Saturday, September 11, 2021

Is it Really Universal Health Care? ...or Universal Obedience?


  1. You think that is a reasonable response when asked to wear a mask?

  2. He was wearing a mask. The cashier denied him service at the checkout counter because she wanted him to "pull up his mask." She died on the hill of pettiness.

    On the bright side, she won't be petty to anyone else.

  3. And he will send the rest of his life behind bars. fyi, a mask that doesn't cover your nose (or is under your chin) isn't wearing a mask. The murder victim was just doing her job. I mentioned to a cashier in a store I entered that, while a sign on their door indicated masks are mandatory, nobody was wearing one. She said they aren't allowed to say anything. Perhaps management is worried about idiots flipping out and causing trouble (or worse). I live in a low-IQ red state.

  4. And I'm certain the average IQ goes up in every room you leave lol.

    I bet he isn't even forced to wear a mask in jail.
