Saturday, September 12, 2020

The Deep State vs. Julian Assange...


  1. Greenwald blathers on to a White Supremacist about how much he loves Dotard and wants him to pardon Putin's collusion helper. And lies about how this is all about the Deep State and the MIC. F*ck both of these guys. And Julian Assange. I doubt it will happen. Mainly because Dotard won't be in office much longer. Maybe in January? He did commute Roger Stone's sentence for keeping his mouth shut about he kept Dotard in the loop re his coordination with Assange.

  2. SSCI = coup central

    Derkazx = Ukrainian.

  3. Republicans on The Senate Intelligence Committee signed off on the report. The coup installed the Russian puppet Dotard over the candidate selected by a MAJORITY of Americans, Hillary Clinton.

    Quote: Yesterday [9-10-20], the Treasury Department officially labeled Andriy Derkach "an active Russian agent for over a decade..." [end quote]

    This is NOT disputed by Rudy Giuliani. He says "I don't know what's in the Treasury Department investigation, nor have I ever seen any evidence that [Derkach] is or is not a Russian agent". Sure.

    CAUGHT red-handed colluding again. That Russia is actively working to get Dotard "elected" again and that Dotard associates are actively (and illegally) colluding could not be MORE obvious.

    republicans = traitors.

  4. There are no Republicans on the SSCI. Just "Never-Trumpers".

  5. btw - The Treasury Department is responsible for outting spies? Who knew?

  6. btw2 - Didn't the Secret Service used to work for the Treasury Department? Sounds like it was a BIG mistake putting them under "Homeland".

  7. The republicans on the Senate Intelligence Committee are all Never-Trumpers? Really? Then why won't the SSCI share their report with other Senate Republicans to get more general support for impeachment? LOL!

  8. Because they are "in" with the Democrats on the coup.

  9. Then they would release the report intel. But there is no "coup" or Never-Trumpers on the Senate Intelligence committee. Those are just your delusions.

  10. America is currently under attack. The ENEMY (the Dotard administration) is killing 1000 Americans a day. Dotard (and members of his administration) should be arrested, tried, convicted and executed for treason.

  11. I wouldn't be surprised if Durham indicts several members of the SSCI.

  12. I will be very surprised if your delusions come true. Although, even if there are fake indictments nothing will come of them. Given that the matter will be dropped once Biden is elected. Then we will go back and do a proper investigation of the actual criminals. Followed by real indictments and convictions. After which numerous Dotard administration criminals will be sentenced to lengthy prison sentences.

  13. Yes, it would be dropped if Biden were elected and given the chance to ensuring that the government only enforced crimes against Republicans and gave all Democrats free passes courtesy of USDOJ's "prosecutorial discretion"..

  14. Using "prosecutorial discretion" not to look into Russian disinformation is a GOOD use of said discretion.
