Sunday, August 30, 2020

A Patriot Prayer Supporter is Shot and Killed in Portland

No wonder BLM wants the Police Defunded. That way they can gloat and "take out the trash" without any pesky "judicial process" or "judicial review". Wear an offensive hat and its' "Off with his head!" Meanwhile, what preceded the shooting above much earlier in the day:


  1. If someone was shot by a frustrated citizen clearly we should be blaming Congressional Republicans who refused to agree to the police reform legislation put forward by the Democrats.

  2. Clearly YOU are an idiot, as I used your reasoning re the 2019 El Paso shooting. You called that terrorist a "frustrated citizen" and blamed Democrats for not funding Dotard's moronic wall.

  3. ...because CLEARLY "fascism" has run amock in Portland and Congress isn't doing enough to stop it.... BWAH!

  4. Congress passed a police reform bill and Dotard signed it? When?

  5. The police need reform? Every case presented by BLM to date has been justified use of deadly force.

  6. An "innocent" black victim of an "unjustified" police shooting has yet to be found.

    Innocent has meaning. Unarmed does not equal innocence.

  7. They aren't justified. Why people are protesting. fyi, the republicans put forward their own police reform bill. Why would they do that if no reform is needed?

  8. The 'protestors' should MTOB. They're clueless as to what needs to be done.

  9. That's bullcrap. A jury decided death penalty cases. Which are ALL murder cases. You can't get the death penalty for any crime but murder. And then the defendant gets to appeal. It's an expensive procedure (why life in prison is actually cheaper). There is no "shortcut". Police reform is desperately needed. Congressional Democrats will pass the legislation and President Biden will sign it.

  10. ...and no one will join the police force, but criminals. Great job, Dervish!

  11. Police officers have to pass a background check. No proposed police reform legislation changes that. Disqualifying the White Supremacists would be a very good idea as well.

    Quote: An FBI intelligence assessment—titled "White Supremacist Infiltration of Law Enforcement" and published in 2006 during the administration of President George W. Bush—raised alarm over white supremacist groups' interest in "infiltrating law enforcement communities or recruiting law enforcement personnel". The report, based on FBI investigations and open sources, warned, for example, that skinhead groups were actively encouraging their members to become "ghost skins" within law enforcement agencies, a term the report said white supremacists use to describe members who "avoid overt displays of their beliefs to blend into society and covertly advance white supremacist causes". [end quote]

  12. The police forces are KKK Klaverns!

    Grow the 'f up, Dervy. Your Blancophobia is out of control.

  13. I cited an FBI intelligence assessment. You cite your delusions. I'm surprised you didn't invoke the "deep state".

  14. The police don't do a background check on potential police officers already? THAT is your proposed legislation? LOL!

    ps - The FBI only stated that the groups had "intentions"... not "success" in infiltrating PDs. You'd legislate Draconian restrictions on PDs across the nation based upon some external groups stated intentions of attempting membership? Talk about RAMPANT Blancophobia!

  15. White supremacists and militias have infiltrated police across US, report says. (excerpt) White supremacist groups have infiltrated US law enforcement agencies in every region of the country over the last two decades, according to a new report about the ties between police and far-right vigilante groups.

    In a timely new analysis, Michael German, a former FBI special agent who has written extensively on the ways that US law enforcement have failed to respond to far-right domestic terror threats, concludes that US law enforcement officials have been tied to racist militant activities in more than a dozen states since 2000, and hundreds of police officers have been caught posting racist and bigoted social media content. [end excerpt]

  16. Why doesn't Michael German "out" them? And according to you, I'm someone who's posting racist and bigoted social media content, so you aren't a very good judge of racial bias... much as the "anti-racists" of BLM today who even mislabel Trump a White Nationalist.

  17. Cry "wolf" all you like. We've heard you cry it too many times before.

  18. They outed themselves by posting racist and bigoted social media content. And, that Dotard is a racist White Supremacist is a fact. Not just in my judgement, but in the judgement of half of America :P

    I've "cried wolf"? When? Give me an example.

  19. "We" = all your sockpuppets. Your sockpuppets are all YOU, not multiple people. QED your insanity. Auditory and/or visual hallucinations? Depending on whether or not you think you actually "heard" me "cry wolf" or if you mean you hallucinated reading that I did.
