Monday, February 14, 2022

Best Super Bowl Ad of 2022


  1. Joe Biden WON and is doing an awesome job. Time to get over it, sore loser. What you said when HRC "lost". Take your own advice.

  2. I said, "Hack the White House Servers and make up a bunch of Russia Collusion bs"?

  3. I liked it better when Trump's people were saying "collusion isn't illegal."

  4. Trump was still new at pretending to be "Republican." He was stuck in Red, er, Ted Kennedy mode.

  5. "made up" = confirmed by the Mueller and bipartisan Senate intelligence committee reports.

    I said, "Hack the White House Servers = fake news.

    NYT: Citing this [Durham] filing, Fox News inaccurately declared that Mr. Durham had said he had evidence that Hillary Clinton's campaign had paid a technology company to "infiltrate" a White House server. ... [However] Durham's filing never used the word "infiltrate".

    "What Trump and some news outlets are saying is wrong" said ...lawyers for David Dagon [aka Researcher-2]. "The cybersecurity researchers were investigating malware in the White House, not spying on the Trump campaign, and to our knowledge all of the data they used was nonprivate DNS data from before Trump took office".

  6. ^^Never heard an Intelligence Agency Cover Story that he didn't believe^^

  7. Trumpworld should come out and show us the illegal activities that were spied on. ;)

  8. Didn't Susan Rice and Samantha Power already do that in their thousands of unmasking requests?

  9. But "collusion isn't illegal." There should be no shame in Trumpworld being transparent about their collusion with Russia. ;)

  10. Minus = never heard tRump BS he didn't like and defend.

  11. Dervish never saw an UniParty cock he wouldn't suck...

  12. So, the Clinton administration removed all the W keys from keyboards before Dubya took office, and the Obama administration infected all the White House computers will malware before Trump took office?

  13. What uniparty republicans voted for Build Back Better? I'll suck their cocks (metaphorically, not literally). If Liz Cheney and Adam Kinzinger voted for BBB, that must mean it passed, was signed by President Biden, and is now law?

  14. Does a metaphorical cock-sucking still involve getting backhanded and called a dirty whore?

  15. I think Putin appreciated all the metaphorical BJs tRump gave him. Though he likely laughed at tRump behind his back.

  16. AT least Xi expresses his appreciation for Joe Biden's metaphorical BJ's with under-the-table kickbacks to Hunter.

  17. Xi gives Hunter Biden zero kickbacks for zero metaphorical BJs from his father :P
