Friday, September 11, 2020

Why the Never-Trumpers HATE DJ Trump...


  1. LOL. Dotard will NOT win the Nobel Peace Prize. Jimmy Dore is a chump and an idiot on purpose.

  2. Trump's already made twice as much "peace" as Jimmy Carter ever did. Is Jimmy returning his Nobel? lol!

  3. Palestinians cut ties with Israel and US after rejecting Trump peace plan.

    Quote: "American Jews tend to favor Democratic candidates, with 71% of Jewish voters choosing Democratic candidates and only 25% choosing Republicans since 1968".

    In 2016 71% of Jewish voters went for HRC, vs 21 percent for Dotard. Do your delusions tell you that Jews are going to be leaving the "Democrat concentration camp" in droves? LOL.

  4. Pseudostinianw = Who cares?

    Dervish = KKK qpologist.

  5. I've never apologized for your KKK fellow travelers. I didn't vote for Grand Dragon Dotard, YOU did. And are planning on doing so again. You say "who cares" because you know an anti-Semite like Dotard can't get the Jewish vote. Dotard's "pro-Israel" BS is to fool right-wing Christians. It has nothing to do with increasing his share of the Jewish vote.

  6. DNC = KKK Central

    Pseudostinians = stateless Arabs who are unwilling to acknowledge that they lost in 1948.

  7. RNC = KKK Central. Lead by Grand Dragon Dotard.

    Quote: David Duke, one of the US’s most notorious racist extremists, has reiterated his support for Donald Trump’s re-election campaign and suggested the president replace his current vice president, Mike Pence, with Fox News host Tucker Carlson. [end quote]

    Re Tucker Carlson, "there have lately been rumors that senior Republicans are gunning for him to run in 2024". So they want to stick with White Supremacy. aka they like the HARD racist direction Dotard has taken the party.

    Pseudostinians = what Muslim haters like you call Palestinians, I gather.

  8. I'm glad that even you could uncover the truthiness of the pseudostinian brand.

  9. Richard Spencer endorsed Dotard in 2016 because Dotard is a racist. Richard Spencer abandoned Dotard in 2020 because Dotard is dangerously incompetent. If you asked Spencer if Biden is the racist's candidate, he would say no. Guaranteed.

    Graphic at the top of the article you linked claims that Spencer believes "we're both racist" (him and Joe Biden), yet the article contains NO QUOTES from Spencer where he says that. The Spencer quote is "Liberals are clearly more competent".

    Andrew West and Jeff Dunetz = liars.

    David Duke STANDS WITH DOTARD. Because they (Duke and Dotard) are both racist. He's overlooking the dangerous incompetence (as you are).

  10. Joe Biden voted for segregation. Just ask Kamala

    Joe, a man ALL racists can love.

  11. He did not. Joe Biden has always been in favor of voluntary busing. He only opposed court ordered busing. Anyway, if you love Joe Biden, why are you voting for Dotard?

  12. ...because I refuse to vote for racists.

  13. btw - I never realized that the US achieved integration through voluntary bussing. I must have missed that trivial fact in all those National Guard and 101st Airbourne deployments to cities like Little Rock in the 60's and 70s.

  14. If you refused to vote for racists, you won't vote for Dotard. And (as a republican voter) you're opposed to states rights? You like federal mandates being forced upon local municipalities? Or are you only saying you do because your false narrative painting Joe Biden as a racist requires it?
