Monday, November 15, 2021

Covid Mission Accomplished!

Kurt Schlichter,"Time to Declare Victory Over COVID"
Can we just end this COVID nonsense now, or do some people have such empty lives that they can’t get beyond this ridiculous societal spasm because they need it to give their existence meaning? Sadly, they do, and you can see them licking their thin lips at the thought of more lockdowns. Except I am sick – pardon the expression – of having my life disrupted by their personal psychodramas. I get that this silly pandemic has been the most exciting, edgy, and interesting thing that will ever happen to many of our fellow citizens. It’s been their chance to cocoon in their condos watching Netflix and feeling like they are cheating death. But to the rest of us, it’s a pain in the Schumer and we’ve gone along with the whining sissies for too long.

The pandemic is over. We won. Deal with it.

Stop with this mask crap. Masks don’t work and we all know they don’t work but the paranoid freaks who form a huge part of President *’s lame base insist we wear them as some sort of totem to ward off the evil coronaspirits. It’s stupid + superstition – stupidstition.

Follow the science? Where’s the science saying the masks have any effect but to give lonely, sexually underutilized lib wine mommies the giddy thrill of pretending they are confronting some perilous peril when they gag their pale, dopey kids and wrap a thong around their talkslots in order to go out in the sunshine and take a walk.

It’s dumb and degrading. But then liberals and their sissycon fellow travelers are dumb and they enjoy being degraded, and while I’m not going to kinkshame them, count me out. Masks are ridiculous and this freaky fetish needs to end. Find your thrills with mask porn in the nether reaches of the internet if that’s your jam, but stop insisting I join in your circle of jerks by stringing glorified tissue paper in front of my face.

Is there a risk from not wearing a mask? Not any appreciable risk, but if there were, so what? I’ll roll the dice in exchange for some dignity.

Now is the part where I am somehow supposed to acknowledge that a lot of people have died of the Chinese flu, but that’s not the point and I need not make it. Diseases happen, then they stop happening. Yeah, people are still getting sick, and a lot of them are vaccinated people. Remember how we were told a bunch of contradictory things about the vaccine?

Trump is behind it, so it’s bad.

Now Biden’s sort of president, so vaccines are good and will totally protect you.

In fact, they are so good we are demanding that you take them.

And natural immunity is not a thing.

And side effects are not a thing either.

But but but no one ever said that vaccines will totally protect you.

Vaccines only make the diseases you get less bad.

How could you ever think we meant the vaccine meant you couldn’t get it or spread it when we told you that?

Now, everyone must get a vaccine that fails to protect others in order to protect others – wait, what?

I got the disease and I got the vaccine and I’m going to live my life, but here I am writing this on an airplane having to nurse a beer instead of chugging it so the sky Stasi doesn’t come over and give me the 900th warning about how federal law – DUN DUN DUN – commands we ritually don our useless serf muzzles.

The stewardesses actually reminded people that if the oxygen masks drop, we could then, and only then, remove our face thingies. Just the day before, my pal Jesse Kelly had tweeted that he heard that very announcement on a plane, and in my naïveté, I briefly thought that our society could not be that stupid, but there it was, right there in the midst of the standard safety brief. Never underestimate the stupidity of the establishment.

But then, you know there are people so dumb and so terrified of the Chinese virus that they’d be trying to huff oxygen through a mask. And, sadly, the people who these same dummies sort of elected cater to them. Maybe we should let Darwin cull the herd a bit. And maybe next time, Fauci can fund a Chinese experiment in altering viruses to only infect stupid people, like the guy who got on the plane last and spent ten minutes trying to wedge his steamer trunk into the bulging overhead bin.

People are still getting sick and here’s a bit of news for the slow kids in the back row – that’s going to keep happening. This disease is here and it’s now endemic and that’s how it’s going to be no matter how much pandemic theater we perform. There will be waves of it, and the answer is not to do what Biden in front of the Pope to ourselves every time the rates spike. The answer is to shrug and go on with our lives.

Remember a few weeks ago when Florida’s rates spiked, and it was somehow DeSantis’s fault? Well, now the paranoid blue state rates are spiking and it is somehow DeSantis’s fault. The blue states are slobbering at the thought of shutting down again. I have a different strategy – do nothing. Eventually, everyone is going to get it, and maybe that’s not that bad. Almost all of you who will get it will be fine; if you have some vulnerabilities, like lung issues or you follow the Chris Christie diet, maybe you should take extra precautions. But don’t ask me to. I kicked its ass when I had it. Your problems are your problems, and I am not going to stay in my house because you can’t stay out of Golden Corral.

Free the kids from the tyranny of COVID fanatic schools.

Free citizens from the tyranny of vaccine fascists who think choice means killing babies but not declining shots.

Free everyone from stupid rules that amount to ritual toobining, delivering only mild transitory pleasure to bossy people unable to obtain pleasure through dignified pursuits.

It’s time to live again, and just because you have no life to return to doesn’t mean I’m not going to live mine.


  1. Kurt Schlichter is a liar and a moron. He (and you) and to declare the pandemic over and declare that COVID won. By "we" he means covid and people who are on the side of covid.

  2. Instead of hiding our children away in basements out of Covid fears, we should do as parents used to do with kids with chicken pox, deliberately exposing them to the disease and thereby making sure that kids got their IMMUNITY the actual live virus EARLY when they were young and therefore less likely to die from it when they got older and were much more vulnerable.

  3. The article you link to says they already bought the BS.

  4. That Covid is as harmless as Chicken pox when it comes to infecting kids and giving them lifelong immunity? I sure hope so.

  5. Data shows more children are getting sick and dying from Covid (excerpt). ...for children ages 5 to 11, data shows that September was the country's worst month for new cases and deaths. Data from the American Academy of Pediatrics shows that cases among children peaked in September, as many schools opened for in-person classes amid the country's delta variant Covid surge. More than 6 million children have tested positive for Covid since the beginning of the pandemic, with more than 1.1 million new cases recorded from Sept. 3 to Sept. 30.

    Long Haul COVID in Kids (excerpt) ... While the majority of children and teens have mild COVID-19 symptoms or are asymptomatic, some face persistent symptoms months after recovery or develop a rare but serious COVID-linked condition called multisystem inflammatory syndrome, or MIS-C.'s unclear how many young patients have long-term symptoms known as post-COVID syndrome or "long COVID". Symptoms may include fatigue, shortness of breath, joint pain, chest pain, cough and loss of taste or smell.

    Coronavirus reinfection: How long might natural immunity last? (excerpt) ... research, which appears in The Lancet Microbe, shows that unvaccinated people can expect immunity against reinfection to last 3–61 months after developing COVID-19 — if the virus is still circulating in the community.

    You do not get "lifelong immunity" after contracting covid.

  6. A few kids used to regularly die from chicken pox, too. Somehow (herd immunity) before the vaccine became available in 1984, the species survived. Even I survived.

    Prior to the widespread introduction of the vaccine in the United States in 1995 (1986 in Japan and 1988 in Korea[28]), there were around 4,000,000 cases per year in the United States, mostly in children, with typically 10,500–13,000 hospital admissions (range, 8,000–18,000), and 100–150 deaths each year.[28][24][9][29] Most of the deaths were among young children.

    Sounds a lot like Covid, only the Chickenpox vaccine isn't a "mandatory" condition for employment (or school attendance) in the USA w/o exceptions like Covid has become.

  7. And the chicken pox vaccine provided lifelong immunity in two doses... tot a shot every 6 months for life like Covid.

  8. In the last 2 years, only 600 kids in the USA died from Covid. It sounds a lot like the numbers that accompanied Chicken pox...

  9. least chicken pox wasn't created in a lab in Wuhan by irresponsible scientists like Covid was...

  10. Neither was. And the chicken pox vaccine is mandatory in all 50 states for elementary school students.

  11. LOL! Was Dr Fauci responsible for this too? He must be, given that he (and he alone) is the focus of your irrational hate. btw, the Rand Paul video is mislabeled. It should be titled "Dr. Fauci Humiliates Rand Paul".

    Rand Paul "there is virtually zero percent chance you're going to get it" (covid after being vaccinated).

    Yet, every breakthrough case is trumpeted by the pro-covid morons as "proof" the vaccines don't work. Which is it?

  12. Want to know why Fauci's Covid "treatments" only work for a short period of time? Because they are medical treatments, not vaccines. They confer no immunity.

    Parents, avoid the Fauci vaccination insanity. Expose your children to Covid early, and grant the lifelong immunity. It will save them all the vaccine side-effects that over a lifetime are more dangerous than the disease.

  13. As far as I know, the data regarding how long the vaccines last isn't in yet. If how long they lasted had been known ahead of time (and it wasn't that long) I believe they'd have gone forward in exactly the same manner. Given that getting the pandemic under control was the priority. Also thinking that republicans wouldn't be so stupid as to work hard to keep the pandemic going (and the death rate UP). As republican governors have.

    I don't know what your deal is. Except that you HAVE to keep the trumper BS narrative that Fauci is a bad guy going. WTF does he have to do with the vaccines possibly not being long lasting? This wasn't something (if true) he knew and lied about. Better vaccines are coming (as you pointed out) so the ones we have NOW are certainly a good stop-gap until those vaccines become widely available.

    And intentionally exposing children to covid is a terrible idea. Covid is certainly more dangerous than getting the vaccine. FYI, natural immunity is not "lifelong".

    "Natural immunity can be spotty. Some people can react vigorously and get a great antibody response. Other people don't get such a great response", says infectious diseases expert Mark Rupp, MD. "Clearly, vaccine-induced immunity is more standardized and can be longer-lasting". (COVID-19 natural immunity versus vaccination).

  14. Given the choice between giving a child an experimental vaccine with unknown long term health side effects or exposing them to a disease with a known fatality rate slightly greater than CHICKEN POX, I'd say that the choice is clear. "Covid Party at Jeffrey's house!"

  15. btw - A single study is not a very good basis for predicting the actual long term immunity given by live virus vaccination. :)

  16. Imagine if someone engineered a Fox Pox virus today that had properties similar to Chicken pox (effects worse the older you were when you got it). It would likely kill as many people in an age-distributed manner as Covid has.

    Thanks Dr. Fauci and the Wuhan Institute!

  17. He created a problem that only he can "solve"...

  18. Extremely bad news... as far as a tin-foil-hatted nutter who blogs under the ID "-FJ" (and many others) is concerned...

    How Many Lives Have Been Saved by COVID-19 Vaccinations? (10/18/2021 article excerpt)... According to a National Institutes of Health (NIH) study, COVID-19 vaccines have so far reduced the number of fatalities that would have occurred due to the disease by about 140,000. The study researchers examined data from between December 21, 2020, and May 9, 2021, to assess the impact of state-level vaccination campaigns. ... The researchers found that COVID-19 vaccines prevented more than 139,000 deaths during the first 5 months they were available. Although 570,000 Americans died due to COVID-19 through the study period, the researchers' model projected that there would have been 709,000 deaths without the vaccine. [end]

  19. Just quit my job over a vaccination mandate. I can live off inheritance from my parents for a bit. Fuggem.

  20. Do you wish you had quit your job? It's too late now. The only thing you can do is wait 7-8 years for your cancer to be diagnosed. LOL!

  21. 100% of people "saved" by the "Covid-19 vaccine" caught Covid. It's not a vaccine.

    1. How many unvaxxed people have caught Covid-19 and didn't die?

      How many vaxxed people have caught Covid-19 and didn't die?

      Is there even a standard deviation of difference in these two groups?

      The "vaccines" don't stop anyone from catching or carrying Covid-19.

      Just like not getting vaxxed at all.

      If you want to risk heart tissue damage and necrotic brain tissue death to turn yourself into a bat, knock yourself out.

      But push that shit up your ass before you push it on me.

  22. lol! They just need another "booster" every 2-3 months...

    1. The software as a service model of "immunology."

      What, you think you own your body now? You can't even get Windows 10 to remain functional without appeasing Microsoft's ransomware.

  23. Are you as crazy as you appear to be or is it mostly an act?

  24. I think some of your stupidity is an act, though much of it is genuine.

  25. Perhaps you're just more "authentic" than I am. :)
