Friday, August 14, 2020

The New Trump Voter...


Breaking away from the Lose-Lose Identity politics of the past...

Great Americans making America Great Again!

Saul Alinsky, "Rules for Radicals" - RULE 10: “If you push a negative hard enough, it will push through and become a positive.”

Today's example:  Uncle Tom

Not your typical rent-seeking Left-Leaning Democrat "Magical Negroes" of the past who volunteered or got conscripted to keep racism alive through performance of minor Democratic Party public relations roles needed or keep the fires of racial resentment burning by exonerating white racist Democratic politicians or shaking down public corporations for racism accusation protection insurance :

But Independent Minded Black American citizen/ voter Volunteers for the ages who couldn't give a cr*p about YOUR Whiteness issues or letting doddering backwards-looking racist Democrat politicians off the hook for their personal despicable historical behaviours.  Men/Women who merely ask the proper Nationalist's question, "What's in this Union for me?" and "Must we forever continue to view all social issues through racially-tinted oppressor/ oppressed lenses?":

Welcome Aboard the Trump Train, brothers!  It's so good to see so many of you!


  1. 8 percent of Black voters supported the White Supremacist in 2016. 7 percent of Black voters support the White Supremacist now according to Pew.

    Quote: Black voters favor Biden over Trump by an overwhelming margin (89% to 7%).


  2. In a USA Survey, black support for Biden went from 83% before Harris was picked to 80% after she was named while for Trump it went from 7% before she was named to 15% after. Apparently black people are not impressed by the descendant of a slave owning Jamaican as VP, either.

  3. Joe,
    Apparently black people are not impressed by the descendant of a slave owning Jamaican as VP, either.

    Looks that way.

  4. Being descended from a slave owner is an endorsement of slavery? Who knew? What if the reason is because your slave owning descendant raped your great X? grandmother? Are you going to claim that Kamala consented? "Of course she consents. She wouldn't exist otherwise". That must mean that she is also a rape apologist.


    Poll: Voters approve Harris VP pick, Biden gets image bounce. (excerpt) ...the pick earns high marks from key constituencies: Democrats (84 percent) overwhelmingly approve of Harris’ selection, as do Black voters (79 percent)... [end excerpt]

    I say your "USA Survey" is bullshit. I Did a Google search and all I found was a comment by BillSanDiego here. A comment isn't a "survey". Also, just because a Black voter doesn't like Kamala does not mean they are going to vote for Dotard.

  5. Like you, I'm certain that the African American community is THRILLED at the prospect of being governed by the direct descendants of Hamilton Brown, Esq..

    "Look chillens, Massah's back in the House! Hoo-Ray, Hoo-RAY! Can we pass some new Jim Crow Laws now? Wre ALL be safe on dah plantation again, THAT way!"


  6. “Hamilton Brown owned several plantations over the years 1817 to about 1845. According to the 1818 Almanac which can be found on this site, (Jamaican Family Search) , he was the owner of Minard (128 slaves) which he must have acquired from its previous owner (John Bailie) in 1815 or later. The number of slaves on this estate approximates the number of slaves in one of the registers attributed to his ownership (124 slaves). The other register (86 slaves) cannot be assigned to any estate, although he is listed in Almanacs for subsequent years as owning several, (Antrim, Grier Park, Colliston, Little River, Retirement and Unity Valley).”

    Here is a full accounting of the slaves owned by Hamilton Brown, according to the National Archives in London, as of June 28, 1817 in the parish of St. Ann in Jamaica:

    Names of all Males to precede names of females



    Age African or creole Remarks
    1 Apollo Negro 45 African –
    2 Jein Negro 40 African –
    3 Sambo Negro 40 African –
    4 Cicero Negro 30 African –
    5 St???e Negro 45 African –
    6 Chance Negro 44 African –
    7 Clendin Negro 42 African –
    8 Jamaica Negro 32 African –
    9 Apollo Negro 32 African –
    10 Montague Negro 38 African –
    11 Jack Negro 30 African –
    12 Mark Negro 32 African –
    13 Ned Negro 36 African –
    14 Sharper Negro 40 African –
    15 Ceasar Negro 38 African –
    16 John Negro 30 African –
    17 Charles Negro 35 African –
    18 Oxford Negro 35 African –
    19 Hannibal Negro 32 African –
    20 ??ill Negro 30 African –
    21 Dick Negro 35 African –
    22 Duke Negro 32 African –
    23 Nelson Negro 34 African –
    24 Robert Negro 30 African –
    25 George Negro 35 African –
    26 Prince Negro 40 African –
    27 Henry Negro 38 African –
    28 Hamilton Negro 28 African 4
    29 Tom Jack Negro 40 African –
    30 Neal Negro 34 African –
    31 Luke Negro 28 African –
    32 Bel Negro 25 African –
    33 ????? Negro 33 African –
    34-39 missing – – – –
    – – – PAGE 89 –
    40 Charles Negro 16 Creole –
    41 London Negro 11 Creole –
    42 Nelson Negro 10 Creole son of Juddy
    43 Jamaica Negro 10 Creole son of Evey
    44 ?Seny Negro 8 Creole son of Juddy
    45 Virgil Negro 8 Creole son of Love
    46 Tom Negro 4 Creole son of Juddy

  7. Cont...
    47 Joab Negro 3 Creole son of Lucky
    48 Harper Negro 3 Creole son of Love
    49 Jack Negro 2 Creole son of Lucy
    50 James Negro 2 Creole son of Tamer
    51 Sambo Negro 2 Creole son of Evey
    52 Dick Negro 1 Creole son of Nanny
    53 Charles Negro 1 Creole son of Nelly
    54 Hugh Negro 5mos Creole son of Maria
    55 Sam Negro 4mos Creole son of Gift
    56 George Negro 6mos Creole son of Flance
    FEMALES – – – –
    1 Pheba Negro 50 African –
    2 Love Negro 42 African –
    3 Juddy Negro 40 African –
    4 ?Floramel ?Meromel Negro 40 African –
    5 Flora Negro 38 African –
    6 Lucy Negro 40 African –
    7 Maria Negro 40 African –
    8 Laura Negro 30 African –
    9 Evey Negro 30 African 5
    10 Olive Negro African –
    11 Lucky Negro 28 African –
    12 Venus Negro 32 African –
    13 Rachel Negro 30 African –
    14 ?Betsy Negro 27 African –
    15 Juliet Negro 48 African –
    16 Hellen Negro 40 African –
    17 Nanny Negro 27 African –
    18 Nelly Negro 28 African –
    19 Gift Negro 25 African –
    20 Jeane Negro 33 African –
    21 Milly Negro 32 African –
    22 Industry Negro 13 Creole –
    23 Margaret Negro 10 Creole Daughter of Juddy
    24 Nancy Negro 4 Creole Daughter of Tamer
    25 Mary – 4 Creole Daughter of Evey
    – – – PAGE 90 –
    26 Peggy Negro 3 Creole Daughter of Flora
    27 Sarah Negro 2 Creole Daughter of Nanny
    28 ? Hanna Negro 6mos Creole Daughter of Tamer
    29 Hellen Negro 5mos Creole Daughter of Milly
    30 Nelly Negro 2 Creole Daughter of ?Floramel ?Meromel
    Hamilton Brown officially swore to the authenticity of this record, stating:

    “I Hamilton Brown do swear that the above list and return consisting of two sheets is a true perfect and complete list and return, to the best of my knowledge and belief in every particular therein mentioned of all and every slaves possessed by me as owner, considered as most permanently settled, worked and employed in the Parish of Saint Ann on the twenty Eight day of June One thousand Eight Hundred and Seventeen without fraud, deceit or evasion So help me God.

    Sworn before me this twenty fourth day of September 1817”

  8. Hamilton sure had a lot of "creole" kids from "African" mothers... A lotta "raping" going on.

  9. I'll bet you that the blood of slave-owners rests in 90% of all Jamaicans by now.

  10. So is Kamala victim or oppressor, Dervy?

  11. Or does the 1 drop (of victim blood) rule prevail. I love these Democrat Identity politics games and intersectionality puzzles.

  12. Not scientific. Racist. As well as misogynist. As proven by your placing "raping" in quotes.

    I'm sure African Americans ARE thrilled that a Black woman will be our next VP. Especially following the rule of a misogynist White Supremacist and a homophobic religious extremist.

  13. You have an account of the rape? You should produce it and thereby certify her mothers (but not her) victimhood.

  14. My mother was a victim, my father a victimizer. What's THAT make me?

  15. Her mother? LOL. It was quite a bit further back in time than that. And Politifact couldn't even confirm that Harris is related to Brown. Yet you think there might be some record of a rape? When a slave master raping their "property" would be 100 percent legal. Yet we do know that such things happened.

  16. But not necessarily in this case. And Politifact can go suck my d*ck. They've got no interest in a father's story that counters their preferred B.S. narrative of "slave rapery".

  17. How does it counter it? It says the relationship was consensual? Hamilton Brown got together with a slave woman that liked slavery (for other Blacks, not herself)? They formed an evil union and passed that evil down to their descendants? It appears as this stupid case against Kamala Harris just got a lot stupider.

  18. Hamilton Brown had a son who MARRIED Kamala's ancestor shortly after slavery was outlawed and INHERITTED all his wealth. THAT is how we know she wasn't raped.

  19. Politifact: We found a user-created lineage on FamilySearch that seemingly connects Brown to the Harris family, but we couldn't corroborate it with official records.

    You have a link to the marriage certificate? btw, Dotard raped his wife, Ivana (it is in her book). Also, Mitch McConnell's great great grandfather owned slaves. Shouldn't he (according to you) be a Democrat? btw, how much of Hamilton Brown's wealth did Kamala inherit? Did she get a trust fund labeled "slavery money, spend only if you love slavery"?

  20. lol! Yeah, her FATHER's corroboration of the genealogy in question is irrelevant...

    After the Civil War how did Tara fare? You going to dig Scarlett O'hara up and cell the calcium in her bones for sale for profit and subsequent distribution to the former slaves? lol!

  21. You still want to paint all black people as victims? You still think Kamala is entitled to reparations for slavery? You think I should pay her? My G-G-Grandfather fought for the Union and freed the slaves. That b*tch Kamala should pay ME.

    Who's the racist now, beyotch!

  22. So, no marriage certificate. And what her father says isn't definitive proof re your irrelevant argument against Kamala being selected by Biden as his VP.

    fyi, Gone with the Wind is fiction. Quote: "Katie Scarlett O'Hara is a fictional character...". Also, Kamala Harris received no slavery money. Maybe Mitch McConnell did.

    You can try your selling calcium for reparations money with Hamilton Brown. He was a real person. No mention of him being an ancestor of Kamala Harris on his Wikipedia page though.

  23. I've never said I was pro-reparations. I can't "still" think something I never thought to begin with.

  24. Oficialismo forever, eh, Dervy? If the government didn't stamp it, it never happened. You have to admit, you've moved up a layer on the Cloak of Gyges of deniability with that one.

    btw - I think that we should pay reparations to every person who presents their Emancipation documents to the Clerk of the local Court. It's the only way we can know for sure...

    As for me, I'm just going to laugh in the face of every reparations proponent that doesn't have his Emancipation papers at the ready...

    Then I'll pull down my pants and yell, "Social Justice THIS, a-hole!"

  25. As for black people, I'll wait for them to present the Birth Certificates of their ancestors born in Africa before I'll EVER call them African-American.

  26. I'm feeling less and less caritas for your political positions daily, Dervy. I wonder why that is?

  27. I have exactly the same level of caritas for your political positions today that I've had for months. None.

  28. Yep, your cynical hate is rubbing off...

  29. "Cynical hate" describe your worldview perfectly. I believe in altruism.

  30. Like letting elected presidents from the opposition party rule? lol!

  31. Dotard wasn't "elected". The 2016 election was stolen. Not that it matters, he IS ruling. To all our detriment.

  32. Sounds like you're in a state of rebellion. You know that Maryland disenfranchised all its' citizens who were members of the CSA Army, don't you?

  33. No. Why would Maryland have a Confederate States Army?

  34. Because many believe that State sovereignty superceded national sovereignty.

    The 1st Maryland Infantry Regiment was officially formed on June 16, 1861, and, on June 25, two additional companies joined the regiment in Winchester.[45] Its initial term of duty was for twelve months.[48]

    It has been estimated that, of the state's 1860 population of 687,000, about 4,000 Marylanders traveled south to fight for the Confederacy. While the number of Marylanders in Confederate service is often reported as 20-25,000 based on an oral statement of General Cooper to General Trimble, other contemporary reports refute this number and offer more detailed estimates in the range of 3,500 (Livermore)[49] to just under 4,700 (McKim)[50], which latter number should be further reduced given that the 2nd Maryland Infantry raised in 1862 consisted largely of the same men who had served in the 1st Maryland, which mustered out after a year.

    The despot's heel is on thy shore, oh Maryland, my Maryland!

  35. I thought you were talking about people still living. Dead people can't vote. Certainly not people dead as long as anyone who was in treasonous Maryland Line in the Army of the Confederate States of America.

  36. They were living at the time they were disenfranchised...

  37. For being traitors? Why shouldn't they have been?

  38. No. Resisting a puppet under the control of a foreign power is patriotic, not treasonous. Dotard is the traitor.

  39. I think we should suspend the law licenses of every Never-Trump traitor associated with the corrupt Brookings Institute.

  40. There are no such people and no such institute.

  41. Read the page you linked to. Didn't see any confessions from Never-Trumpers about being traitors or Brookings Institute fellows being corrupt. LOL.

  42. 3:44:42, to FBI Employee 1: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.”
    13:44:52, to FBI Employee 2: “I mean, I never really liked the Republic anyway.”
    14:01:52, to FBI Employee 3: “As I have initiated the destruction of the republic…. Would you be so kind as to have a coffee with me this afternoon?”
    15:28:50, to FBI Employee 4: “I’m clinging to small pockets of happiness in the dark time of the Republic’s destruction”

  43. Quote: Mr. Clinesmith's lawyer said he made a mistake while trying to clarify facts for a colleague. [end quote]

    btw, Dotard is the traitor, as confirmed by the Senate Intelligence committee. As soon as it was released Stone dropped his appeal. A waste of time now that it is confirmed that he is guilty -- of coordinating with WikiLeaks -- with the knowledge and at the direction of Dotard :P

  44. lol! Mistaking a US agent for a foreign agent gets innocent people KILLED.

  45. Who was killed? And what do you care? You excused Putin's bounties on our soldiers.

  46. Carter Page's career and DJ Trumps reputation. And where's you proof of bounties again... and what was the IC assessment of it? lol!

  47. Who cares about either of those? And Dotard's reputation has always been bad. At least since the 90s. Why HRC beat Dotard in NYC. They know his best -- and know that he's always been a POS. btw, I said WHO, not WHAT (obviously your illiteracy caused you to confuse the two).

    Suspicions of Russian Bounties Were Bolstered by Data on Financial Transfers. (excerpt) Analysts [say] the transfers were most likely part of an effort to offer payments to Taliban-linked militants to kill American and coalition troops in Afghanistan. [end excerpt]

  48. Carter Page and DJT aren't "who's"? Who knew?

  49. Again, what was the IC assessment of the intel? lol!

  50. They are both alive, not dead. You claimed people were killed. The IG assessment was that the investigation was properly predicated. The Senate Intelligence Committee's assessment was that the Dotard campaign colluded with Russia.

  51. There was definitely reason to be suspicious of Carter Page.
