Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Planned Parenthood Illegally Harvests the Organs of Live Born Babies... DEFUND them NOW!


  1. 100 percent fake news. Joe Biden and the Democratically controlled congress should immediately increase funding for Planned Parenthood. And repeal the Hyde amendment.

  2. Bullsh*t. Planned Parenthood MURDERS babies... by their OWN admissions.

  3. Get back to me when someone at PP has been convicted. Obtaining multiple convictions and long prison sentences should be easy given these supposed "admissions".

  4. Gyges cloaked his crimes in darkness... just like Planned Parenthood. The problem is, finding an honest Democrat who will testify. They're rarer than hens teeth.

  5. So, what you're saying is there will be no prosecutions and no convictions. I thought so.

  6. ,,,and no more funding for Planned Parenthood. :)

  7. No, he'll sign the legislation in the Oval office. You're really fixated on Joe Biden's basement for some reason. btw, "Nearly three dozen journalists, a small camera crew, several Secret Service agents and many campaign staffers witnessed Biden's acceptance speech in the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware". Joe Biden accepted the Democratic nomination (and gave his acceptance speech live) at the Chase Center in Wilmington, Delaware -- NOT in his basement.

  8. Also, as per Dotard, "Planned Parenthood has done very good work for millions of women. ...millions and millions of women -- cervical cancer, breast cancer -- are helped by Planned Parenthood. So you can say whatever you want, but they have millions of women going through Planned Parenthood that are helped greatly".

    Additionally, in an a 1999 appearance on "Meet the Press" Dotard "described himself as "pro-choice in every respect". He's flipped now, but I doubt the reversal is sincere. He just lies for political expediency. As I've mentioned previously, I think it's likely he's paid for abortions to end the pregnancies of more than one mistress.

  9. Biden's going to sign legislation on his post-election White House visitors tour? Won't he be arrested for impersonating someone NOT an idiot??

    ps - Trump is for killing live born babies? You should write another scathing Orange Man Bad article at your blog!

  10. Almost everyone is opposed to killing live born babies. That's why there are laws prohibiting it (as murder). Yet you think nobody at PP is going to be charged and convicted. Because PP refers women to clinics where they can have legal abortions performed. As opposed to your delusions (re the title of your post). Though you explain it with more delusions concerning imaginary cloaks.

    FYI, Joe Biden is running for president. The election has yet to occur. Unless you KNOW the fix is in (Putin told you), you can't (with 100 percent certainty) know the outcome. Dotard is terrible. The economy is in terrible shape. The polls show him losing. He only "won" in 2016 by getting the electoral college votes in several key states where the margin of victory was SMALL. Unless Putin has something up his sleeve (more interference than last time) Dotard will lose. Unless you think messing with the post office and lawsuits to disqualify votes is going to do the trick :P

  11. Legal abortions are one thing... but born alive fetus' left to die because the lying mother misreported the conception date and the lying abortion doctor refused to administer medical treatment to sustain life is CRIMINAL and should and MUST be treated as such. And when it happens, it needs to be called out for what it is, MURDER!

  12. Defunding will be better. It stops six-seven hundred thousand "legal" murders every year, too.

  13. :P

    As per the Supreme Court, this really is none of your business. The Hyde Amendment already says no federal money can pay for abortions. Yet you want to prevent poor women and men from getting assistance from PP -- which, as Dotard previously pointed out, provides other healthcare services (in fact, it is the BULK of what they do).

    As for legal murders, taking away PP federal dollars won't stop the police from gunning down unarmed suspects, nor will it stop the execution of any incarcerated criminal. Not that you want to stop these murders (proof that you lie when you say "all lives matter").

  14. The police gun down 6-700,000 unarmed black men every year? Who knew?

  15. You're off by 5-6 orders of magnitude in solving the "all lives matter" problem, Dervy. Disbanding the police won't save a single aborted baby.

  16. I'm not "off" by any magnitude, as I made no such comparison. I was talking about the lives of people who have already been born (lives they have been living for years). Because I value the lives of actual people. Zygotes not as much. Mostly I'm of the opinion that it's not my body and therefore none of my business.

  17. Say that to the babies being ignored and left to die on abortion tables across the country.

  18. Six of them were left for OVER 1 Day to die on that table...

  19. That's about as many died as unarmed black men killed by police last year.

  20. Your article says it's data representing 11 years. The article also mentions "medical measures to preserve life" but doesn't say how long a life could be preserved for. Should these medical measures be taken if the life will be extended by minutes? Hours? I don't see what the issue is if the baby is going to die anyway. It may be more merciful to not take "medical measures to preserve life". I'm OK with the doctor deciding. As opposed to zealots with no medical knowledge deciding.

    btw, why is it OK with you if old people exit this world (perhaps years before their time) but you demand that babies (that are going to die anyway) be kept alive for every additional minute possible?

  21. You wanted me to include the 168 other kids left to die that took more than 10 minutes but less than a day to die?

    And the "why" is because of the banality of systemic evil associated with abortion. Imagine if all the nursing homes just laughed after their patients expired and no one EVER investigated it citing the privacy rights of the abortionists. THAT is the abortion business.

  22. Quote: In 2002, the "Born-Alive Infants Protection Act" easily passed Congress — through a voice vote in the House and unanimous consent in the Senate. It became law on Aug. 5, 2002. Are... these laws necessary to prosecute the intentional killing of a baby as a homicide? No. Killing a baby is a homicide. "States can and do punish people for killing children who are born alive", Mary Ziegler, a professor at Florida State University’s College of Law and the author of two books on the abortion debate, told us in a phone interview. [end quote]

    Like I said, I will wait for charges and convictions. If you're letting people get away with murder I say you're complicit. Bring charges or STFU.

  23. btw, you're fine with people murdering someone and laughing about it. Re those cops who kicked the mentally ill man who called them for help. You defended them. Obviously you think post birth abortions are GREAT if cops perform them.
