Tuesday, August 25, 2020

Biden Disses the Bernie Bros on Democratic Platform AGAIN!

DNC Disaster? More Than A Thousand Delegates Voted ‘No’ On Democratic Party Platform
Democrats are more divided than they appear according to numbers released by the Democratic National Committee following their nominating convention last week.

Fox News reports that of the 5,000 delegates that voted on the party’s platform, widely recognized as the most progressive Democratic Party platform in years, more than a thousand delegates — around 25% of all attendees — voted against the decision to approve the party’s official policies.

The situation reveals a breakdown in the party that could cost the Democrats in the coming years and indicates a vast difference between the “moderate” Democratic party, which fought to nominate former Vice President Joe Biden as its 2020 contender, and the growing progressive wing, which backed Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT).

“The DNC revealed over the weekend that  3,562 delegates voted to approve the platform, while a total of 1,069 voted no, and 87 abstained,” Fox reported. “The number of convention delegates who voted no is roughly the same as the number of delegates pledged to progressive Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont. The populist lawmaker and ‘Medicare-for-all’ champion was the last remaining rival to Democratic nominee Joe Biden in the primaries before suspending his White House bid and endorsing the former vice president in April.”

The number could give Biden’s team pause; although Sanders himself has pledged to back the former Veep, recent reports indicate growing unrest within the progressive caucus, and fear that once elected, Biden will not be as willing to embrace far-left policy as they expect.

Biden has already turned down a “Medicare-for-All” health care plan, refuses to endorse the “defund the police” movement and, as The Daily Wire reported Sunday, encouraged Democratic platform committees to marginalize the official Black Lives Matter organization, even though Biden and his running mate, Kamala Harris, made racial justice a central theme of the convention.

At least one Sanders convention delegate acknowledged acrimony.

“We were upset. There was pushback. There were emails and phone calls,” a Sanders supporter told Fox.

Only two Democratic legislators voted against the platform — Rep. Rashida Tlaib (D-MI) and Rep. Ro Khanna (D-CA) — both because the platform failed to include a fully single-payer health care plan.

Although the numbers are shocking, the discord is not necessarily unexpected — and Republicans, who raised eyebrows Sunday by refusing to issue an official platform for their own convention, may have decided to avoid a similar display of major, internal party fracture by avoiding policy altogether.

Instead of an official platform, the Republicans are pledging to “enthusiastically support” their nominee, according to Fox News. Instead of voting on changes, the RNC will leave the party’s 2016 platform intact.

“The RNC has unanimously voted to forego the Convention Committee on Platform, in appreciation of the fact that it did not want a small contingent of delegates formulating a new platform without the breadth of perspectives within the ever-growing Republican movement,” the RNC said in a statement Sunday.


  1. Biden has already turned down a “Medicare-for-All” health care plan, refuses to endorse the “defund the police” movement...

    That's strange... I watched some of the 2 nights of the RNC commercial that have aired so far, and over and over everyone claimed that Joe Biden is fully on board with defunding the police. btw, the Democratic Party (the BIG tent party) has an even bigger tent this year than normal. That there is disagreement on the platform isn't overly concerning to me. The republican party, on the other hand, declined to even come up with a platform this time. Because the "GOP" isn't about issues any longer -- they're All about cultish devotion to Dotard.

  2. Big tent. THAT explains why Trump leads Biden by 10% amongst Independents...

  3. Quote: Half of all Americans now identify with or lean to the left, compared with 39% who identify as Republican or lean right. Between May and June alone, Republicans saw a five-point decline while Democrats gained three points.

  4. ...says the Magazine of Record for Corporate Globalism.

  5. The story referenced a 7/26/2020 Gallup poll.

    Gallup: U.S. Party Preferences Have Swung Sharply Toward Democrats. (excerpt) Currently, half of U.S. adults identify as Democrats (32%) or are independents who lean toward the Democratic Party (18%). ... These results are based on monthly averages of Gallup U.S. telephone surveys in 2020. ... Implications: Four months before Election Day, Democrats appear to be as strong politically now as they were in 2018 when they reclaimed the majority in the House of Representatives and gained seven governorships they previously did not hold. If the strong current Democratic positioning holds through Election Day, Democrats could build off those 2018 successes to possibly win the presidency and Senate in 2020. [end excerpt]

  6. Evidently a good percentage of your "lean Democrats" are voting for Trump in 2020. :)

  7. I doubt it. They'll likely be going for Hawkins/Walker over at the Green Party unless the Democrats succeed in more of their voter suppression efforts.

  8. Quote, "Democrats had convinced people to disavow their support for the third party candidates after it was revealed that the Republican Party funded the signature-gathering effort". If the Green Party wants to be on the ballot in Montana they need to gather the signatures themselves. This isn't an example of voter suppression -- it's an example of Democrats fighting back against republican dirty tricks.

  9. There's a requirement in law that no political party be able help another one? Who knew? I guess some Democrat nominated judge did, somewhere.

  10. Quote: A ruling today from Montana's top elections cop says the Green party violated state campaign law by not reporting electioneering spending. He says the Greens benefited from an unknown amount of money from an unknown source [a consulting firm with republican ties] to help them gather signatures on a petition to run candidates on the November ballot. [end quote]

  11. The judge ruled on two "unknowns" LOL! Sounds like an impending judicial impeachment is in order.

  12. No, they know who it is now. Jeff Mangan, Montana's commissioner of political practices said the source and amount was unknown. When the judge ruled in favor of the Montana Democratic Party it was known that the source of the funds was the republican party. Paid to "Advanced Micro Targeting, a Nevada based political consulting firm". in any case, the point is that the Nevada Green Party didn't report the "help" as an in-kind contribution, in violation of campaign finance laws.

    Also, the Nevada Green party was supposed to report the amount. They didn't. That's why it was unknown. You can't impeach a judge for something the Montana commissioner of political practices said concerning law breaking by the Nevada Green Party. The judge had nothing to do with what happened at that point.

  13. There were other option available to the judge, such as fining the Green Party and making them report the contribution retroactively. He didn't have to strip the Green Party candidate's names from the ballot.


  14. It's Dotard judges who will be removed when Joe Biden is president :P

  15. I have no fear of THAT ever happening. Thanks, Portland. :)

  16. Violence is erupting in Donald Trump's America. Frustrated citizens have had enough. A VERY good reason to elect Joe Biden. He'll sign the legislation providing for MUCH need police reform.

  17. You think Dotard is going to win running a campaign based on racist fear mongering and a failed coronavirus reponse? LOL.

  18. That is because people are stupid and advertising works. Dotard fear-mongering around the clock absolutely will (and is having) an effect. If people want incompetency and blame shifting (person who isn't president is somehow responsible for violence, rather than the person who IS president) then they'll vote for Dotard. If they want maximum pandemic deaths and economic calamity they will vote Dotard. If they want someone who will ACT and LEAD they will vote for Joe Biden. Joe Biden cares about the American people. Dotard only cares about himself.

    Will the electorate be dumb enough to vote YES on allowing Dotard to finish destroying America? 2020 will determine if America fails it's IQ test... AGAIN. I hope they pass. You hope they fail.

  19. Russia's $100 Facebook ad investment has sure turned the tide for Trump, eh, Dervy?

  20. I was referring to the RNC 6 hour advertisement as well as the ads paid for by the Dotard campaign and supporting superpacs. Not your lie that Russia spent $100 on Facebook ads. As opposed to $247,100 (the real amount). Plus a lot more for the programmers of twitterbots and Russians posting to social media pretending to be Americans.
