Friday, September 10, 2021

King Biden's Decrees...


  1. We need a database that will make it easier to track down and kill the vaccinated.

  2. Violating the will of the people? LOL. "Timcast" = dipshit. btw, I don't believe his bragging re how well he's doing. 30 employees, video game and movie deals? Bullshit.

    Vaccine Mandates Are Lawful, Effective and Based on Rock-Solid Science (excerpt) Are these mandates lawful and ethical? The short answer is emphatically yes.

    Businesses: Both the Department of Justice and the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC) have ruled that businesses may lawfully require workers to get a COVID-19 vaccine as a condition of coming to the workplace. ... The DOJ and EEOC specifically stated that employer mandates may occur even under an EUA.

    Federal and state governments: States have long had the constitutional authority to mandate vaccinations, which the Supreme Court has upheld twice, first in 1905 and then in 1922. ...federal and state worker COVID-19 vaccine mandates are fully lawful even under an EUA.

    K–12 schools: Every state and Washington, D.C., require routine vaccinations, such as for measles, mumps and rubella, as a condition of school attendance. While state mandates vary, all are based on a long list of childhood vaccinations recommended by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. In 1922 the Supreme Court upheld school mandates, and all courts have recognized the states’ authority to mandate fully approved vaccines.

    Institutions of higher education (IHEs): ... IHEs have long required vaccinations of students—for human papillomavirus, meningococcus and influenza, for example. A federal court has already ruled that Indiana University’s COVID-19 mandate is a reasonable, science-based measure to ensure student health and safety. And the U.S. Court of Appeals for the Seventh Circuit just affirmed that Indiana University's mandate was lawful. (Scientific America 8/5/2021).

  3. There's is nothing more indicative of the "will" of the "people" than an individual's choice to self-vaccinate.

  4. What is bigly unethical is the republican pro-covid-death stance. And their (your) belief that they get to choose for the rest of us. Re the question about whether the pandemic should continue or not. Anti-Vax republicans want more death - and not just for themselves. The "pro-life" party (ha ha) also wants kids to die.

  5. Vaccinated people should self-quarantine until it is safe for the unvaccinated to be around them.

  6. Vaccinated people should self-quarantine until it is safe for the unvaccinated to be around them.

  7. You've got that backward. Unvaccinated idiots are the people it is unsafe to be around. Idiots like you are prolonging the pandemic. You should take the option President Biden gave (weekly testing) or stay home.

  8. No, the vaccine just makes it more likely you're a weaponized asymptomatic carrier and variant factory.

  9. Thanks to vaccines, there are now over 4000 vaccine-resistant variants trying to crack the species barrier, rather than just one. Congratulations on your micro-evolution experiment. Now your goldfish will give your cat Covid-21. You should have masked the bats.

  10. It's basically the viral equivalent of antibiotics jumpstarting MRSA infections.

  11. Fact Check-SARS-CoV-2 virus began mutating prior to mass vaccine rollouts (excerpt). SARS-CoV-2 variants are not caused by vaccines and numerous Variants of Concern (VOC) were detected prior to mass rollouts of vaccines, despite suggestions to the contrary online. ... The Delta variant, which was first detected in India... was not caused by mass rollouts of vaccines, which began largely from the start of 2021.

    [As per Professor Jennifer Grier, Clinical Assistant Professor in Immunology at the University of South Carolina] "Early in the pandemic, only a limited number of labs were sequencing virus from infections, but since late 2020, surveillance programs have been ramping up. Effectively, we are hearing so much more about viral variants in 2021 because, globally, we now have the systems in place to consistently detect and track mutations". (Reuters Fact Check 7/23/2021).

    Research debunks myth that COVID vaccination promotes mutations (excerpt). A study conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland, USA, has highlighted the importance of... COVID-19 vaccination in reducing the frequency of mutations in the delta variant... (News-Medical 8/13/2021).

  12. Does this mean that they were lying to us when they said that widespread use of antibiotics were leading to the evolution of "superbugs"? lol!

  13. You're conflating bacteria and viruses again. The Delta variant is from India, where vaccination rates are low. How do you explain that?

  14. It's called "evolution" Dervy. Survival of the "fittest" virus (or bacteria or ANY life form).

    It started in India, but is now 95% of all "American" Covid cases. It's the "fittest" variant for survival/spread in a "mostly vaccinated" population.

  15. Vaccinations are low in India, so how could (as per the Malone/Navarro theory that vaccinating lots of people is causing mutations) vaccinations have produced the Delta variant TO BEGIN WITH?

    btw, "most evolutionary biologists hold that because viruses are not alive, they are unworthy of serious consideration when trying to understand evolution" (source: Scientific American).

  16. If it all began with delta, it would be called "alpha". And what, a human engineered virus can't mutate naturally? LOL!

    btw- 8% of all human DNA is viral remnants. There must be some pretty stupid biologists out there.

  17. There probably are some stupid biologists out there, but this one's on Dervy.

    He must have fail to comprehend his own citation - "Interestingly, even though biologists long favored the view that viruses were mere boxes of chemicals, they took advantage of viral activity in host cells to determine how nucleic acids code for proteins: indeed, modern molecular biology rests on a foundation of information gained through viruses."

  18. So we've had two coronavirus plagues originate from bats, and your answer is...

    "We need to make humans more like bats"

  19. Who are you "quoting". Who is "your" in the "your answer is"? I doubt that's anyone's answer.

  20. Bats are asymptomatic carriers of the COVID-19 virus, just like vaccine recipients seek to be.

  21. "If you get the vaccine, Covid-19 [allegedly] might only make you sick with no hospital stay but [allegedly] won't kill you."

    Just like a bat.

  22. You're still going to get Covid, you're still going to carry and spread Covid, you're still going to be a host for new variants to mutate and emerge from the coronavirus colony you turned yourself into.

    You'd rather be neuro-degenerated and cancer-ridden and providing spike protein upgrades to the other viruses in your body than dead.

    The unvaccinated just develop antibodies and live without the extra things you'll need other Pfizer drugs to treat.

  23. "you're still going to be a host for new variants to mutate and emerge from the coronavirus colony you turned yourself into".

    What you wrote is TOTAL bullshit. As I already pointed out. "Research debunks myth that COVID vaccination promotes mutations" (see link above). The vaccine does not turn anyone into a "coronavirus colony". ANYONE can have coronavirus in their nasal passages, lungs, etc. ANYONE (who enters a space where coronavirus is circulating in the air). Getting the vaccine doesn't make you a coronavirus magnet. It turns you into a host body where the virus can't replicate. Unless you're a RARE breakthrough case.

  24. FYI, if you're infected with the coronavirus, you will feel sick. Even if it's a mild case. I don't feel sick at all. I don't recall feeling sick since receiving the vaccination. My arm hurt a little. I was a little worried about the second shot. My brother said he felt mildly sick for a day. And his arm hurt. I got the second shot and... nothing. Not even any arm pain the second time.

    I don't know wtf you're saying... Do you think the (imaginary) "coronavirus colony" re vaccinated people is a permanent (or long lasting) condition? How can a non-sick person's body replicate the virus? Or produce mutations? Your delusions don't even make sense.

  25. The vaccine makes you an asymptomatic carrier / spreader of the coronavirus. Thus the insistence that you wear a mask to (futilely) catch (some of) the microscopic tainted snot you're dripping and spraying everywhere. At best, you've compromised your immune system so that some other neuro-degenerative disease kills you that you would never have sans "vaccine."

  26. Congratulations. You're a disease vectoring bat now.

  27. "Batshit crazy" is a thing. "Bullshit crazy" isn't.
