Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Vote FOR Kimberly Klacik MD7



  1. It would be illegal for me to vote for her because I do not live in Maryland's 7th district. Not that I would consider voting for her. I voted for the Black women running in TN. As Democrats.

  2. When did illegal voting ever stop a Democrat?

  3. LOL.

    Quote: On Thursday, an elections fraud complaint was filed with the Florida Department of State against Trump by Jim Watson, a semiretired truck driver from Boynton Beach, Florida. In the complaint, Watson asserts that Trump is prohibited from using Mar-a-Lago as his legal residence because it is a private club.

    "This is in a recorded agreement, a covenant running with the land to the benefit of all Florida and Palm Beach County residents". the complaint states. Noting that Trump now uses Mar-a-Lago as his legal residence for his voter registration, the complaint says that "the Mar a Lago [sic] Club is not a property where anyone can legally reside". [end quote]

  4. More republican voter fraud...

    Did Mitt Romney Commit Voter Fraud? (excerpt) Did Mitt Romney commit voter fraud when he cast a ballot for Scott Brown in last year's [2010] special election in MA? On Monday, one of his lesser known opponents for the GOP presidential nomination, Fred Karger, filed a complaint with MA state election officials alleging that he [Romney] voted for Brown, as well as in other MA elections, when he was not in fact a resident of the Bay State.


    Karger spent some time interviewing Belmont residents, including members of the Romneys’ local Mormon Temple, where they'd been regulars, and asked people when they'd last seen the the former Massachusetts governor or his wife around town. The local fishmonger told Karger, “They flew the coop. They moved to California. I haven't seen Mrs. Romney in over two years, and she used to come in here all the time". Likewise, churchgoers used to worshiping with the Romneys told Karger that they also hadn't seen the Romneys in a couple years. Yet the Romneys continued to vote in MA, including in the January 2010 special election to fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. Karger says he even received personal confirmation from Ann Romney about the couple's living arrangments. In April, Karger says he ran into her in Las Vegas at a meeting of the Republican Jewish Coalition, where Mitt was speaking. According to Karger, Ann told him they are living in California. [end excerpt]

  5. As far as I know Mitt Romney is not "all in for Joe Biden". You just hate him because he isn't a Dotard sycophant and has SOME integrity. Even though the only sane choice is Joe Biden, there has been no Romney endorsement of Biden. Not yet, anyway. I doubt he will.

  6. If "integrity" means sucking up to billion dollar hedge fund managers, then Romney's got LOTS of "integrity".

  7. It certainly isn't sucking up to murderous strongmen around the world like Putin, Erdogan, Bolsonaro, Duterte, etc :(

  8. ...or Xi and the Grand Ayatollah Khameini

  9. Did Dotard have chocolate cake with Khameini too?

  10. ...but Biden exported the jobs at 15 US Devil Creme plants to Wuhan.

  11. He didn't. btw, how many jobs has Dotard brought back? lol.

  12. Not as many as Biden and his globalist kronies exported.

  13. As per my prior link, Dotard and his globalists cronies are continuing to export jobs.

  14. Not nearly as many as Biden and his Kronies have exported since Biden joined Government in 1973, 47 years ago.

  15. Biden's been on the wrong side of the American working man for nearly 5 decades.

  16. You mean when he legit "employed" them? BWAH!

  17. Yes. Then refused to pay what was owed for work performed. In essence he stole from them. Many contractors tell this story. Has the "deep state" been active against Dotard since the 80s? Where these "deep state" contractors? LOL.

  18. lol! He stiffed the corporations. The workers all got paid. :)

  19. Small business owners. One of which (at least) went bankrupt after Dotard refused to pay.
