Monday, February 14, 2022

Where's Trudo?



  1. I don't know who Trudo is. If you mean Trudeau, he has enacted emergency powers to end these protests.

    "The financial measures bring crowdfunding platforms under terror-finance oversight, authorize Canadian banks to freeze accounts suspected of funding the blockades and suspend insurance on vehicles in the protests..."

  2. ...crippling Canada's transportation industry. Should go over well...

  3. The anti-vaxx truckers are a minority. And THEY are doing the crippling with their moronic protests by blocking roads and bridges. Getting them out of the way will go over VERY well with the super-majority of Canadian citizens who support vaccine mandates.

  4. Canadians will be fine with Suspending their Constitutional liberties for the first time in Canadian history? Who knew?

  5. I thought Pierre Trudeau did that back in '72

  6. The Emergencies Act, which replaced the War Measures Act in 1988, has never been invoked before. Trudeau's father, former Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau, invoked the War Measures Act during peacetime for the first and only time in the country's history after Québécois terrorists kidnapped Quebec's deputy premier in 1970.

  7. His dad was resoundingly popular. What's up with Justin?

  8. Canadians will be fine with Suspending their Constitutional liberties for the first time in Canadian history? Who knew?

    The 72 percent of Canadians who want the anti-vax protests to end.

  9. "Sixty-four percent of respondents said they opposed the protesters' demand to end all pandemic restrictions, versus 33% who said they were supportive".

  10. All vs vax mandates. There is a difference.

  11. We were talking about Canada. You linked to a poll of US citizens.

    US 60% vs Canada 72%.

  12. ...after all, like Noam Chomsky say's "It takes time to manufacture consent!"

  13. 11/16/2021 and 8/19/2021. Your contention is that people got a lot dumber in 6 months?

  14. I agree. It is the goal of the trumper right to manufacture consent re opposition to vaccine mandates. That's why they keep pumping out the disinformation.

  15. What are you on about? Even Trump wants to fight Covid by giving everyone myocarditis.

  16. I'm talking about how most of the anti-vaccine rhetoric is coming from the right. Also the fact that donald tRump was (as predisent) the largest driver of the COVID-19 misinformation.

    btw, donald tRump was vaccinated and boosted. Does he have myocarditis? I'm vaccinated. I don't have myocarditis.

  17. Ah, that's the problem. You mistake Trump for a right-winger, Derpy.

    We haven't had a right-wing government since Calvin Coolidge.

  18. How do you know you don't have myocarditis? Post your EKG scans. On your own dime.

  19. Your "LOL" isn't an example of covid misinformation. Kamala Harris clearly said she would trust scientists. Just not tRump.
