because it is an evil idealogy. If "Derpy" agrees it is because he is smart and not a derp.

  6. Objectivism is just Aristotle after hours when he don't give a shit who he offends.

  7. Rand was at the end of the bar smoking when the French commie thing imploded and was one of the first to tell them bitches to get their own cigarettes.

  8. ::laughs in Jordan Peterson::

  9. How well is Russia doing with their industrialists saying "fuck this shit" and leaving rather than sticking around to be put in a gulag?

  10. That'll be America with 20 more years of corporate globalism, only there won't be any way out, anywhere.

  11. Rand was okay. It's the current crop of Objectivists that aren't worth sh*t. The one's that actually believe in "objectivity".

  12. Rand wrote in a time before globalism made America holy and above the parasitic world.

  13. At least post-truth trumpturds like Minus admit they lie. Even if their frame is that their lies are "alternative facts". While Randturds say their lies are the ONLY truth (Objectively so).

  14. I think we can objectively conclude that Derpy doesn't know shit about Ayn Rand or Objectivism.

  15. If you say so. You would know, given that you are "Derpy". And "we" is Beamish and Derpy.

  16. Still missing the chance to tell us what you know about Ayn Rand and Objectivism.

    Didn't think we'd notice?

  17. I doubt he's read any of the classic Rand books.

    1. Why the f*ck would I want to torture myself by reading one of her doorstops.

    2. Sad. You can't even intelligently discuss why you hate an author you've never read.

      This is why you are Derpy.

  18. This is why you're Derpy. She is more than an author. She created a philosophy that says selfishness is a virtue and poor people are parasites. She was obsessed with smoking and wrote female characters who liked getting raped. She wrote a ridiculous book about wealthy people going on "strike" and society falling apart as a result.

    Have you read "The art of the Deal" or any book supposedly written by donald tRump? As per your "Rand rule", you can't have an opinion about donald tRump (and you've written many) unless you've read a tRump book.

    1. So someone else read a book and told you what to think about it, and you're not a parasite?

    2. You would force people not to be "selfish?" Do you thank a mugger when he steals your wallet for the opportunity to buy his next crack rock too? Or is he not allowed to be "selfish" either?

    3. Did most of the industrious people leaving Russia when the Soviet Union fell help Russian society?

  19. The Art of the Deal isn't a "classic".

  20. from the Latin "liber" meaning "book". It's where "freedom" comes from.

  21. Notice it means "book", not "newspapers" or "television broadcasts".

  22. Derpy has burned more books than he's read.

  23. I form my own opinions, asshole. I read analysis by people whose worldviews I agree with but form my own opinions. In the case of Rand, I'd say my opinions about her are largely based on the analysis of Thom Hartmann. Because he's a person I've watched/listened to for hundreds of hours and our worldviews largely match up. I've read quotes of Rand and short excerpts. Also watched videos of Rand. I've never said I'd force anyone to think anything. I have never burned a book. Banning books is conservative thing. Rand didn't write any classics.

  24. There is no rape scene in any of Rand's novels. Change my mind.

  25. There's no rape if the charges go unfiled. Consent granted "after the act" is defacto consent.

  26. Kinda like that chick who gave that SCotUS guy a fake hall pass and tried to call HIM on it.

  27. Because innocent women go down to the quarry and select a worker like a piece of meat at the butcher shop, flirt with him egregiously, then send for him to repair the marble in their fireplace (after they damaged it intentionally) in a pretext to get the guy at the quarry to come to her bedroom at night while wearing lingerie.

    In a philosophical construct where actions mean more than words.

  28. There was no "after the fact" about it. Dominique wanted to knock boots with Howard, and made it happen.

  29. Dominique even considers calling it "rape" if her darling socialite friends find out she (intentionally) shagged the hired help.

  30. Derpy, or at least his brain Thom Hartmann, must protect Dominique's "honor" when she's sexually aggressive AND trying to trade on her employer-employee relationship for sex.

    If there's any "rape" here, it's Dominique raping Howard. Had she'd not been stunningly attractive Howard might have walked away to being fired. Howard the architect that took a quarry job over being told by non-architects how to do his architect job.

    Dominique to Howard was a prostitute he didn't have to pay for. She wasn't?

  31. Dominique is a feminist hero, using her power to get sex whenever she wanted. ;)

  32. Derpy lives in a world where men can not be victims of sexual harassment.

  33. She tried to tear herself away from him. The effort broke against his arms that had not felt it. Her fists beat against his shoulders, against his face. He moved one hand, took her two wrists and pinned them behind her, under his arm, wrenching her shoulder blades. ...She fell back against the dressing table, she stood crouching, her hands clasping the edge behind her, her eyes wide, colorless, shapeless in terror. He was laughing. There was the movement of laughter on his face, but no sound. ...Then he approached. He lifted her without effort. She let her teeth sink into his hand and felt blood on the tip of her tongue. He pulled her head back and he forced her mouth open against his.

  34. "Peter, if I ever wanted to punish myself for something terrible, if I ever want to punish myself disgustingly -- I'll marry you." - Dominique Francon to Peter Keating

    (Dominique later marries Peter Keating, feelings unchanged, to "punish herself.")

    Dominique is a masochist. She found the love she wanted in Howard Roark and his sadism.

    So, Dominique is kinky. And?

  35. Derpy's the guy that's been waiting all his life for his turn to bore Dominique Francon to death.

  36. Every unsuccessful pass is a potential charge of attempted rape, folks. If there was no harm, there was no foul.

  37. Every successful pass is a successful seduction.

    Some women can't live with the difference.

  38. Sex without consent is rape. Pinning someone's arms behind them while they attack and bite you is clear evidence of a lack of consent.

    btw, I'll never read an Ayn Rand book cover to cover for the same reason I'll never sit down and watch a "Two and a Half Men" marathon. I've sampled each sufficiently to know they're both terrible :P.

    That you strongly oppose sex between two consenting adults (if they're the same gender) but approve of nonconsensual sex if nobody goes to the police to report rape is PROOF of who the real sexual deviants and perverts are.

    btw, even if the rape is reported the chance is high that Minus would defend the rapist and declare the woman to be a "lying whore". It's not rape if "she wanted it" (even if consent wasn't given) re the example of Howard Roark.

    Sexual harrassment and assault does not constitute a "failed pass". How could such a "pass" fail, anyway? If the woman says no (and violently fights back) the man can just assume that's what she's into. Men (like Minus) who say "no means yes" are rapists. Even if they've never had nonconsensual sex they are rapists in their hearts and no doubt fantasize about rape. Worse, they defend actual rapists. Minus FJ's defense of the sexual assaulters donald tRump and Boofing Brett (for example).

  39. ^^Never stuck his hands down a girl's pants w/o a pre-signed consent form^^

  40. Derpy can't handle a relationship where he's not constantly asking the girl about sex with her ex.

  41. The sex scenes in Rand's novels have more evidence that any police or courtroom could ever hope for including the omniscient awareness of the inner thoughts of the participants.

    There is no rape scene in any of Rand's novels. Change my mind.

  42. Derpy will date a trans-woman because he's not a picky bigot.

  43. Good for Derpy. He is straight, but not super-straight. "Super straights" are bigots. Not because they don't want to date trans people, but because they make a bfd about it. Because they want people to know they're bigots. I doubt I'd ever date a trans woman though. I guess I'm just not as open-minded as Derpy.

  44. You're a picky bigot. No transgendered woman has consented to your rejection of his advances, which makes you a rapist as well.

  45. That isn't a thing. Everyone has the right to reject another's advances. Not surprising you don't understand that.

  46. I understand it perfectly. A trans-woman wants you to date him and you say "Nah bro I'm straight" and he gets offended that your sexual preferences misgender him. Like he's not woman enough for you.

    1. You're talking about something that happened to you and how you reacted. Why you say "I understand it perfectly". I have never been in that situation, but that isn't what my reaction would be. Because I'm not a transphobic bigot like you.

    2. Then why would you reject a trans-woman in favor of a woman? You "doubt" you would date a trans-woman (what do you have against Adam's apples and hairy knuckles?)

      Caitlyn Jenner wants to sit on your face and teabag you with his tucked testicles and and you don't want him to know you're a bigot.

    3. I have (and never will) meet Caitlyn Jenner. Anyway, I heard she dated another trans woman. Also that her transition is complete, so no longer has the body part you mention.

  47. Reported to TrikCok as a scammer male claiming to be female

  48. Beamish claims he reported his bigotry. I say he reported nothing. Mainly because "TrikCok" doesn't exist.

  49. (((Thought Criminal)))April 25, 2022 at 4:53 PM

    I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that flagged the tranny's videos. He's back on TrikCok *after* a banning.

    The fun of reactive trouble ticketing systems is more "problems" can be reported than investigated. It's how Winston Smith kept his job at MiniLuv. He always had more throughput than Shannon's source code theorem allowed the memory hole to decipher.

  50. (((Thought Criminal)))April 25, 2022 at 4:54 PM

    Garbage in, garbage clogs...

  51. (((Thought Criminal)))April 25, 2022 at 5:02 PM

    It's like getting all the cops to show up to a traffic stop so everyone else can rob liquor stores ;)

  52. (((Thought Criminal)))April 25, 2022 at 5:11 PM

    You want me to care, but I can Karen much faster.

    When staring into the Abyss, take care the Abyss doesn't shit on you.

  53. (((Thought Criminal)))April 25, 2022 at 5:16 PM

    One off the most hilarious things on the internet is a tee-shirt for sale that reads "there are more than two genders" yet only comes in male and female sizes.
