Monday, September 13, 2021

Nancy Pelosi and CrowdStrike....


  1. Will Jimmy Dore be thrilled if Dotard is reinstated?

  2. US Sun: Paul didn't violate the STOCK Act unless he acted on nonpublic information, which seems unlikely, according to former Rep. Jill Long Thompson, D-Ind. A spokesperson for Nancy Pelosi's office said she "has no involvement or prior knowledge of these transactions... [and] does not own any stock".

    "Left out in the Bloomberg piece is an important detail: Mr Pelosi had to make the trade. "His options were set to expire on June 18, 2021, according to the disclosure report, the day when he exercised them. "In fact, Pelosi only had two choices: Sell his options, or exercise them. "If he did nothing, his brokerage would likely have closed or exercised the options anyway. "Thus, Pelosi’s Alphabet trade on June 18 was an inevitability, whether the House subcommittee was meeting, or not". (7/8/2021).

  3. w/o the insider info, Pelosi's husband would have sold.

  4. So you called your senator and volunteered to be deposed? I'm sure Congressional republicans would love to get you on record. So they can use the info Paul Pelosi gave you to file an ethics complaint re Nancy Pelosi giving her husband insider info (which he used to make his decision to exercise his CrowdStrike stock options). If you hate Nancy Pelosi (and I'm sure you do), why haven't you done this already?

  5. When did anybody ever believe the results of a Congressional investigation? Stop wasting my time.

  6. Supposedly someone confessed a crime to you, but telling those in authority is a waste of your time? I call BS.

  7. Here I am wondering why y'all are flipped sides and motte and baileying over Nancy Pelosi's husband being a capitalist

  8. I think she looks pretty damn good given her age. Though that has nothing to do with this discussion. We weren't (at least not previously) discussing your misogyny.

    You're not interested in proving or disproving any corruption re Nancy Pelosi and possible insider trading. You admitted this in your prior comment. You're only interested in using allegations to attack her.

  9. Botox lifts ain't cheap. Listen fellas. Flip some stock to get her face out of hock.

  10. Google says "Expect to pay about $500 to $800 per [botox] session on average".

    Nancy Pelosi, if she has had botox treatments, wouldn't have gone into hock due to an $800 bill. Did Dotard go into hock for his more expensive hair transplant?

  11. When is Nancy Pelosi or her husband going to be charged? Or investigated by Congress for ethics violations?

  12. According to Business Insider, 30 members of Congress violated the STOCK Act so far in 2021 (most are failures to disclose trades in a timely manner). Both republicans and Democrats (though I suspect it's only the violations of Democrats you take exception to). Nancy Pelosi isn't on the list.

  13. ...I'm pretty sure that the Biden SEC won't investigate any Democrats.

  14. They aren't investigated, they pay a fine. Quote, "lawmakers who violate the STOCK Act face a fine". Though that's for disclosure violations. Insider trading should be investigated, no matter the party of the offender. Your surety is the result of your partisan biases, not reality. It was more likely under Dotard that lawbreaking republican politicians would get a pass :P Dotard pardoned Michael Milken.

  15. In statements to a parole board in 1991, Judge Wood estimated that the "total loss from Milken's crimes" was $318,000, less than the government's estimate of $4.7 million and she recommended that he be eligible for parole in three years.[35] Milken's sentence was later reduced to two years from ten; he served 22 months.[

    He was paroled long before DJT became President.
