Saturday, September 11, 2021

The Cloak of Gyges Lifted Once Again Reveals Biden Incompetence...

From the NY Times:
In one of the final acts of its 20-year war in Afghanistan, the United States fired a missile from a drone at a car in Kabul. It was parked in the courtyard of a home, and the explosion killed 10 people, including 43-year-old Zemari Ahmadi and seven children, according to his family. The Pentagon claimed that Ahmadi was a facilitator for the Islamic State, and that his car was packed with explosives, posing an imminent threat to U.S. troops guarding the evacuation at the Kabul airport. “The procedures were correctly followed, and it was a righteous strike.” What the military apparently didn’t know was that Ahmadi was a longtime aid worker, who colleagues and family members said spent the hours before he died running office errands, and ended his day by pulling up to his house. Soon after, his Toyota was hit with a 20-pound Hellfire missile. What was interpreted as the suspicious moves of a terrorist may have just been an average day in his life. And it’s possible that what the military saw Ahmadi loading into his car were water canisters he was bringing home to his family — not explosives. Using never-before seen security camera footage of Ahmadi, interviews with his family, co-workers and witnesses, we will piece together for the first time his movements in the hours before he was killed. Zemari Ahmadi was an electrical engineer by training. For 14 years, he had worked for the Kabul office of Nutrition and Education International. “NEI established a total of 11 soybean processing plants in Afghanistan.” It’s a California based NGO that fights malnutrition. On most days, he drove one of the company’s white Toyota corollas, taking his colleagues to and from work and distributing the NGO’s food to Afghans displaced by the war. Only three days before Ahmadi was killed, 13 U.S. troops and more than 170 Afghan civilians died in an Islamic State suicide attack at the airport. The military had given lower-level commanders the authority to order airstrikes earlier in the evacuation, and they were bracing for what they feared was another imminent attack. To reconstruct Ahmadi’s movements on Aug. 29, in the hours before he was killed, The Times pieced together the security camera footage from his office, with interviews with more than a dozen of Ahmadi’s colleagues and family members. Ahmadi appears to have left his home around 9 a.m. He then picked up a colleague and his boss’s laptop near his house. It’s around this time that the U.S. military claimed it observed a white sedan leaving an alleged Islamic State safehouse, around five kilometers northwest of the airport. That’s why the U.S. military said they tracked Ahmadi’s Corolla that day. They also said they intercepted communications from the safehouse, instructing the car to make several stops. But every colleague who rode with Ahmadi that day said what the military interpreted as a series of suspicious moves was just a typical day in his life. After Ahmadi picked up another colleague, the three stopped to get breakfast, and at 9:35 a.m., they arrived at the N.G.O.’s office. Later that morning, Ahmadi drove some of his co-workers to a Taliban-occupied police station to get permission for future food distribution at a new displacement camp. At around 2 p.m., Ahmadi and his colleagues returned to the office. The security camera footage we obtained from the office is crucial to understanding what happens next. The camera’s timestamp is off, but we went to the office and verified the time. We also matched an exact scene from the footage with a timestamp satellite image to confirm it was accurate. A 2:35 p.m., Ahmadi pulls out a hose, and then he and a co-worker fill empty containers with water. Earlier that morning, we saw Ahmadi bring these same empty plastic containers to the office. There was a water shortage in his neighborhood, his family said, so he regularly brought water home from the office. At around 3:38 p.m., a colleague moves Ahmadi’s car further into the driveway. A senior U.S. official told us that at roughly the same time, the military saw Ahmadi’s car pull into an unknown compound 8 to 12 kilometers southwest of the airport. That overlaps with the location of the NGO’s office, which we believe is what the military called an unknown compound. With the workday ending, an employee switched off the office generator and the feed from the camera ends. We don’t have footage of the moments that followed. But it’s at this time, the military said that its drone feed showed four men gingerly loading wrapped packages into the car. Officials said they couldn’t tell what was inside them. This footage from earlier in the day shows what the men said they were carrying — their laptops one in a plastic shopping bag. And the only things in the trunk, Ahmadi’s co-workers said, were the water containers. Ahmadi dropped each one of them off, then drove to his home in a dense neighborhood near the airport. He backed into the home’s small courtyard. Children surrounded the car, according to his brother. A U.S. official said the military feared the car would leave again, and go into an even more crowded street or to the airport itself. The drone operators, who hadn’t been watching Ahmadi’s home at all that day, quickly scanned the courtyard and said they saw only one adult male talking to the driver and no children. They decided this was the moment to strike. A U.S. official told us that the strike on Ahmadi’s car was conducted by an MQ-9 Reaper drone that fired a single Hellfire missile with a 20-pound warhead. We found remnants of the missile, which experts said matched a Hellfire at the scene of the attack. In the days after the attack, the Pentagon repeatedly claimed that the missile strike set off other explosions, and that these likely killed the civilians in the courtyard. “Significant secondary explosions from the targeted vehicle indicated the presence of a substantial amount of explosive material.” “Because there were secondary explosions, there’s a reasonable conclusion to be made that there was explosives in that vehicle.” But a senior military official later told us that it was only possible to probable that explosives in the car caused another blast. We gathered photos and videos of the scene taken by journalists and visited the courtyard multiple times. We shared the evidence with three weapons experts who said the damage was consistent with the impact of a Hellfire missile. They pointed to the small crater beneath Ahmadi’s car and the damage from the metal fragments of the warhead. This plastic melted as a result of a car fire triggered by the missile strike. All three experts also pointed out what was missing: any evidence of the large secondary explosions described by the Pentagon. No collapsed or blown-out walls, including next to the trunk with the alleged explosives. No sign that a second car parked in the courtyard was overturned by a large blast. No destroyed vegetation. All of this matches what eyewitnesses told us, that a single missile exploded and triggered a large fire. There is one final detail visible in the wreckage: containers identical to the ones that Ahmadi and his colleague filled with water and loaded into his trunk before heading home. Even though the military said the drone team watched the car for eight hours that day, a senior official also said they weren’t aware of any water containers. The Pentagon has not provided The Times with evidence of explosives in Ahmadi’s vehicle or shared what they say is the intelligence that linked him to the Islamic State. But the morning after the U.S. killed Ahmadi, the Islamic State did launch rockets at the airport from a residential area Ahmadi had driven through the previous day. And the vehicle they used … … was a white Toyota. The U.S. military has so far acknowledged only three civilian deaths from its strike, and says there is an investigation underway. They have also admitted to knowing nothing about Ahmadi before killing him, leading them to interpret the work of an engineer at a U.S. NGO as that of an Islamic State terrorist. Four days before Ahmadi was killed, his employer had applied for his family to receive refugee resettlement in the United States. At the time of the strike, they were still awaiting approval. Looking to the U.S. for protection, they instead became some of the last victims in America’s longest war. “Hi, I’m Evan, one of the producers on this story. Our latest visual investigation began with word on social media of an explosion near Kabul airport. It turned out that this was a U.S. drone strike, one of the final acts in the 20-year war in Afghanistan. Our goal was to fill in the gaps in the Pentagon’s version of events. We analyzed exclusive security camera footage, and combined it with eyewitness accounts and expert analysis of the strike aftermath. You can see more of our investigations by signing up for our newsletter.”


  1. Proof there is no "cloak".

    btw, did you also criticize predisent Dotard for the raid in Yemen that left Navy Seal Ryan Owens dead? The SEAL's father says it was "a screw-up from the start". Apparently the traitor Michael Flynn convinced Dotard to approve the botched raid. Though, as CIC, the decision was Dotard's. And, when it went bad, he cowardly ducked responsibility, blaming "the generals".

    As per NBC News, "Flynn said that capturing or killing Qasim al-Rimi [leader of al Qaeda in the Arabian Peninsula, who they thought might be there] would distinguish the president from Obama right out of the box, the sources said. Trump would be a risk taker where Obama was a hesitant and endless deliberator, Flynn said".

    "...the unraveling of the mission also resulted in the death of at least 16 civilians, according to US intelligence sources [including 10] children under the age of 13".

    aka it was Dotard's ego that got a Navy Seal and 10 kids killed.

  2. LOL! The strategy is called "working the refs". Dotard utilized it to the point of absurdity. FYI, the "cloak" shields republicans. The media is so concerned about being labeled "biased" they bend over backward to sell the "both sides" false narrative.

  3. When do you think the media will inform Californians about Newsome? 6 weeks after the recall election?

  4. ...a spokesperson for Jennifer Siebel Newsom said McGowan's claim was a "complete fabrication". If it were a spokesperson for Melania tRump denying that Melania pressured any of Dotard's accusers, that would be good enough for you.

    btw, what about Ginni Thomas calling Anita Hill and asking her to apologize? That can't be denied, given the fact that she left a voicemail.

    And, fyi, Gavin Newsom has done a good job for the people of California.

  5. Gavin Newsome's wife enabled pedophiles. Of course she'd claim the contrary. Why would Rose McGowan lie for Republicans?

  6. How many homeless people has Gavin Newsom barbecued to death in a forest fire?

  7. Gavin Newsom's wife enabled pedophiles? As far as I know Weinstein assaulted adult women. And, like I said, she denies making the call. I don't know what the deal with Rose McGowan is. Why would she support a horrible candidate like Elder? She says she isn't a republican. btw, YOU'RE the one who says women are "lying whores". So (according to you) why WOULDN'T she lie? Lying is what "lying whores" do.

    As for the moronic Beamish comment (yet another), Gavin Newsom isn't personally responsible for climate change. He (as a Democrat) wants to do something about it. Thank God Elder didn't get in. Given that he'd be all FOR barbecuing homeless people in forest fires.

  8. To weaponize climate change so that we can accurately start forest fires wherever we want them, do we need to make sure a stupid Democrat is the head of government in the target zone? If we run out of stupid Democrats, will saturating the area with gender reveal parties work?

  9. Weaponized forest fires are started using Jewish space lasers. Duh.

  10. I agree. Marjorie Taylor Greene is an anti-semite for sure.

  11. This was covered heavily by MSNBC last night. Turns out (unlike the Yemen raid) Joe Biden did not personally order the strike. Contrary to your headline, it wasn't "Biden incompetence". Given that the order was given by General Kenneth McKenzie (who currently serves as the 14th commander of the United States Central Command) who "assumed his current assignment on March 28, 2019". Dotard was president when he got the job.

    Quote: [General McKenzie] said he is "fully responsible for this strike and the tragic outcome".

    Quote: "My generals and my military, they have decision-making ability", Trump told reporters.

    Donald tRump (with the above statement) clearly took responsibility for any decision made by HIS generals. And (given that he assumed the position under Dotard) General Kenneth McKenzie was one of Dotard's generals. Therefore tRump is responsible for the missile that killed Zemari Ahmadi and seven children.

    Has Joe Biden ever uttered the phrase "my generals"? I seriously doubt it. If he has, let me know (with a link) where and when.

  12. That's some potent LSD you have there Derv. So Trump is out of office but still Commander in Chief of the military?

    Put Mike Lindell's meth pipe down.

  13. He is. At least according to the crazies on the right. Minus has argued that the National Guard who were guarding the Capitol would have stood with tRump had there been another attack following the Jan 6 coup attempt. And how was Donald tRump able to have HRC arrested, tried and executed by military tribunal if he is no longer the CIC?

    Quote: "Her death [was] the culmination of an operation that began on March 2nd when US Navy seals (on Donald J Trump's authority), arrested the disgraced politician at her Chappaqua NY mansion".

  14. Hillary Clinton is dead and not out and about fellating microphones over Biden botching the Afghanistan withdrawal? You're really that detached from reality?

  15. No, that is Qanon fanfic. That Dotard could still command the military is something the crazies on the right believe. HRC isn't dead, though I haven't heard her say anything about tRump botching the Afghanistan withdrawal. As for being detached from reality, I say that applies to someone who thinks we should be masking and vaccinating bats. And that vaccinated people should be shot because they are a danger to unvaccinated wackos like you.

  16. FWIW, Hillary was (rightfully) criticizing Biden's plans to withdraw from Afghanistan earlier this spring, before he did it.

    Unvaccinated people aren't erecting Jim Crow and Apartheid style barriers to commerce and travel upon other people. They're not proposing threats to jobs and health care access or discrimination in hiring. You cornpone Democrat slavers are doing that.

  17. HRC probably wouldn't have withdrawn from Afghanistan. As for what HRC says now versus what she said previously, I'd have to use Google to find out. I guess nothing she's said has made it onto any newscast I've seen. Or any online article I've read. And you haven't provided any quotes or links. Only misogynistic bs concerning fellatio being performed on microphones.

    btw, slavery was abolished a while back. Any people who were slavers and voted Democratic died a long time ago. Their zombies have nothing to do any vaccine requirement. Also, neither Jim Crow nor Apartheid had anything to do with protecting public health.

  18. Back in the 2016 neither Trump nor Clinton had a plan for war in Afghanistan. Clinton because as SecState she made some scammer that pretended to be a Taliban negotiator a very rich man, Trump because he couldn't spell Afghanistan, much less find it on a map. I should not have to link you to common knowledge. Google Hillary Clinton Afghanistan withdrawal" and catch up.

    While you're Googling, you can catch up on the segregated hospitals of the Progressive Jim Crow era. And suck it.

  19. Your imagingings aren't "common knowledge". HRC supports biden because he is the president and they are both Democrats, but she didn't think it was a good idea before the withdrawal or after. I gave you an opportunity to prove (with a link) that now she now thinks it was a great idea, but you declined. aka you admitted you were BSing. And, fyi, there was no "Progressive Jim Crow era". Segregation isn't progressive.

  20. What's miscalled "progressive" today isn't progressive either. Funny that.

  21. Can a gay couple buy a wedding cake if they aren't vaccinated with certification from the Health Gestapo?

  22. Of course. Given that there is no "Health Gestapo". As for entering a business to buy a cake while unvaccinated, it depends on where they live. Though they could very likely have a cake delivered. Unless the cake shop owner is a homophobe who won't sell a wedding cake to a gay couple for "religious reasons".

  23. "Carmine's owner Jeffrey Bank released the surveillance tape, which shows one of the Texas tourists, rather than the hostess, throwing the first blow".

    The restaurant isn't "whites only", it's vaccinated only.

  24. So what does that Webelos badge for Bullshit get you at the cantina, Derv? The hostess called the customers the N-word. Non-Intregrated Gaps.

  25. If the hostess did that she should be fired. That doesn't change the fact that the restaurant isn't "whites only". I doubt there was a "are you a racist, please answer honestly" question on the application she filled out.

  26. No, it's a product of their Jim Crow policies. Most black people aren't vaccinated, ergo they harass and exclude black people. No different from the progressive racists of the 1930s using "germs" as an excuse to keep blacks out of hospitals.

  27. Most Black people ARE vaccinated. I already proved you wrong about that in a prior discussion. You just keep repeating the same lies over and over. Business owners who require proof of vaccination to enter aren't keeping anyone out. People who won't get vaccinated are getting themselves out. There is no such thing as a "progressive racist". Racism isn't progressive.

  28. Black people have received 9% of vaccinations, while they make up 15% of cases, 17% of deaths, and 15% of the total population. Source.

  29. The statistics prove that Black people are disproportionally under-represented nationally when it comes to getting Covid vaccinations.

  30. That's a lot of percents of percents... Reverse engineered...

    49.2 million black Americans total

    16.4 million black Americans vaccinated

    32.8 million black Americans unvaccinated

    145.7 million Americans unvaccinated

    = 22.6% of the unvaccinated are black Americans

    2 out of 10 unvaccinated are black Americans

    7 out of 10 black American s are not vaccinated

    Republicans all lol

  31. Muh Delta Variant is being used by the left to profile black people for exclusion from public gatherings and restaurants.

  32. Why should we vaccinate against a virus specifically engineered to kill black people?

  33. The virus was not "engineered" at all. It certainly wasn't engineered to kill Black people. If you actually believe that you are a nutjob. Not that you aren't a nutjob for being a Libertarian. But you're totally wacko if you believe covid was engineered to kill Black people. Though I suspect you're a troll who posts stuff he doesn't believe just for shock value. Though the only "shock" you're eliciting in me is shock that someone could be so stupid.

  34. That "7 out of 10 black Americans are not vaccinated" is false. That would be 30%. The real percentage is 45 (See figure 3). That is across 43 states where race/ethnicity data is collected as of 9/20/2021.

    Of all US adults, Blacks make up 13% of unvaccinated while Whites are 60% of the unvaccinated. White republicans are the majority of the unvaccinated. Unvaccinated White republicans are driving the pandemic.
