Tuesday, April 19, 2022

The Real War in Ukraine

Map - Minsk Agreements 2014-5
Ceasefire Violations
Conquered Territory (February 24- Early April 2022)


  1. I don't think the US and EU are "sacrificing" Ukraine, but the weakening of Russia is clearly a windfall benefit from Putin's unforced error.

    Russia needed to win, quick and as painlessly as possible. Ukraine just needed to "not lose." Ukraine will bleed out every vein Russia is stupid enough to stick in the meat grinder. Sanctions and all the economic damage done to Russia self-inflicted and otherwise was already baked in. Russia went for broke, and now they're broke. C'est la vie.

  2. If Sweden and Finland join NATO and spend the minimum 2% of GDP on treaty obligations, NATO's budget increases by $16 billion, manpower by close to 1.5 million personnel, and a little over 4,000 combat aircraft.

    For those keeping score at home, that addition would equal roughly 25% of Russia's entire military budget, half of Russia's personnel strength (including reserves), and match the Russian's number of combat aircraft.

    Good going, Putin. You've almost changed the flavor of ass-whooping Russia would recieve in war with NATO from total to egregious.

  3. Russiaa is surrounding, crushing, then exterminating the 40% of Ukraine's military that was militia. Once they're done, they'll dig a new border trench and work on purging every non- Russian speaker from the newly autonomousand indeprndent East Ukraine.

  4. The 10th Amendment of the US Constitution implicitly guarantees the American right to shit on Russia anytime we want to for any reason we want to including because it would be funny and entertaining to do so. God, restrained by the logical limits of omnipotence, can not create a nation greater than America and our founding forefathers were wise not to give God any rights in the US Constitution. Our 10th Amendment rights include veto power over God's will, so he's hosed. A non-issue. Russia must deal with reality, and reality clearly shows that Russian imbecility was never going to succeed. God being the branch of world government that dictates reality did not create a world where Russian success is possible. Sucks to be them.

  5. The Universe was designed specifically for American success. Otherwise we would have hired a more obedient God.

  6. Russia isn't surrounding shit. Looks to me like Russian forces are trapped between Ukrainian forces they've pissed off throughout Ukraine and Ukrainian forces they've lost 12k troops and a dozen or so generals trying to dislodge from a city.

    The myth of "dangerous Russians" is busted. NATO should send tanks to do doughnuts on Putin's face. What's he gonna do, beg Kazakhstanis for help?

  7. We should thank God for blessing us with incompetent enemies, but also complain to Him that He has vastly underestimated our ability to clear challenges. We're too advanced for His puny world.

  8. We need an American God, one that isn't so arrogant about wiping out defenseless dinosaurs with a meteor bankshot. Fire and brimstone on a city? Amateur barbecue shit. Give us a God that is more mysterious than impotent. The God we have is way too predictable.

  9. Where on that map of "Russian controlled areas" could Ukraine launch two R360 Neptune anti-ship missiles to sink the Moskva?

    These missiles *aren't* guided, must be fired within 16 miles of a coastline, and only have a range of around 150 miles.

    A place marked "under Russian control" on your map, totally missed a big fucking truck that can carry up to four anti-ship missiles and get into position to fire them at a moving ship designed to intercept aerial threats like missiles and planes up to 150 miles away unguided as long as forward spotters are accurate?

    That doesn't happen in an enemy controlled area, no matter who the "controller" is.

  10. NATO real time satellite and target course plotting and a cell phone.

    It doesn't even have to be NATO. Civilian real time satellite surveillance subscription services exist. Elon Musk is just one of our clever motherfuckers.

  11. Russian forces in Ukraine are actually surrounded by a shit-ton of real-time surveillance satellites well out of range of their pop guns.

  12. trumpturd Aaron Maté is a pro-Putin propagandist. The collusion continues. Minus is a bottom-tier America-hating trumpturd colluding propagandist.

  13. I don't know enough about Aaron Maté to judge either way.

  14. Apollo Creed was ahead by points when the bell rang and Drago should have been disqualified for the sucker punches after the bell ended the first round.

    But, it made for a better movie to have Rocky come back in the next fight and whoop Drago's ass. ;)

  15. Not only did Rocky whoop Drago's ass, Stallone took Bridgette Nielsen home with him lol

  16. There's no rematch after the first nuclear exchange.

  17. :: laughs in Mahabharata War ::

    Today. Tomorrow. Toyota.

  18. (((Beamish the Thought Criminal)))April 28, 2022 at 9:34 AM

    required viewing (1 hour 9 minutes)

  19. Looks good... I'll give it a shot a bit later today.

  20. (((Thought Criminal)))April 29, 2022 at 1:04 PM

    I have become a fan of Peter Zeihan's geopolitic analyses. He's thorough, pulls no punches.

    He's an evil globalist like me :P

  21. I watched it... it wasn't half bad. If it were my job to run the world, I'd want him as an analyst. But I sure wouldn't let him brief my other analysts. He'd convince them that American victory was a slam-dunk.

  22. ps - The Democrats thought that "demography was destiny" too. Look where it got 'em.

  23. (((Thought Criminal)))April 29, 2022 at 2:00 PM

    I like Zeihan because he doesn't sugarcoat as he advises those that run the world ;)

  24. (((Thought Criminal)))April 29, 2022 at 2:03 PM

    That video was right before we knew for sure Russia was going to commit suicide-by-Ukraine.

  25. Zeihan's weakness is that he thinks like an Intelligence Analyst... that an "enemy" capability/ capacity directly signals an intention.

  26. Shakespeare, "Hamlet"

    Bestial oblivion or some craven scruple
    Of thinking too precisely on th’ event
    (A thought which, quartered, hath but one part
    And ever three parts coward), I do not know
    Why yet I live to say “This thing’s to do,”
    Sith I have cause, and will, and strength, and means
    To do ’t.

    A "Thought" with but one part wisdom...
