Saturday, September 5, 2020

Proof Aaron 'Jay' Danielson was Stalked & Deliberately Assassinated by Antifa in Portland


  1. What a dumbass. There is no such thing as Antifa/BLM. Proof that the shooter has ANY affiliation with either Antifa or BLM? None. So let's just say he was associated with an imaginary collation of both. I stopped after 14 minutes when this idiot just started rambling. Are you stock-piling weapons and MREs for the civil war, Minus? Apparently your side will be at a disadvantage because the Left controls the tech. Ha ha ha ha.

  2. I've got nothing to worry about with either. We don't cotton to uppity city folk in my part of Maryland... and we have a history of taking the trash out. The Boothe house is only 4 miles away... :)

  3. So, Dotard supports Kyle, who says he acted in self defense, but not this guy who is making the same claim? Why would that be? "100% Antifa" aren't allowed to defend themselves from violent trumpers?

    btw, I can SAY I'm 100% anything. That doesn't make it true. Anyway, I thought this guy was a member of the (imaginary) Antifa/BLM coalition...

  4. Watched the video. In it Michael Reinoehl says, "I'm not a member of Antifa". Anyway, looks like he won't get his day in court because the police killed him. Possibly because they heard imaginary shots fired.

    Quote: Lieutenant Brady said that Mr. Reinoehl had a handgun with him, but added on Friday that "we are not able to confirm at this time if he fired shots" and that he was not aware of there being any body camera recordings of the episode. [end quote]

    Given that you're a huge fan of extrajudicial executions, this should be a very satisfying end for you. No body cams? The same as in the Breonna Taylor killing? Police cover up?

  5. ...Reinhold also says in the video that he acted in self defense. How does an assassin who stalked his victim legitimately plead self defense in any sane court of jurisprudence?

  6. How does someone who had a firearm he wasn't legally old enough to possess and who goes somewhere looking to shoot people claim self defense? I don't know if either claim of self defense is valid. I do know that Rittenhouse is the only one who is being charged and will be going on trial. We'll never know if Reinhold would have been convicted.

  7. When he's being chased down the street by mobs grabbing at his gun (din rodef)? lol!

  8. After murdering someone. They didn't want him to get away/were making a citizen's arrest.

  9. You can't murder someone who is chasing you? :)

  10. Obviously chasing a murderer with a firearm wasn't smart. But he is in police custody now. And he does NOT have the same protections that police officers have. So young, and he's going to spend the rest of his life behind bars.

  11. Too bad that not a jury in the world would ever convict him...

  12. He isn't a police officer, thus does not have a license to kill. btw, looks like Michael Reinoehl was murdered by the police. Dotard approved, saying it was "retribution".

    Trump Endorses Extrajudicial Executions: Killing of Antifa Suspect Was "Retribution".

    License to kill = imaginary gun sighting/suspect going for imaginary weapon.

    Quotes from my link above...

    "Nate Dinguss told The Washington Post Reinoehl was not obviously armed with a firearm and was eating candy when the officers opened fire without warning. [as per Dinguss] cops did not identify themselves or try to arrest the suspect".

    "Coroners ruled Reinoehl's death a homicide Wednesday. An autopsy revealed he died from multiple shots to his head and torso".

  13. Leftists = not allowed to defend themselves. Claim "self defense" and a police hit squad will take you out. Approved by president Dotard.

    Magaturds = taken into custody without incident when they gun down multiple victims and claim "self defense". Predisent Dotard will defend you. Magaturds will defend you and demand that you be freed (without a trial?).

  14. The hashtag is #FreeKyle, not #AcquitKyle. So magaturds should just be able to roam the street murdering Lefties apparently. As long as they claim "self defense" there is no need for a trial.
