Monday, November 15, 2021

Want to Know "Why" America's Politics Seem Broken and Problems Seem Unsolvable?...

...we let Self-Interested and Elite Politicians and their Media Enablers "Frame" the So-Called "Problems" in a Manner so as to Preclude Anyone Else Ever Asking the Right Questions and/or Permit Real Solutions from Emerging.
Today We Need "Populist" Citizen-Philosophers to Ask Some Different Questions and Provide a Different "Framing" for America's Now "Endemic" Problems.  No Wonder "Elites" the World Over HATE "Populism".

So... After watching the 2 Video's Above, Do you think America has a "Homelessness Problem" OR a Regulatory Induced and Therefore Structural and Systemic "Housing Affordability Problem"?... because IMO the Former Seems but a Very Minor Symptom of the Latter..


  1. republicans aren't going to fix anything. They want to make all these problems worse.

  2. ^^Hasn't formed an original thought in his head since the 1980's^^

  3. You know that the Left is getting desperate when they start screaming "Racism" and bring up the long ago debunked Charlottesville hoax.

  4. btw - What a perfect example of exactly what this thread was all about.,, creating fake problems to hide real ones. :)

  5. trumpers continually cry "hoax". ALL facts about your White Supremacist movement are a "hoax". Telling the truth about your White Supremacist movement is always a "witch hunt". How pathetic.

  6. I'll just say this... this first video was standard boilerplate political BS. I'm amazed you'd even post it alongside Zizek and his call for better questions and his call for deeper examination.

    America is indeed showing cracks and may be broken, with that I am sure Zizek would agree. And he would see the first video as evidence of that problem.

  7. Poor people don't drive Rolls Royce cars because they can't afford Rolls Royce cars.

    Why is this a problem?

    End welfare, and begin collection of past welfare paid out. Bring back debtors prisons. Play time's over.

  8. ^^Hates poor people^^

    Proof you're not a serious person. How can you collect money people don't have? We already incarcerate more people than any other nation on earth. Who is going to pay to incarcerate so many more people?

    What we need to do is raise the minimum wage and create more income redistribution programs to assist the poor. And I'm talking about programs that redistribute wealth downward. As opposed to upward. Which means we need to raise taxes on the wealthy and corporations (including reforming the tax code to eliminate loopholes), tax wealth, go after wealthy tax cheats (more funding for the IRS) and end corporate welfare.

    We also need to start punishing companies that move jobs outside the US and reward companies that create jobs for Americans. And raise tariffs to encourage companies to manufacture goods in the United States.

  9. Why, in your mind, we need to kowtow to the wealthy. We The People don't have the power (nor should we). The power rightfully is possessed by the wealthy. We can't do anything about it. Nor should we try.

  10. I'll meet you there, Dervy. Collect welfare paid out to corporations too.

    People not working to support themselves don't need their arms and legs. Take 'em.
