Sunday, June 7, 2020

Say it Ain't So, Joe...


  1. Why you're SO worried -- and why you continue to lie about Joe Biden...

    "The kind of voter Trump can't lose": Working-class white women drift toward Democrats (excerpt) ...the one pivotal group showing the most evident signs of splitting from the president are white working-class women, according to a review of polling data, focus groups and interviews... It's these voters — packed in eastern Iowa, central Minnesota, southwestern Wisconsin, northern Ohio and throughout Michigan — who will wield outsized influence over Trump's 2020 fate. Republican pollster Patrick Ruffini calls these women the essential voter as it relates to the Electoral College. [end quote]

    FYI, the Tara Reade narrative isn't working. Usually, one one victim comes forward, that gives other victims the courage to tell their stories ("It won't be just me"). That's what happened in regards to Dotard (with his 25+ accusers). But that is NOT what has happened in regards to Joe Biden. Strongly suggesting to me that Biden is innocent and being falsely accused.

    But, whatever the truth is, I doubt you care. In fact, I'd say it's 100 percent guaranteed you don't care what the truth is. We all know Dotard doesn't. That's another advantage Biden has over Dotard. In addition to not being a prolific sexual assaulter (as Dotard is), Biden is a significantly more honest man (especially compared to the confabulator-in-chief).

  2. Special pleading for fingerbang Biden... surprise, surprise.

  3. btw - If by some remote chance you DO manage to get that old satyr elected, you'd best be sure and hide all the Viagra from the White House.

  4. You're the whose predisent receives special treatment. 25 accusers, yet the media chose to focus on the bullshit story that was Hillary's emails. And what happened to Dotard's pledge to sue his accusers after the election? It seems the media has totally forgotten that Dotard lie.

    As for Viagra, I bet Dotard only uses it when he wants to bone one of his mistresses. I doubt Melania (who sleeps on another floor of the White House) wants to have much to do with him. She is only staying as a "show wife" for now due to a contract amendment that will pay her some extra bucks when they divorce (soon after Dotard leaves the White House).

  5. At least Trump still gets some. Fingerbang Biden couldn't get laid if his life depended upon it.

  6. Is there anyone Joe hasn't played Grope a Dope with?

  7. "Grope a dope" is the game Dotard plays with Ivana Junior.

  8. If that were true there would be many more accusers. And, as you know, there are NOT. Obviously facts don't matter to you -- only a narrative you like. Even if it is total BS, as it is with your Obamagate conspiracy theory.

  9. Biden's cloak of Gyges is just more invisibler than Trump's.

  10. Translation: there aren't more Biden accusers but you'll IMAGINE there are anyway. Biden must have given them each (the hundreds of women who haven't come forward) one of those 130k NDAs. Probably using a small portion of the millions he received from his Ukraine grift.

    LOL! Imaginary scandals are going to counteract Dotard's REAL scandals.

  11. Np, there are more Democrat "reporters" who choose to let Bidens sleeze slide.

  12. So what about the "republican" reporters? Obviously they are letting slide (imaginary) Biden scandals involving (imaginary) women (and men) who have been (imaginary) "fingerbang" victims. My guess as to WHY would be that these scandals didn't happen (except in your imagination).

    Minus = more offended by imaginary sleaze than real sleaze (as exemplified by the sleaze in the White House).

  13. So what about the "republican" reporters?

    You mean Fox News? They actually report. And there are 8. lol!

  14. Fox didn't report that 8 women accused Joe Biden of sexual assault. You lie.

  15. Nope, Just a range of sexual offenses ranging from harrassment up to sexual assault.

  16. Fox didn't report that 8 women accused Joe Biden of a range of sexual offenses ranging from harrassment up to sexual assault. You lie.

  17. YOU prove it. You're the one making the accusation.
