Sunday, November 14, 2021

When is a Vaccine No Longer a Vaccine?

When it no longer produces IMMUNITY it no longer belongs to the scientific/ medical classification  of IMMUNE-OLOGY, to which only "real vaccines" belong!  

What types of vaccines are there?

Based on a number of these factors, scientists decide which type of vaccine they will make. There are several types of vaccines, including:
a) Inactivated vaccines
b) Live-attenuated vaccines
c) Messenger RNA (mRNA) vaccines
d) Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines
e) Toxoid vaccines
f) Viral vector vaccines

a) Inactivated vaccines
Inactivated vaccines use the killed version of the germ that causes a disease.

Inactivated vaccines usually don’t provide immunity (protection) that’s as strong as live vaccines. So you may need several doses over time (booster shots) in order to get ongoing immunity against diseases.

Inactivated vaccines are used to protect against:
Hepatitis A
Flu (shot only)
Polio (shot only)

b) Live-attenuated vaccines
Live vaccines use a weakened (or attenuated) form of the germ that causes a disease.

Because these vaccines are so similar to the natural infection that they help prevent, they create a strong and long-lasting immune response. Just 1 or 2 doses of most live vaccines can give you a lifetime of protection against a germ and the disease it causes.

But live vaccines also have some limitations. For example:
Because they contain a small amount of the weakened live virus, some people should talk to their health care provider before receiving them, such as people with weakened immune systems, long-term health problems, or people who’ve had an organ transplant. 
They need to be kept cool, so they don’t travel well. That means they can’t be used in countries with limited access to refrigerators.
Live vaccines are used to protect against:
Measles, mumps, rubella (MMR combined vaccine)
Yellow fever

c) Messenger RNA vaccines—also called mRNA vaccines

Researchers have been studying and working with mRNA vaccines for decades and this technology was used to make some of the COVID-19 vaccines. mRNA vaccines make proteins in order to trigger an immune response. mRNA vaccines have several benefits compared to other types of vaccines, including shorter manufacturing times and, because they do not contain a live virus, no risk of causing disease in the person getting vaccinated.

mRNA vaccines are used to protect against:

d) Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines

Subunit, recombinant, polysaccharide, and conjugate vaccines use specific pieces of the germ—like its protein, sugar, or capsid (a casing around the germ).

Because these vaccines use only specific pieces of the germ, they give a very strong immune response that’s targeted to key parts of the germ. They can also be used on almost everyone who needs them, including people with weakened immune systems and long-term health problems.

One limitation of these vaccines is that you may need booster shots to get ongoing protection against diseases.

These vaccines are used to protect against:
Hib (Haemophilus influenzae type b) disease
Hepatitis B
HPV (Human papillomavirus)
Whooping cough (part of the DTaP combined vaccine)
Pneumococcal disease
Meningococcal disease

e) Toxoid vaccines

Toxoid vaccines use a toxin (harmful product) made by the germ that causes a disease. They create immunity to the parts of the germ that cause a disease instead of the germ itself. That means the immune response is targeted to the toxin instead of the whole germ.

Like some other types of vaccines, you may need booster shots to get ongoing protection against diseases.

Toxoid vaccines are used to protect against:

f) Viral vector vaccines

For decades, scientists studied viral vector vaccines. Some vaccines recently used for Ebola outbreaks have used viral vector technology, and a number of studies have focused on viral vector vaccines against other infectious diseases such as Zika, flu, and HIV. Scientists used this technology to make COVID-19 vaccines as well.

Viral vector vaccines use a modified version of a different virus as a vector to deliver protection. Several different viruses have been used as vectors, including influenza, vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), measles virus, and adenovirus, which causes the common cold. Adenovirus is one of the viral vectors used in some COVID-19 vaccines being studied in clinical trials. 

Viral vector vaccines are used to protect against:

The future of vaccines

Did you know that scientists are still working to create new types of vaccines? Here are 2 exciting examples:
DNA vaccines are easy and inexpensive to make—and they produce strong, long-term immunity. 
Recombinant vector vaccines (platform-based vaccines) act like a natural infection, so they're especially good at teaching the immune system how to fight germs.

Current Covid-19 Vaccine Types:
The Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna COVID-19 vaccines are messenger RNA vaccines also called mRNA vaccines. mRNA vaccines are some of the first COVID-19 vaccines authorized and approved for use in the United States.

The Johnson & Johnson Janssen vaccine, a viral vector vaccine, is among the COVID-19 vaccines authorized for emergency use in the United States.

New Covid-19 Vaccines with Stage III Trials Completed NOVAVAX:
NOVAVAX - NVX-CoV2373 is a subunit vaccine made from a stabilized form of the coronavirus spike protein using the company’s recombinant protein nanoparticle technology. The purified protein antigens in the vaccine cannot replicate or cause COVID-19. The vaccine also contains a proprietary adjuvant, MatrixM™. Adjuvants are additives that enhance desired immune system responses to vaccine. NVX-CoV2373 is administered by injection in liquid form and can be stored, handled and distributed at above-freezing temperatures (35° to 46°F.) A single vaccine dose contains 5 micrograms (mcg) of protein and 50 mcg of adjuvant. The vaccine is administered as two intramuscular injections 21 days apart. The technology used for this vaccine was developed under a long-standing contract with the Department of Defense.

Results from a Phase 3 clinical trial enrolling 15,000 adults in the United Kingdom showed a two-dose regimen of NVX-CoV2373 was highly effective(link is external) in preventing symptomatic COVID-19 overall and also demonstrated high efficacy against the Alpha variant strain of SARS-CoV-2.


  1. CDC spokesperson: The previous definitions could have been "interpreted to mean that vaccines were 100% effective, which has never been the case for any vaccine, so the current definition is more transparent, and also describes the ways in which vaccines can be administered. It's also important to note that the modifications to the definition of vaccine don't change the fact that vaccines and the act of vaccination has prevented millions of illnesses and saved countless lives". (Source).

  2. That's not what she said in her e-mail changing the definition. She said she did it because right wing bloggers were pointing out the disconnect between what vaccines are supposed to do, and what the Covid "treatment" actually did... which was NOT to confer immunity in any way, shape, or form.

  3. ...Immunity isn't an option, unless its of the kind that comes naturally after surviving the live virus.... and even THEN he wants to jab you with his useless serum.

  4. You lie. And you know you lie. Otherwise you wouldn't have gotten vaccinated.

  5. I got vaccinated for one reason only, to allay my very vulnerable wife's (over 65 with multiple co-morbidities including Stage 4 lung cancer) fears. Fears that you keep needlessly stoking.

  6. Why get vaccinated if you believe the vaccine is worthless? And YOU are the one stoking fear.

  7. It wasn't to alleviate my fears, obviously!

  8. You were very afraid. That you'd get blamed by your gay son and ANTIFA daughter if your wife caught it and died.

  9. ...and as time goes by and the inefficacy of the vaccine becomes more and more apparent to even the blindest "progressive", those fears will lessen greatly. :)

  10. Only if they don't get the booster. Which, I don't know why they wouldn't.

  11. ...hence the need to keep the "scare" going, eh Dervy?

  12. The need is to get people attuned with facts and reality. Instead of disinformation and conspiracy theory bullshit (trumper's bread and butter).

  13. That's what I'm doing... presenting reality instead of Fauci lies.

  14. Nope. Dr Fauci tells the truth. You smear him with lies. Because you're down with the trumper agenda of spreading vaccine disinformation. The goal being to make President Biden look bad by keeping the pandemic going. Which you think will help trumpublicans politically.

  15. It's revenge for your delusions. Those delusions being your belief that Democrats used the pandemic to hurt Dotard and to cheat in the election using mail in ballots. And you don't care if republican voters (believing your vaccine disinformation) don't get vaccinate. And spread covid and die (a percentage of them). They're pawns you're willing to sacrifice. It's why you got vaccinated. To protect yourself. While continuing to do your part spreading vaccine disinformation that will get others killed.

  16. Replies
    1. It was in your delusions that Fauci said the vaccines would last forever. Not reality.

  17. Nope. It was the definition of a "vaccine" that Fauci changed to justify genetic manipulation of human beings.

  18. Fact Check: ...medical experts have long said that no vaccine, including the coronavirus vaccines, is 100 percent effective. If immunity connotes complete protection, then no vaccine actually provides it

    Fact Check: [mRNA vaccines do] not genetically manipulate humans... since the RNA does not change our DNA.

  19. Medical experts don't know. The needed long term studies have never been performed.

  20. The article refers to the virus and not the vaccine. Quote: "Here we investigated the possibility that SARS-CoV-2 RNAs can be reverse-transcribed and integrated into the human genome". Sounds like you want more people to get covid so there are more chances for this to happen.

  21. It speaks to reverse transcription of RNA into DNA. The process may not be "one way" DNA -> RNA.

  22. Reverse Transcription—A Brief Introduction

    Discovery. The original central dogma of molecular biology held that DNA was transcribed to RNA, which in turn was translated into protein.

    Prevalance. Reverse transcriptases have been identified in many organisms, including viruses, bacteria, animals, and plants.
