Saturday, April 24, 2021

The First Real Audit of the 2020 Presidential Race Begins...


  1. Why would Democrats be terrified? Are the "auditors" going to fake "fake" ballots?

  2. They're terrified because they haven't dumbed down the audit.

  3. Unless fraudulently manipulated, this "audit" will (again) confirm Joe Biden's win. Whatever happens Joe Biden will remain president. I don't know why you'd laugh about that. Unless it is joyous laughter. Because you are so happy with the excellent job President Biden is doing cleaning up the mess left by the incompetent Dotard Donald.

  4. And if it does come up clean and close, I will withdraw my objections to the 2020 election. But if it doesn't... I'll demand an audit of EVERY vote cast in 2020.

  5. Alex Jones certainly got fat. Although I don't follow him, so I don't know for how long he has had that weird looking fat neck.

    "We get one state. We prove it. Like dominoes it all falls".

    "That's right. That's why the Dems are freaking out".

    LOL. Proof the Dems are "freaking out"?

  6. Badmouthing what? The fat neck of Alex Jones? No. I only made an observation re how it looks weird. I've also seen him looking jacked. Maybe he has been swallowing two many lies? Although I think he has argued that his show is just a performance and doesn't necessarily represent what he believes (perhaps this explains YOU as well).

    Still wondering what the "proof" is that Democrats are "freaking out". If there is any "freaking out" it would HAVE to be because of worry about manufactured evidence of "fraud". Not of actual massive voter fraud. Because there wasn't. People don't worry about something that didn't happen being revealed. Not by actual facts or via genuine evidence.

  7. Then you shouldn't worry. Vindication awaits.

  8. I don't have to worry about fake facts or manufactured evidence? I'm not convinced. You still insist that Ruby Freeman belongs in prison, don't you?

  9. You mean someone might rig the recount? That would be impossible or you would have worried about all those previous recounts. LOL!

  10. ...but you didn't have to worry about them. They followed a process of accepting that every ballot they had was valid.

  11. Proof the Dems are "freaking out"?

    The 57 lawyers they sent to Arizona?

  12. I heard One Russia Propaganda, Sasquatch lady lawyer and similar types are involved. I predict they will find "fraud". What they won't tell you is that they're the ones perpetrating it. Why shouldn't the Democrats send lawyers? Dotard Donald sent lawyer (albeit not good ones) to protest his legitimate losses.

  13. They've removed the judge and appointed a Democrat judge... sounds like they'll kill this recount, too.

    Definitely fraud....

  14. It's only "not fraud" when it's rigged in your favor.

  15. Democrats want everyone to vote (everyone who is eligible. and then only once). Unlike you, who want some people who are eligible to vote zero times. Either because you've made it too difficult and they give up. Or because they show up and are denied the right to vote for a BS reason. Or because their vote is later thrown out for a BS reason (such as a signature challenge).

  16. Sorry, but I'm not seeing the suffrage marches that would serve to reinforce your position. Since no one's being turned away, there are no marches.

  17. Another example of you thinking you can fool people by pretending a problem doesn't exist :P

  18. I can get a thousand signatures from people to ban dihydrogen monoxide, and at least a 100 to show up to protest for it's ban, too.

  19. LOL. Exactly. It's as dumb to ban voters from participating in elections as it is to ban water. Voters are the lifeblood of democracy. Why you want to make sure only the "right" people vote. Skin color (for you) being a good why of determining who should vote and who shouldn't.

    You do realize that when they film these "boy are people dumb" segments -- they usually don't show the people who didn't fall for the ruse? QED the REAL idiot is someone who watches and thinks "most people are this stupid. Though not me, of course".

  20. Anyway, you said NOBODY was protesting. Then you switch back to the reliable "people are stupid" defense (to discount my links) when I pointed out that you were wrong (lied). btw, how many stupid people stormed the capitol because they believed the lie that the election was stolen? LOL!

    Also, there is still no "Blue Anon". While trumpers continue to believe in QAnon. Despite the QAnon prediction which stated there would be mass executions of pedophile Democrats and Dotard Donald would be re-inaugurated -- did NOT come to pass.

    Mystere is a primo example of the stupidity that exists on the Right, and you've made it your duty to defend him. No matter how absurd the argument you have to make (in order to do so) is. But you also defended the total nutter Marjorie Greene on this blog.

    QED you have no problem with stupid people, so long as they're on your side.

  21. In a country of 300,000,000+, 100 is NOTHING.

  22. ...and I like all people, stupid and smart. After all, it's not the stupid ones that are a problem.

  23. You mean like the number of people who attended Dotard Donald's inauguration? As compared to Barack Obama's inauguration, you might say Dotard's crowd was "nothing". Especially compared to the population of the entire US. Same re the number of people who were predicted (knit cap hatted douche who you post videos of said 10 million) compared to how many actually attended the "save America march" that ended with the Dotard-incited storming of the capitol.

    @Timcast: "If 10 million people really do show up in DC, I believe Trump will be president for another four years. And I mean it".

    The actual number of people who showed up was likely less than 2k. A FAR cry from 1 million, let alone 10 million. LOL.

  24. How many showed up for Biden's inauguration? LOL!

  25. President Biden's inauguration took place during the pandemic that we are still in. They didn't want a lot of people showing up for safety reasons. Apparently you forgot. It must suck to have dementia and not be able to remember things.

  26. Obviously Dotard Donald (who held numerous super-spreader rallies while the pandemic raged) didn't give a crap about public safety. Herman Cain caught covid and died and nobody gave a crap.

  27. BLM and Antifa didn't super-spread? Who knew?

  28. btw, I referred to Dotard's rallies. You countered with BLM protests. Dotard organized the rallies and spoke at them. You think Joe Biden organized the BLM protests and spoke at them? You have any video confirming this?

  29. The Joe Biden campaign isn't on the list. And (I'm not sure about all of them, but) I don't think any/most of the other groups on that list say they are affiliated/partnered with the Democratic Party. "Follow the money"? LOL!!

  30. lol! The Joe Biden campaign shared funding streams.

  31. Need Bail money for your ANTIFA thugs? Call Act Blue.

  32. Bend the Arc: Following reports that Donald Trump's presidential campaign has accepted contributions from prominent white nationalists, including the editors of Counter-Currents and VDare, both forums for racial hatred and havens for the alt-right, Stosh Cotler, CEO of Bend the Arc Jewish Action, issued the following statement...

    These contributions are just the latest evidence that Donald Trump is the candidate of white supremacy. His anti-immigrant and anti-Muslim agenda aligns perfectly with the agendas of these prominent anti-Semitic white nationalists, whose toxic and hateful views have been brought to the mainstream of American politics by Trump's candidacy. The fact that these hatemongers find common cause with Trump's campaign should alarm anyone concerned for basic human rights and equality in this country. Equally alarming is the repeated failure of Trump and his surrogates to fully reject the support of such individuals, with vice presidential nominee Mike Pence recently declining to describe former KKK leader David Duke as 'deplorable'...

  33. btw... ActBlue collecting donations to bail out protesters = two thumbs up from me.

    Also, President Joe Biden has condemned rioting and violent protests.

    Quote: Asked by reporter Barbara Barr, "Do you condemn Antifa?" Biden responded, "Yes I do — [I condemn those who commit] violence no matter who it is".

    Has any ActBlue money donated for bailing out peaceful protesters gone to bail out rioters who committed acts of violence? I don't know. I'm sure they don't know either. Except after the fact. If anyone they bailed out was convicted of committing an act of violence. Though (at the time they were bailed out) they were still presumed to be innocent.
