Friday, August 14, 2020

The 'Big Ugly' Begins...

Sean Davis, "Kevin Clinesmith, Corrupt FBI Attorney Who Falsified Carter Page FISA Warrant, Expected To Plead Guilty"

A top FBI lawyer who fabricated evidence in a federal spy warrant against Trump campaign affiliate Carter Page is expected to plead guilty to federal charges brought by U.S. Attorney John Durham. Kevin Clinesmith, who is expected to admit to deliberately fabricating evidence in a Foreign Intelligence Surveillance Act warrant application, used to spy on a former campaign affiliate of President Donald Trump, was a top attorney in the Federal Bureau of Investigation’s Office of General Counsel (OGC) and a key agency attorney under fired former FBI Director James Comey.

Clinesmith is the first individual to be charged as part of U.S. Attorney John Durham’s investigation into the efforts in 2016 and 2017 to spy on the Trump campaign and Trump administration. Both Durham and Attorney General William Barr stated at the conclusion of the OIG investigation of the Page FISA warrants that they had reason to believe the entire investigation of Trump, which allegedly began in late July of 2016, was not legally predicated. Durham was tapped by Barr in May of 2019 to investigate the Russian collusion hoax and determine whether any criminal charges against those who perpetrated it were warranted.

Clinesmith’s deliberate falsification of a federal spy warrant was first revealed last December following a lengthy investigation by the Department of Justice (DOJ) Office of the Inspector General (OIG), headed by Michael Horowitz. Horowitz and his team wrote in a 434-page report that Clinesmith — identified in the report as “OGC Attorney” — altered an email from a separate U.S. federal agency, believed to be the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA), to falsely state that Page had never worked with the CIA to investigate suspected Russia agents operating within the U.S. In fact, as Clinesmith was told by the operative, Page had worked with the CIA previously, as well as with the FBI.

According to the OIG report, Clinesmith “[o]mitted Page’s prior relationship with another U.S. government agency, despite being reminded by the other agency in June 2017, prior to the filing of the final [FISA warrant] renewal application, about Page’s past status with that other agency.”

“Instead of including this information in the final renewal application,” the OIG report stated, Clinesmith “altered an email from the other agency so that the email stated that Page was ‘not a source’ for the other agency, which the FBI affiant relied upon in signing the final renewal application.”

Following the completion of the OIG investigation into the abuse of the FISA process by Comey and his lieutenants, the federal court that reviews FISA warrants ruled that at least two of the four applications against Page were illegal, including the application that included Clinesmith’s fabricated claim that Page never previously assisted the CIA. Page’s previous work for the federal government was a key issue given that each of the FISA warrants used to spy on him falsely claimed that he was an illegal Russian agent working on behalf of the Kremlin. Page was never formally charged with any wrongdoing.

Clinesmith’s name first made national news after his anti-Trump text messages to another FBI attorney, Sally Moyer, surfaced following a separate OIG investigation of anti-Trump bias from top FBI attorneys and investigators.

“I’m just devastated,” Clinesmith texted to Moyer shortly after Trump won the presidential election in November of 2016. “Plus, my god damned name is all over the legal documents investigating his staff,” Clinesmith wrote.

“Is it making you rethink your commitment to the Trump administration?” Moyer later asked Clinesmith, ostensibly referring to Clinesmith’s plan to remain at the FBI after Trump’s inauguration.

“Hell no,” Clinesmith responded. “Viva le resistance.”

The full federal charging document detailing Clinesmith’s crimes can be found here.


  1. #TrumpCrimesCommission

    Quote: Joe Biden told NPR on Thursday that while he was unsure if it was “good for democracy,” if elected he would not stand in the way of a Justice Department prosecution of Donald Trump for crimes committed in office. [end quote]


  2. "The big ugly" = racist attacks on Kamala Harris.

    Like the one you are totally digging about her being descended from a slave owner. Ignoring the fact that it was legal for slave owners to rape their slaves.

  3. Whether she was raped, or whether she consented does nothing to alter the fact that 50% of his genes went to their descendants. That's one of the great things about heredity that race "imaginists" like you can never alter. So when you look at Kamala Harris, your looking directly into the face of Hamilton Brown. Live with it. :)

  4. Politifact says it could not confirm that Hamilton Brown is an ancestor of Kamala Harris. Also, people don't inherit 50% of an ancestor's genes. Genes from a single ancestor are diluted over multiple generations.

    Barron Trump, if he isn't a piece of crap like his father, may want to change his last name one day. As the grandchildren of Dotard might. Surely carrying the orange turd gene will be a source of even greater shame in the future. Especially after Dotard becomes the first president indicted, convicted and imprisoned for multiple serious crimes.

  5. Poltifact isn't going to investigate. Why spend money destroying narratives of oppression that you've worked a century to build.

    And Baron should be ashamed of his ancestors, but Kamala should be proud? lol! Your double standards are so gallingly transparent.

  6. Politifact did investigate. If you read the article you'll find they looked at all the available records. And nobody is saying Kamala Harris should be proud of Hamilton Brown. IF they are even related. I don't even know wtf your case against Harris is (in regards to Hamilton Brown POSSIBLY being an ancestor of hers). People can control who their ancestors are? He was an evil slaver and evilness is genetic?


  7. ...yet those of us who did none of that, fought in the Civil War for Union, are somehow responsible for slavery and racism. You're mind has some pretty deep compartments, Dervy. Her family PROFITTED DIRECTLY from slavery. Shouldn't SHE pay reparations? The British government compensated HER family for ALL the slaves that were freed. Hamilton Brown COLLECTED those reparations. His son and her mother INHERITTED those reparations.

  8. "...yet those of us who did none of that, fought in the Civil War for Union, are somehow responsible for slavery and racism. You're mind has some pretty deep compartments, Dervy".

    Your mind has many delusional compartments, apparently. I never said anything close to that. How much slavery money did Kamala Harris inherit? I assume you have the bank records showing the slavery money flowing into her account(s)?

  9. And you have bank records showing Donald's inheritance from his father? LOL!

  10. I personally have no records. They do exist, however. Unlike your imaginary slavery inheritance that Kamala Harris pretend benefited from.

  11. lol! They don't file Wills and Marriage Licenses in former British territories?

  12. How do I know if such records still exist? Anyway, your comment is a question. As opposed to a declarative statement. Who saw the records and what do they have to say about them? Does this (imaginary) will leave money to a not yet born Kamala Harris?

  13. She benefitted directly from the slave system. She directly personify's that evil racist someone you're always crying about who is responsible for all the poor black people in America today. You'll giver her a pass only because her skin is one tone darkers than Mitch McConnell's... and HIM you'd hang if you could. Hyrocrite, look unto thine mirror.

  14. Benefited "directly" how? That Hamilton Brown is even an ancestor is unproven, let alone Kamala Harris receiving any benefit. Your claim that Kamala Harris "directly personifies that evil racist someone" is complete absurdity. There is NOTHING to give her a "pass" on.

    And I would not hang Mitch McConnell. I would very much like to see him OUT of the Senate, however. If there are any crimes he could be prosecuted for I'd be great with seeing charges brought. He is a horrible person, imo. But his horribleness has nothing to do with the fact that his ancestors owned slaves.

  15. Unproven? Who disputes it? Not Kaamala or her father, only YOU! lol!

  16. It is unproven as per the Politifact article I linked to. And I've heard ZERO confirmations from Kamala Harris. I'm not making any claims. How the f*ck would I know who Kamala Harris' ancestors are?

  17. Politifact is an official authority? Who knew? Her FATHER has affirmed the story. He would know. In many ways, he IS an "official" authority for the Harris family.

  18. No, they checked with the official authorities. Who knows why her father believes what he does. What he claims is NOT recorded in the official records. Not in any records Politifact could find. And they did an exhaustive search (as detailed in the article).

    btw, the "big ugly" has now ended.

  19. You didn't believe Elizabeth Warren's mother (who told her daughter that she had Cherokee ancestors). Do you believe the father of Kamala Harris because he's a man? Or only because his account lines up with the moronic narrative you want to spin?

  20. Official authorities? Are they the rubes that send me genealogy hints? LOL!

  21. btw - What was Pocahonta's ancestor's name? lol!

  22. The "official authorities" would be the governmental offices that keep such records. How dense are you? As for Elizabeth Warren's ancestors, she took the DNA test you were going on and on about for some time. When her mother's claims were validated, you decided the percentage of Native American ancestry was too low to count. Whereas, with Harris, you decided that the percentage MAGICALLY remained 50. Even though numerous generations had gone by (which would have diluted it greatly). And despite the fact that it isn't even proven that Harris and Brown are related.

    Does anyone but you (and some of your fellow message board racists?) even care? I've heard that Rush and Dotard Junior (or maybe it was Eric) are calling her a "ho". I haven't heard any talk of Hamilton Brown from anyone but you.

  23. The "official authorities" are looking for the records? Wouldn't they get accused of election interference or would it be an illegal foreign campaign donation? lol!

  24. No. They have what they have. What they don't have is lost to the ages. And your illiteracy is getting annoying.

  25. Dinesh D'Souza is an idiot. Nobody has ever said individual people are responsible for what their ancestors did. They are responsible for their own actions. However, that slavery existed in our country does have something to do with the racism, White privilege and inequality that exists in the present. To claim otherwise is false.

    By the way, according to Dinesh D'Souza (not that I'd trust him) the intermarrying wasn't between Hamilton Brown's son, but a descendant and a woman of African descendant after slavery ended (contrary to what you claimed earlier). Making the linkage even more insignificant, if there is any linkage at all between Kamala Harris and Hamilton Brown. Unlike the direct and proven linkage between Mitch McConnell and his slave owning ancestors.

  26. lol! Slavery ended in 1834. Hamilton Brown died in 1843. He was alive when slavery ended... in fact... he was importing Irish indentures to take their place.

  27. According to the Legacies of British Slave-Ownership at the University College London, Brown was awarded a payment as a slave trader in the aftermath of the Slavery Abolition Act 1833 with the Slave Compensation Act 1837. The British Government took out a £15 million loan (worth £1.43 billion in 2020[11]) with interest from Nathan Mayer Rothschild and Moses Montefiore which was subsequently paid off by the British taxpayers (ending in 2015).[12] Brown was a prolific slave owner in the context of Jamaican society and was associated with a large number of claims, twenty-five in total, he owned 1120 slaves most of them on sugar plantations in Saint Ann Parish and received a £24,144 (equivalent to £2.31 million in 2020[11]) payment at the time.

    Money/privilege that Kamala inherited.

  28. She didn't have to be alive, she "inherited" it and that makes up her so-called white privilege, which was a lot more privileged than mine.

  29. Not only were her ancestors slave owners, half were Brahmin to boot.

  30. Kamala Harris isn't White and therefore can't have White privilege. Her ancestors were slaves.

  31. Her ancestors were White slavers and Hindi Brahmin caste monkeys.

  32. Politifact: According to a 2011 census, 92.1% of Jamaicans are Black, with genetic studies showing that the vast majority are descendants of people from sub-Saharan Africa. ... Jamaica was home to a brutal and violent plantation system, and was at the center of the slave trade. "Many Jamaicans trace their origins directly to slavery and the mass importation of African captives" ... "Based on a genealogical account by her father, there is a strong chance Kamala Harris is one of them [slave descendants].

  33. There more than a strong chance that she's a SLAVE OWNER's descendent. It's 100% admitted.

  34. It isn't. Politifact looked for the records but couldn't find any. As I already pointed out. And her skin is Black. There is your proof that she is descended from slaves. btw, as an attack on Harris this BS going NOWHERE. It isn't going to dissuade ANYONE from voting for the ticket. Any Democrat who doesn't like Harris doesn't like her for other (not stupid) reasons. ZERO Democrats give a shit about this. Or statically near zero do (if you can point to any who do, they're an insignificant minority among supposed Democrats). Is Jimmy Dore ranting about it? Krystal Ball?
