How do COVID-19 symptoms progress?
Day 1: The symptoms usually start with a fever, a dry cough and mild breathing issues which may get worse over the next week. You also may have symptoms of a sore throat, coughing up mucus, diarrhea, nausea, body aches and joint pain.
Day 7: Breathing may become difficult or laboured. This is called dyspnoea.
Day 9: Sepsis may start, this is the body's extreme response to an infection that can lead to organ failure or injury.
Day 10-12: People who have mild COVID-19 start to have an improvement in their fever and cough, but in serious cases their fever and cough continues. Acute respiratory distress syndrome (ARDS) starts to be diagnosed, this is a respiratory problem when there is widespread inflammation in the lungs.
Day 12: This is the median day to be admitted into the intensive care unit (ICU).
Day 15: Acute kidney and cardiac injury becomes evident.
Day 18.5: The median time it takes from the first symptoms of COVID-19 to death is 18.5 days.
Day 22: This is the median amount of days it takes for COVID-19 survivors to be released from hospital
Politics turned Parody from within a Conservative Bastion inside the People's Republic of Maryland

Friday, July 3, 2020
Where are the Deaths?
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"Day 15: Acute kidney and cardiac injury becomes evident"... that's strange. Given that the virus is "relatively harmless". Those both sound serious and long term life-affecting.
Apparently not since no one's being hospitalized or dying from the COVID "surge".. Must be fake news.
Deaths are a lagging indicator. The lock downs were working and deaths were falling. Now that the country is reopening, the deaths will be surging soon. You think those who die from covid drop dead immediately after contracting it?
Its been over 18 days since the surge began... No deaths yet,
The CDC is about to declare this "epidemic" OVER!
...and with it all of Joe Biden's dreams of a "mail-in" election go "poof".
That's the strategy? Pretend the pandemic is over (despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary) so Dotard's cheating can't be thwarted by mail in votes?
The reduction in death rate ends the "pandemic" definitionally. Good luck arguing to with the CDC that the "pandemic" ISN'T over.
Link to the story that says the CDC is about to declare the pandemic is over. I certainly do not need to argue with them about your delusions.
lol! You can read the report yourself, AGAIN!
PJ Media speculation isn't a REPORT. Your "report" also contains the lie "hydroxychloroquine reduces the death rate of COVID-19 by more than half". If Dotard hadn't endorsed it the fake news (which PJ Media is) wouldn't STILL be trying to sell the public on this bullshit.
Author of the "report" you linked to Matt Margolis "is the author of the new book Airborne: How The Liberal Media Weaponized The Coronavirus Against Donald Trump, and the bestselling book The Worst President in History: The Legacy of Barack Obama".
LOL!! "Bestselling" no doubt because Conservative groups are buying it in bulk and giving away free copies. I wonder how many copies of Matt's lies will end up being pulped because they couldn't be given away?
You passed on a link to the CDC. Speaks volumes.
Where, oh where did my epidemic go...
Oh where, oh where did it go?
I watch the news. There has been no official pronouncement from the CDC that the pandemic has ended. Anyway, Dotard wants to keep it going. Why he has been pushing for premature openings. He thinks Democrats won't want to risk getting sick and therefore vote in fewer numbers in November. While his magamorons (who think it's a hoax) will vote. Why he's so scarred of vote by mail. It lets everyone vote (and Dotard loses).
Oh, but was...
Based on death certificate data, the percentage of deaths attributed to pneumonia, influenza or COVID-19 (PIC) decreased from 9.0% during week 25 to 5.9% during week 26, representing the tenth week of a declining percentage of deaths due to PIC. The percentage is currently at the epidemic threshold but will likely change as more death certificates are processed, particularly for recent weeks.
In other words, unless CDC can come up with some more bodies, c'est le fin.
After months of decline, America's coronavirus death rate begins to rise. (excerpt) The daily death toll from America's coronavirus crisis rose sharply this week amid a dramatic surge in confirmed infections across the South and West that has inundated hospitals with ill patients and forced several states to pause or reverse plans to reopen businesses.
Texas, Arizona and South Carolina have all seen their death tolls rise by more than 100 percent in the past four weeks, according to an analysis of state and county health data by The Washington Post. Four more states — Mississippi, Tennessee, California and Louisiana — have seen at least a 10 percent jump in that time span.
"They're starting to tick up", said Jennifer Nuzzo, a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security. "Deaths are a lagging indicator, so we always expected that if they were going to go up, it would take some time". ...the death count has begun to rise, surpassing 800 deaths each of the past four days. Although still below the highs in April and May, when more than 2,000 people per day were regularly dying from the virus, experts warn that the trend could continue to get worse. [end excerpt 7/10/2020 Washington Post article].
Deaths double every 3-4 days. Next week they should be at at least 4,000 a day. Let's check it on 7/29, one week from now to gauge the severity of the 2nd wave.
Says who? Younger people are being infected now. Fewer of them die. The death rate will therefore be lower. Not the same as it was when older people were catching and dying from it. One week from now we will still be in the first wave, so I don't know what the death rate then will have to do with the (not arrived yet) second wave.
All the old people have already died? Who knew?
Covid SAVED Social Security? It'll be solvent for at least another two-three decades, now.
Who said all the old people died? Is that your fantasy?
80% of the deaths to date have been people over age 65.
Exactly. Like I said, more young people are getting it now. And more of them recover instead of dying. So you admit you lied about the number of deaths that "should" be occurring if the pandemic had not ended (which it hasn't)?
Yes, and so we should now re-open the schools. Only 40 something people under age 15 have died from 'Covid' (and other complications) in America. Kids, normal, healthy kids, who get it, get better. We don't need millions of "contact tracers'... and we only need testing at hospitals and retirement healthcare facilities... not universal free on-demand tests for the ignorati.
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