Friday, April 30, 2021

King James Lebron

King james, king james 
Decorated officer the one he blames 
Protected a black woman from feeling the pains 
Of having her throat slit demanding the claims 
Of accountability, are you kidding me? 
Black Lives Matter what he showed quite literally
On the court, I don't doubt your ability 
But when it come truth man you lack the affinity 
To rationalize with all the facts 
Emotions got you assuming all us blacks 
Are petrified, with 5-0 on our backs 
Like we criminals born, don't know how to act 
Please, we don't need your tears 
Gaslight things just to please your peers 
Whitе privilege and extrеmists fears 
Bet that all goes away when you hear them cheers 
As you travel the world making millions just to put a ball in a basket 
Yet you don't talk about the conditions that keep putting babies in caskets 
All the thuggin' and violence, degenerates out in our streets wreaking havoc 
Hope you getting the message don't want to see another Jaslyn Adams 
Speak up, and teach us to respect 
Law, comply, and keep us from rejectin' 
Commands police say to detect 
If you will abide or be the threat 
Another suspect eliminated 
Short clips, big lies generated 
Lifetime menace venerated 
Race War, hatred you helped instigated 

King james, king james 
Have you ever heard about these three names
 Thomas Sowell, Shelby Steele, Carol Swain 
Scholars that have broken down all these things 
Take a look at the numbers it doesn't make sense 
Every time there's a foul, you yelling flagrant 
White cop, black man doesn't mean racist 
O.J. said exercise more patience 
Took the tweet down cuz it stirred hate
Naw man, you just failed with the race bait 
One time for the cop out in L.A 
Other day, labeled you extreme and off base 
Don't be the new Shaun King 
Magnetize fear for exploiting 
Add context or say nothing Either way,
 I just need you to know one thing (You're next)

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