Monday, September 6, 2021

What it Means to "Stand and Deliver"...


  1. Another topic on which you can find agreement with Clapton...

    Eric Clapton: "Listen to me, man! I think we should send them all back. Stop Britain from becoming a black colony. Get the foreigners out. Get the wogs out. Get the coons out. Keep Britain white".

  2. It wasn't a white guy that got AIDS from a monkey or Covid from a bat.

  3. Dervy would agree with Clapton so long as they were unvaccinated.

  4. ^^Agrees with Clapton w/o conditions^^

  5. Derv hates people that don't carry the sickle cell anemia defect found in melanin hoarders.

  6. Pretty sure it's prion damage from generations of cannibalism.

  7. No. I'm not down with White Supremacy. I strongly oppose it.

  8. Sickle Cell Disease News: The reason why so many black people have sickle cell, is that having the trait (so only one copy of the mutated allele) makes people more resistant to malaria. Malaria is a huge problem is sub-saharan Africa. While the exact mechanism is still unknown, we believe that this resistance is caused by RBC's sickleing when infected by the malaia parasite. This makes people with sickle cell trait better able to survive than people without the trait in malaria prone regions. So even though having sickle cell anemia makes people sick, having the sickle cell trait can be beneficial.

    The reason ISN'T generations of cannibalism.

  9. Only beneficial if they stay in sub-Saharan Africa lol

  10.'s generations of blood sucking vampirism.

  11. They could be in Africa starving because they're too lazy to eat the flies off of each other's faces but no they gotta come here where their sickle cells do nothing but run up health care costs

  12. Genetically inferior livestock has to be transported in bulk as the most fit will survive the trip while the remainder can be cut up and made into biltong jerky to provide essential proteins during the trip. Keep in mind the chattel labor distribution vessels of the time did not have refrigeration but did carry cannibals.

  13. Genetically inferior livestock has to be transported in bulk as the most fit will survive the trip while the remainder can be cut up and made into biltong jerky to provide essential proteins during the trip. Keep in mind the chattel labor distribution vessels of the time did not have refrigeration but did carry cannibals.

  14. Beamish, why do you post your racist diatribes twice? I get it. You're a hardcore White Separatist. Minus apparently agrees (to some degree). Black people brought here against their will should return to Africa. Or, at least more of their ancestors should have taken the opportunity and left.

  15. Racist diatribes? Most black people are better suited for malaria-ridden cesspools than I am. Organic farming is good for the environment.

  16. Conversely, neuromelanin can stave off Parkinson's disease. Is there anyone more white than Michael J. Fox?

  17. Ibram X. Kendi: "The very heartbeat of racism is denial. When people say they're not racist, they're sharing the words that white supremacists use. Jim Crow segregationists said they weren't racist. Lynchers argued they weren't racist; the problem was the people they lynched. Slave owners said the same thing".

    Referring to Black people as "genetically inferior livestock" isn't racist? GTF outta here.

  18. It's just fact. Genetic defects can cause inferior intellectual performance, such as Mr. Kendi's conflation of a denial of racism with an admission of racism. As we study the structures of the brain responsible for cognition and language coding, we can probably track the inherited prion damage within his cerebellum from generational cannibalism in his ancestry.

  19. Link to the article in a peer reviewed science journal.

  20. Try again. The article you link to says zero/nothing about cannibalism. And my parents didn't eat soy. Though your "soyboy" (false) insult is bullshit.

    It is a myth that Soy causes feminization in men. High doses of phytoestrogens have been shown to impair male rats' ability to produce offspring, but the same effect hasn't been found in male humans. Since many of the concerns related to soy come from studies in rats and mice, it’s important to recognize that rodents metabolize soy isoflavones differently than humans, essentially making these studies inapplicable.

    While individual cases of sex hormone changes in men eating soyfoods have been reported, these men were consuming extremely high doses of soy (3 quarts of soymilk per day, in one case), and the effects were reversed when the soy intake was discontinued. A 2010 review in Fertility and Sterility concluded that "neither isoflavone supplements nor isoflavone-rich soy affect total or free testosterone levels" and that there's "essentially no evidence from nine identified clinical studies that isoflavone exposure affects circulating estrogen levels in men
    . (The Top 5 Soy Myths By Judith C. Thalheimer, RD, LDN. Today's Dietitian, April 2014 Issue).

  21. You're a virtual keyboard of buttons to push lol. So how did your feminization come about? Too much sugar and spice and everything nice?

    You are what you eat, literally. My peer reviewed citation of diet altering DNA stands.

  22. Wikipedia/Human cannibalism: William Arens, author of The Man-Eating Myth: Anthropology and Anthropophagy, questions the credibility of reports of cannibalism and argues that the description by one group of people of another people as cannibals is a consistent and demonstrable ideological and rhetorical device to establish perceived cultural superiority. Arens bases his thesis on a detailed analysis of numerous "classic" cases of cultural cannibalism cited by explorers, missionaries, and anthropologists. He asserts that many were steeped in racism, unsubstantiated, or based on second-hand or hearsay evidence.

    Are you a Ron Paul fan?

  23. The differences between Beamish and I started with Ron Paul.

  24. Neocons vs. paleocons. Beamish hates The Federalist Papers. He's for "empire".

  25. Ron Paul hates everything the Founding Fathers did from establishing a national bank to the Monroe Doctrine.

    As a less-versed 17 year old, I actually worked in the petition drive that gave the Libertarian Party permanent ballot access in Missouri. Old Ron and I parted ways on a few issues since then. Letting Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell turn his newsletter into the Penthouse Forum of racist jokes was almost as distasteful as his denials that he did.

  26. As for cannibalism altering DNA, Kuru is not just a sick name for a brand of shoes.

  27. "Letting Murray Rothbard and Lew Rockwell turn his newsletter into the Penthouse Forum of racist jokes was almost as distasteful as his denials that he did".

    I'd have guessed you'd be all in.

  28. You'd have guessed wrong. I have genetically inferior and superior friends of all sizes, shapes, and colors.

    Rob Paul is a self-refuting dissenter of our Founding Fathers. Thersites is "anti-empire" because his Manifest Destiny stops at California whereas mine stops at the facing edge of the Andromeda Galaxy.

  29. When the revenuers come round the Mars Colony, someone's going to have to operate the low gravity gallows.

  30. LOL. You must lie to your "genetically inferior" "friends". I doubt they'd be your friends if you told them the truth.

  31. My friend with asthma knows he is genetically inferior.

  32. "Generations of cannibalism" (in addition to lowering IQ) can result in asthma? It must feel good knowing you are genetically superior. Or at least think you are.
