Sunday, August 30, 2020

Meanwhile...closer to home in DC....

"Peaceful" Protestors inciting/ instigating violence against the police (and anybody else wearing a hat or tee with the wrong cause stated on the front).


  1. Dotard incites violence all the time and you have no problem with it. You either deny they were serious or describe the murders as "frustrated citizens". The last one your're even praising and saying he didn't bring enough ammo.

  2. When applying din rodef, you can NEVER have enough ammo.

  3. I thought the point of the video was to outrage. Yet you advocate the same, just on the other side. I'm outraged by YOU, not this frustrated citizen (the alleged "BLM leader" heard by not seen in the video).

  4. You could only follow the bullhorn if you were there in person. I didn't see the person speaking in the video, and neither did you. Who's to say that audio wasn't recorded separately and laid down over that video? It could be a simple "deep fake" (though more of a shallow fake, as there is no one's mouth to manipulate).

  5. Minus = delusional idiot. Sees things in videos that are never shown.

  6. What you write makes absolutely no sense. It's gibberish.

  7. If stupidity were stooges, you'd be the Moe-ron.

  8. "Q.E.D." (sometimes written "QED") is an abbreviation for the Latin phrase "quod erat demonstrandum" ("that which was to be demonstrated")...

    I said the person speaking in the video is never shown. You said "QED", i.e. the video demonstrates that the person is show. He isn't. I watched it several times. You are the moron.

  9. Q.E.D. once again as to your BLINDNESS.

  10. QED = all your comments in this thread prove how delusional you are.

  11. Anybody who watches the video will quickly identify the speaker with the megaphone proving just how delusional you are.

  12. Then identify him. What's his name? Link to a social media or BLM page that identifies him as a BLM leader. btw, you're full of shit and you aren't going to gaslight me into thinking I'm not seeing something. Because you can't "quickly identify" someone that is never shown.

  13. Matt @Matt45739788 Aug 31
    Replying to
    anyone know the guy's name who said this?

    NOBODY ever identifies him. I read all the responses. Your claim that "Anybody who watches the video will quickly identify the speaker" is 100 percent bullshit. QED you're an idiot.

  14. lol! That video was STAGED! BWAH-HA-HA-HA!


  15. You said the speaker could be easily identified, yet you decline to do so. qedXINFINITY your stupidity.

  16. I have a photo of some random peoplehere. Either provide their names to me now or declare that they don't exist.


  17. You said the speaker could be easily identified. I never said I could identify random strangers. Your moronic strawman is QED your stupidity.

  18. Then identify him. What's his name? Link to a social media or BLM page that identifies him as a BLM leader. qed x Infinity^3

  19. Right. That is my comment. Again, YOU said the speaker could be easily identified. I never said I could identify random strangers. Your moronic strawman is QED your stupidity.

  20. The girl with the megaphone in the video isn't sufficient identity? You can only believe your own eyes if I run a full facial recognition, give you a name, and her curriculum vitae? lol!

    qed x Infinity^4

  21. What girl? What megaphone? Are you referring to a video other than the one you posted?

  22. Watched yet again, this time full screen. Now I see the speaker. I couldn't see him before. Still waiting for you to identify him. Although I doubt you ever will, despite saying identifying him is easy. Now you think it's a girl.
