Thursday, April 29, 2021

Biden's Big $Trillions Government... for "We the People" or "We the Government"?


  1. Biden is a tyrant who needs to be dethroned? LOL.

  2. Biden is raiding the Treasury and needs to be stopped.

  3. Joe Biden is investing in America. Investments that will pay dividends. Dotard Donald raided the treasury.

  4. lol! Joe Biden is throwing good money after bad, Universal Pre-K and CC, as well as useless Green Energy programs masquerading as infrastructure..

  5. There is no "masquerading" going on. Both are investments in the future that will pay off bigly.

  6. Sorry, but windmills won't be powering much of the 21st century grid. Coal would cost 1/10th and nuclear would cost 1/5th. Poor people can't afford to subsidize your pet aesthetic programs.

  7. LOL. People making more than 450k a year are poor? And Coal and nuclear are only "cheap" when you ignore (as Cons do) the cost of dealing with their waste.

  8. Climate change in the US will hurt poor people the most. (excerpt) Low-income communities already have higher rates of many health conditions, are more exposed to environmental hazards and take longer to bounce back from natural disasters. These existing inequalities will only be exacerbated due to climate change, the Fourth National Climate Assessment report found. [CNBC 11/26/2018].

    Conservatives want all the profits they can get now and don't give a crap about future consequences of such shortsightedness? Who knew? Hint: everyone knows this. Excepting those in the denial business and their helpers (people like you).

  9. So poor people should be forced to either buy $80k Teslas or walk...

  10. Exactly. Instead of a gradual transition to green energy, Democrats demand absurd Conservative strawmen versions of green energy policy be instituted immediately.

  11. Oh, we won't ban all gasoline powered cars until 2035 when the "walkers" will have to complain to people who weren't nearly as stupid as Fingerbang Joe.

  12. Phasing out the manufacture of new gasoline powered cars doesn't mean old gasoline powered cars will be banned. That is something a stupid follower of Dotard "grab em by the pussy" Donald would believe.

    Quote: Kristin Anderson was deep in conversation with acquaintances at a crowded Manhattan nightspot and did not notice the figure to her right on a red velvet couch - until, she recalls, his fingers slid under her miniskirt, moved up her inner thigh, and touched her vagina through her underwear.

  13. Dervish Sanders never fingerbanged a girl... lol!

  14. Prices will fall the more electric vehicle technology is adopted. The opposite of your example. Re your second comment, that isn't something you do without the other person's consent. If you do it's sexual assault. Don't know why you think sexual assault is excusable when Dotard does it but not when Joe Biden does it (allegedly. And I don't believe the allegations).

  15. Prices for cars will fall, but prices fir electricity and a 'green grid' will make driving electric cars today's equivalent of driving Lamborghinis.

  16. Car manufacturers won't commit to only producing electric cars then. You think they want to go out of business? They exist to make money, not indulge fantasies. You worry about things that can't happen. As a conservative, it must be because you're afraid of progress. Do you also believe we're going to get rid of cows and airplanes?

  17. Car manufacturers can ignore Joe Biden's orders and DOT and EPA Regulations? Maybe America should elect GM's President instead of its stockholders.

  18. Joe Biden is king for life and can demand car companies not manufacture gas powered vehicles any longer? Who knew? When is he signing the EO? I must have missed the announcement.

  19. California's governor has more power than Biden? Who knew?


  20. TownHall = fake news. The title of the article is BS. You certainly are easily fooled.

    Gavin Newsom signed an executive order? You should realize now that those can be rolled back easily. btw, as per Newsom's executive order "By the time the new rule goes into effect, zero-emission vehicles will almost certainly be cheaper and better than the traditional fossil fuel powered cars". You think people will be angry they can't PAY MORE for a gas powered vehicle? Except by going outside CA to make their purchase.

  21. "Almost certainly" is liberal speak for "we sure hope"!

  22. It's aspirational. I'm sure you'd prefer Newsom have a defeatist attitude and say instead, "it can't be done". Though Dotard Donald tried to will a wall on the southern border (saying he was going to "finish" it when it had barely been started) and now President Biden is canceling construction and sending the stolen funds back to the military. Maybe you'll have to elect Caitlyn Jenner the next CA governor so she can undo Newsom's EO. LOL.

  23. I'd like Newson to acknowledge his oversimplifications. Reminds me of Gov. Moonbeam Brown.

  24. republicans never oversimplify anything? LOL! A wall can keep out illegals, even though most illegal immigrants enter the country by flying in (in airplanes) with valid travel visas (and overstay those visas). Although that might be more of a lie than an oversimplification. btw, I've never heard of a prior CA governor who called himself "Moonbeam".

  25. Ask anyone from California who Gov. Moonbeam was. They'll tell you.

    You're ALL "moon-beamers" now.

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. LOL!

    Mr. Brown [says] the nickname shows he's "creative and not hidebound to the status quo". "Moonbeam also stands for not being the insider", said Mr. Brown. "But standing apart and marching to my own drummer. And I've done that".
