Wednesday, August 26, 2020

Peaceful Riots that Night Turned into Peaceful Protests the Next Day and So-On...


  1. People have a RIGHT to protest peacefully, therefore they can not be blamed. I blame the police. Stop murdering unarmed Black people and there would be zero riots. The police are the ones giving bad actors an excuse to riot.

  2. Please. Any excuse to loot... there's nothing legit about ANY of it.

  3. I didn't excuse looting. I'm blaming the police for the rioting and looting. Peaceful protests are "legit" no matter what you think (and we don't give a shit what you think). "We" = the majority that supports BLM.

  4. Police aren't rioting OR looting, fool!

  5. No, the police are "just" shooting unarmed Black men in the back. Which is apparently great in the opinion of racist fools like you. Peaceful protesters aren't responsible for the rioting and looting -- the police are.

    Maga boys = maga morons. Dotard is a White Supremacist.

  6. Like "peaceful protests" a truely moral people behave the same whether they are wearing a cloak of Gyges or not. You can tell that these aren't morally-based peaceful protests when the cloak of night (or Gyges) descends and the so-called peaceful protesters are granted anonymity...and all that feigned pretense of moral righteousness and indignation turns to violence, vandalism, arson, and attacks on public property....

  7. ...once the fires have been lit and molotov cocktails thrown. There are no peaceful protestors, just thugs and their human shields.

  8. Like I said, the peaceful protesters go home at night. What happens at night isn't their fault, it's the fault of the police. They're the ones shooting unarmed Black men in the back. btw (re your racist comment on Lisa's blog) even IF Jacob Blake has an IQ under 83 (which I doubt), is that a crime for which the punishment should be death (or being paralyzed for life)? What was his crime? More likely the cop who shot has a low IQ. And maybe the police department should start screening applicants and weed out the dumb ones.

  9. Police are shooting idiots reaching into their cars for their guns, not unarmed black men. Either pin on the badge, Dervish, or shut the 'f up! Quit apologizing for the terminally stupid aka Jacob Blakes. It ain't your job, crackerface.

  10. During the investigation following the initial incident, Mr. Blake admitted that he had a knife in his possession. DCI agents recovered a knife from the driver’s side floorboard of Mr. Blake’s vehicle.

    Gee, why did he need to get into his car...????

  11. How far away was he? Who said he was going for the knife? He was going to grab it, then move like the flash and be instantly within stabbing distance of the police officer? It isn't YOUR job to defend the indefensible. Did the police even say anything to him before they started blasting? Like, "come here please, we need to talk to you"?

  12. The cop who shot must have used his mind reading abilities. That's how he knew Blake was going to stab him. After retrieving the knife. After walking back to the cop. And after the cop stood there and did nothing as Blake approached him to get within stabbing distance.

    The police can not use excessive force whenever they feel like it. That the cop's ESP told him Blake might be a threat several minutes in the future doesn't justify attempted murder. The test is IMMEDIATE THREAT. How could someone walking away (with their back turned) pose an immediate threat?

  13. Jacob Blake = One Dumb mother-f*cker.

  14. Soon Jacob Blake will be rich. While the dumb motherf*cker in a uniform who tried to murder him will be unemployed. And hopefully convicted of attempted murder.

  15. Jacob Blake will also be confined to a wheel chair and will never get laid again in his lifetime. Like I said before, one dumb mother-f*cker!

  16. I haven't even heard an explanation as to what happened. Yet you automatically assume he is somehow at fault. Are all police hires screened for perfect judgement? Or does being a police offer confer perfect judgment upon a person? Was Jacob Blake even aware that the officer in question was threatened by him walking away toward his car? You seem to know all the details that (as far as I know) haven't been released to the public yet. Maybe he's dumb for not using his ESP to know the police didn't want him to walk toward his car?

  17. The 911 call to the officers informed them as to the nature of Blakes warrants. Blake also had a knife. Two tasers were fired which failed to stop his escape from custody (they tried using non-lethal force first). There were three children in the car) potential victims/hostages). It was a righteous police shoot.

  18. Blake was going to kill the kids? Wow! Good thing they shout him then...

  19. They were his children. He was being a responsible dad and checking on them to see if they were OK.

  20. Isn't THAT what the 9-1-1 call was about, dumb-ass stole his gf's car keys?

  21. Quote: Matthews, the union's attorney, said that officers were called to the scene because of a complaint that Blake was allegedly trying to steal someone's keys and car. [end quote]

    Trying. So HOW did his kids get inside the vehicle if he was in the process of stealing it? And the knife (under the floorboard) was the woman's?

    btw, "Attorneys for his family say he had been trying to break up a domestic disturbance between two women when the police arrived". His girlfriend is bisexual and dumped him for a woman?

  22. Who said the knife was under the floorboard? The woman was supposed to stop him from putting his kids in her car? Isn't that another reason she called 9-1-1?

    The police should have let him drive away in her car? Wow, what kind of law enforcement would THAT be?

    You're all over the place, Dervish. Just say it... "righteous shoot". Feel better now?

  23. Quote: An Aug. 26 news release from the Department of Justice said officers found a knife on the driver's side floorboard... [end quote]

    Who says the car wasn't his? Who says he was going to drive away -- as opposed to checking on his kids as he said? He was stealing a car right in front of the police? How was the cop's (or anyone else's) life in danger? Now you're lowering the bar for a "righteous shoot" to a suspect getting away? That's when a cop can murder a suspect? :(

  24. Quote: In a civil case in 1985, the Supreme Court ruled that a Tennessee police officer violated the Constitution when he shot a 15-year-old in the back as he tried to escape arrest for stealing $10 from a wallet during a burglary. Setting the bar high, the 6-3 decision in Garner v. Tennessee held that a police officer must have "probable cause" to believe that a fleeing suspect poses "a significant threat of death or serious injury" before deciding to use deadly force. [end quote]

    Clearly the shooting was NOT righteous.

  25. "on" not (under the floorboard) as you described.

  26. Who says the car wasn't his? duh, the registration and 9-1-1- call from the owner to the police.

  27. How is a knife not on your person deadly? Was he going to fling it at the cop using telekinesis?

  28. Who said it wasn't on his person...

    The man who said he made the widely shared cellphone video of the shooting, 22-year-old Raysean White, told the Associated Press he heard officers yell, “Drop the knife! Drop the knife!” as they scuffled with Blake before the shooting.

    White said he didn’t see a knife in Blake’s hands.

    The audio captured by White is inconclusive, although there is a phrase or two that could be interpreted as, “Drop the knife.”

  29. Sounds like another imaginary weapon scenario to me.

    Quote: Deputy Daniel Estanislau was answering a domestic violence call Monday night in north Tampa when he fired his weapon twice, critically injuring a 17-year-old boy.

    Estanislau, 26, feared for his life, thinking the boy was armed, and ordered him to "drop the gun, drop the gun", the Hillsborough County Sheriff's Office said in a news release. Why Estanislau might have thought this has not been made public. No gun was found at the scene. [end quote]

  30. They found the knife, so it couldn't have been "imaginary".

  31. The officer imagined he had it in his hands. They found it in the car. Where he told them it was. Likely what provoked the delusion.
