Friday, August 14, 2020

It's 1918 All Over Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


  1. COVID-19 denial is dangerous, deadly. (excerpt) ...many Americans have an "anti-science bias" in their response to the coronavirus. The bias is similar to the one against climate change. But just as with the climate change debate, skepticism is also exploited by politicians. [end excerpt]

  2. Old people should be worried about Covid. The rest of us... not so much.

  3. Aren't you in the category where death is 30X more likely if you catch covid? Maybe 90X more likely (depending on your exact age).

  4. Imagine if I got the flu. I've never had a flu shot in my life. THAT is how worried I am.

  5. You JUST said old people should be worried. btw, in regards to it being "1918 all over again"... this would be the THIRD time according to Dotard...

    Predisent Dotard: "The closest thing is in 1917, they say, the great pandemic. It certainly was a terrible thing where they lost anywhere from 50 to 100 million people, probably ended the Second World War. All the soldiers were sick. That was a terrible situation".

    Fact check: The president was alluding to the Spanish Flu, which broke out in 1918. The first infections were identified in March of that year and lasted until 1920.

    The Second World War started in 1939 and ended in 1945 with the surrender of the Axis powers, specifically when Japan surrendered unconditionally after the United States dropped atomic bombs on two Japanese cities. [end fact check of Dotard's stupidity]

    Stable genius? LOL. btw, there is a video at the link above. If you doubt Dotard said this. Yet you think attacking Joe Biden as having age-related dementia is a winning strategy?

  6. Herman Cain was 74. He went to the Dotard super-spreader rally thinking he had nothing to worry about. Yet he died from covid.

  7. 10 months from now and Dotard will start worrying about dying if he catches covid?

  8. Does Donald wear a mask? THAT is how worried he is.

  9. stop being such a p_ssy, Dervy. Crawl out from under your bed and go outside today. You aren't going to die tomorrow, regardless of what the TV commentators over at MSNBC and CNN say.

  10. I already told you that my life is basically unchanged.

  11. You're a hermit? A troll under a bridge? Who knew?

  12. Don't trolls demand payment for people crossing the bridges they live under?

  13. I don't know how you concluded that I'm an expert on trolls. I only pointed out that the variety of troll that lives under a bridge interacts with people trying to cross said bridge. Whereas you suggested they interact with nobody and therefore wouldn't have to worry about catching covid.

  14. I pay lots of tolls w/o stopping. Ever heard of EZPass? lol!

  15. You're confusing common knowledge for expertise.

  16. You're right about one thing. I have no idea as to what passes for expertise or common knowledge amongst idiots. That would be your field.

  17. It isn't. You're the one who has previously claimed that "orc lives matter". Indicating to me that you're the one who might know what passes for expertise or common knowledge among idiots. Who else BUT an idiot would claim that the life of a creature that doesn't exist "matters"?

  18. Black lives matter? Talk about your 'mythically oppressed' creatures...

  19. Proof of you illiteracy = your incorrect usage of the word "mythically".

  20. The American negro has never been mythologized? Who knew that were no magical negroes in American storytelling?

  21. I was responding to the phrase YOU used: "mythically oppressed". I didn't say anything about magical negroes. That's a topic Rush Limbaugh likes to talk about.

  22. There's no mythology surrounding Black Lives Matter? It's ALL mythology! LOL!
