Thursday, September 10, 2020

Chances of Dying from Covid is 1 in 19.1 million for a 64 Year Old, and of Dying in a Car Crash its' 1 in 114


  1. So what were the chances last year? Also, you think this excuses Dotard LYING about how DEADLY the coronavirus is? If his adherents weren't fricking morons, he would be DONE. Worst president EVER.

  2. Trump was quoting the phony 2.2 million death numbers of the epidemic modellers. How'd those turn out?

  3. His defense wasn't "the experts gave me bad information". It was "I was trying not to create a panic". And Dotard DID lie. He opposed mask wearing. He opposed social distancing. Lies that helped the virus spread. FYI, the prediction wasn't "phony". It was a prediction of how many people could die if zero mitigation efforts were attempted. Obviously we didn't do that.

  4. In light of how badly the experts bungled the estimates at the time, that Trump downplayed them turned out to be a VERY wise and astute move...

  5. ...and ps, there was a PPE/mask shortage problem at that time. Even Fauci lied about the need for masks.

  6. ...thnks to Dr. Biden, the "man with the Domocratic plan" for Covid.... @@

  7. Dotard's downplaying (lying to the American people) resulted in a higher death toll. He should be tried and convicted of negligent homicide and depraved indifference. Then executed as a mass murderer. I'd be OK with surgically removing his arms and legs as a punishment. Apparently he can't stand looking at disfigured soldiers, so I think this would be very fitting.

  8. Sure there's not just a cross to nail him to, centurion?

  9. Dotard is an extremely evil man. He isn't Jesus, he's Satan's minion. Possibly the antichrist. Proof of his evilness is his willingness to sacrifice the lives of our soldiers to not offend his collusion buddy Putin. And his willingness to sacrifice the lives of tens of thousands of Americans not to spook the stock market.

  10. Aren't you supposed to burn satanic witches? lol!

  11. Dotard isn't a warlock (male witch). The people who burned "witches" (innocent people falsely accused) were superstitious idiots. Dotard is GUILTY of Russian collusion (as proven over and over. Most recently with the Senate Intelligence Committee bipartisan report). There never was a "witch hunt".

  12. Let's revisit this topic after the Durham indictments.

  13. Ignorance follows trump into tyranny and destruction. trump;ers sure are stupid. Just like their charlatan presnit.
