Monday, August 17, 2020

Overcoming Covid Paralysis...


  1. The only way we're going to overcome "covid paralysis" is by electing Joe Biden.

  2. LOL!

    That's how Covid paralysis becomes Institutionalized and PERMANENT!

  3. Dotard ignored the virus for 3 months and continues to spread dangerous lies. President Biden will provide real leadership and end the pandemic. Only vote Dotard if you want to maximize the death toll and maximize the economic hardship. The Putin puppet couldn't lead his way out of a paper bag.

  4. The closest Biden will ever get to the Oval Office again is a White House Tour.

  5. I assumed the video you posted would have something to do with your topic. I assumed wrong. Except that President Biden will work hard to see to it that thousands of people's stories aren't prematurely ended. The opposite of predisent Dotard is doing. Hopefully Kamala Harris sees to it that Dotard's story ends with him where he belongs... behind bars :P

  6. That sure is a scary story, Its' just a shame that your hero is Sleepy Joe Biden, the do-nothingest former member of Congress in history.

  7. Even if that were true (which it isn't) it would be better than a predisent who is actively working to HARM American as Dotard is. btw, Biden is't "sleepy", he simply isn't a drug addict who needs to snort his energy like Dotard the speed freak.

  8. I'm sure he'll get Corn Pop's vote.... that is... if Corn Pop can vote. Joe did say, "He was a bad dude," so it's possible that after Biden put the swimming pool chain away, Corn Pop threatened some other Lifeguard... and has since lost the right to vote. :(

  9. Is Kanye West going to vote for Dotard or for himself? He has mounted a pointless run for the presidency as the "nominee" of the "birthday party". Apparently Jared Kushner is taking advantage of Kanye (a mentally ill person) in an illegal attempt to siphon Black votes away from Joe Biden. Illegal in that two campaigns that are supposedly in opposition are coordinating.

    Quote: "Jared’s scared and doesn't want me to run because he knows that I can win" West has told numerous associates after his conversations with the president's son-in-law. [end quote]

    How can Dotard increase his share of the Black vote (from 7 percent) when all the Black voters are going to support Kanye? LOL

  10. Kanye is going to be Trump's Chief of Staff starting the fourth week of October, this year.

  11. Dotard will need to find someone new before his term ends January 20th. One day and Kanye will be done. They could just leave the position empty until Biden's chief of staff takes over.

  12. Biden will never be President. You can take that to the bank.

  13. Xi Jinping knows everything Putin is doing to help Dotard steal a second term? I thought his preference was that Joe Biden be our next president? Apparently not. Otherwise he'd tell Joe Biden so the Democrats could prepare to counter whatever Putin has up his sleeve.

  14. Did Biden tell Xi what Putin was doing? THAT is why he'll never be President. His legs will NEVER be hairy enough. lol!

  15. No, Dotard is the idiot who disclosures classified information to our enemies.

    As for weird comments, according to Dotard "I wouldn't mind if there were an anti-Viagra, something with the opposite effect. I'm not bragging. I'm just lucky. I don't need it".

    Apparently his erections are so powerful he'd take medication to make them go down if it existed? Sure. I believe that as much as I believe "All of the women on The Apprentice flirted with me - consciously or unconsciously. That's to be expected".

  16. Hypergamous females can't help themselves around alphas like Trump. It's his "viagra".

  17. Dotard can't keep his hands to himself around women who are repulsed by him. That's why he has so many sexual assault accusers. And those are just the women who have come forward. Certainly there are many more who don't want the notoriety and just want to forget the horror of being assaulted by the orange groper.

  18. Funny, his accusers all seem to be the ones he rejected...

  19. His accusers rejected him. But he refused to take "no, you're disgusting" for an answer.

  20. lol! Sounds more like they were insulted that he didn't appreciate or value their skanky offerings as much as they did...

  21. They weren't offering. They said NO. That's the problem with sexual assaulters like Dotard, they don't understand NO. Sounds like you don't understand NO either.

  22. Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned. lol!

  23. Correction (for our 'modern" times), "Hell hath no fury as a feminist scorned."

  24. It's your delusion that these women solicited Dotard and he turned them down. It was the other way around. If not, why didn't Dotard's lawyers argue that when he sued them? Remember he said he was going to sue his accusers after the election? Why didn't that lawsuit ever happen? If it is Dotard who is the victim, you'd think he would want to clear his name. And you KNOW he loves to sue.

  25. Women fawn all over Trump... he's the alpha to all their hypergamy.

  26. Proof of how much you love hypergamy. Contrary to your denials, you can't stop going on and on about it. Anyway, some women may HAVE fawned all over him. But now? You think women find ugly, fat, orange-clown-makeup-wearing grandpas attractive? btw, that Dotard was dating hot chicks was something "John Miller" used to call the newspapers to brag about.

    Quote: Trump's alter ego emerged as a second spokesperson named "John Miller", who was used to boost his playboy reputation in between the mogul's marriages. "Important beautiful women call him [Trump] all the time", "Miller" told People.

    "It was a chance for him to say that Carla Bruni and Madonna were interested in him"... "And if you want everyone to think you're a charming, dashing, and beautiful guy, maybe it's handy to have someone on hand who says that". (After listening to a tape of the People interview, Trump's ex-girlfriend at the time, Marla Maples, confirmed that John Miller was, indeed, Trump. Trump and Maples would later get back together, marry, and then divorce). [end quote]

  27. LOL! Also, "Women for tRump" concerns stupid women who plan on voting for him, not women who want to have sex with him.

  28. :)

    btw - Were there any takers for a "sleep with Dervy" contest?

  29. LOL. Did you read the page you linked to?

    Quote: The underlying "contest" — which was quite likely a PR effort coordinated and paid for by Trump himself and/or a book publisher — turned out to be little more than deceptive wordplay, full of flattering remarks about the Donald (even if they were invented ones) and catty references to his divorce. Readers quickly learned that the only "prize" to be won in this contest was a pillowcase with Trump's face silk-screened onto it. ... Unfortunately, history has not left us a record of the reactions of the contest's winners (if indeed there actually were any).
