Sunday, February 13, 2022

Deep State (D) Partisanship Revealed


  1. What is this, a distraction from the story of tRump's violations of the presidential records act (taking top secret documents, ripping up and flushing documents)?

  2. Maybe THAT is where Hillary got all the Top Secret e-mails for her server...

  3. lol! I guess Trump decided that those docs weren't classified anymore. I guess news reporters aren't very familiar with presidential powers. :)

  4. H would still have to pardon himself for destruction of federal property before he left office lol

  5. This is being discussed on "Morning Joe" right now (even though Tarl said the media won't cover it). As per Jeremy Bash, DNS data is public and looking into it by doing public data mining isn't illegal. There was no hacking. HRC and associates won't be prosecuted because they did nothing wrong. Tarl is a liar. What a surprise. Not.

  6. Re donald's mishandling of classified documents... tRump could have declassified the documents without flushing them down the toilet. If the documents are declassified someone should be able to file a FOIA request and find out the contents of the documents. Can anyone do that? And being able to declassify intel doesn't give tRump the legal authority to destroy documents. He certainly broke that law. Regardless of whether or not he secretly declassified the info on the documents he flushed or ripped up.

    BTW, if tRump (as predisent) declassified anything, I'd think he'd have to inform someone. I say a declassification that nobody but tRump knows about didn't happen. It also didn't happen because he flushed the documents because he didn't want anyone to see them, not because he wanted everyone to see them (via a FOIA request).

  7. Didn't Pelosi "destroy documents" at Trump's SotU session? lol!

  8. No. She ripped up a copy of tRump's speech. A copy of which there were MANY. Also released to the public.

  9. What about those tens of thousands of missing emails? When did she release those?

  10. There are zero "missing" emails. She deleted them because they were personal. As I recall, that was as per the guidelines and 100 percent permissible. AKA it's a bogus talking point.

  11. Trump's "missing documents" weren't personal? Who knew?

  12. Trump would only put classified stuff on Twitter. Come on, man.

  13. Trump's "missing documents" weren't personal? Who knew?

    donald tRump. Why he isn't saying that is why he flushed them down the toilet. Also the National Archives. The documents they received which tRump ripped up and his aids taped back together weren't personal.

  14. David Corn: Researching DNS lookups is not hacking a server. It is tracking the pattern of connections between servers and computers or smartphones. Much of this information -- DNS logs -- is not private. The researchers examining the DNS data were not infiltrating anything. ... David Dagon [aka researcher-2] and associates were using nonprivate DNS data and "were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign".

    Through his tenure as special counsel, Durham has chosen to use narrow indictments to disseminate information that suggests wider conspiracies. That ought to place a weighty burden on him to be fair and accurate -- and to not feed any partisan conspiracy fever. Yet Durham's latest filing falls short of that standard and fuels the suspicion that he might be more conspirator than investigator.

    National Memo: ...Durham wants to imply that Sussman was handing over data after Trump took office, and targeting systems belonging to the government. Which, says Sussman's [legal] team, Durham knows is not true.

    "... the Special Counsel is well aware that the data provided to [the CIA] pertained only to the period of time before Mr. Trump took office, when Barack Obama was President. Further -- and contrary to the Special Counsel's alleged theory that Mr. Sussmann was acting in concert with the Clinton Campaign -- the Motion conveniently overlooks the fact that Mr. Sussmann's meeting with [the CIA] happened well after the 2016 presidential election, at a time when the Clinton Campaign had effectively ceased to exist".

  15. at a time when the Clinton Campaign had effectively ceased to exist".

    So she's NOT running in 2024... has someone told her?

  16. HRC = living rent free in Minus FJ's head.

    fyi, Joe Biden is running for reelection to a second term in 2024. HRC will not challenge him for the nomination. HRC will never run for president again.

  17. ...when HRC endorses Joe Biden and works on his behalf to get him reelected to a second term.
