Sunday, June 7, 2020

Just the Facts, Maam...


  1. Oh, please! FACTS DON"T MATTER.....criminals matter...we bow to criminals. We aren't asked to join them in peaceful protest and good conversations about those statistics, we don't see leaders helping their young kids not to become criminals.....and these facts are ALL OUR FAULT! (geeeeZ!!!)

  2. "Facts" from OAN? LOL! At first I thought this might be a StormFront TV video. Blacks commit more crimes therefore the police are justified in killing more of them. Was the officer that murdered George Floyd afraid for his life or trying to protect the public when he knelt with his knee on the neck of the already handcuffed Floyd? Surely he was justified in being fearful, given the "violent" crime of passing a counterfeit $20 Floyd MIGHT have committed.

  3. The police can't help it if George Floyd OD'd in their custody with Fentanyl and a COVID-19 respiratory highball.

  4. Quote: ...the full autopsy report... indicated that the cause of death was "cardiopulmonary arrest complicating law enforcement subdual, restraint, and neck compression", and that the manner of death was homicide.

    The police CAN help but not murder suspects. And they absolutely should be held accountable if they do.

  5. Good luck with the murder 2 charge. You probably could have made a manslaughter charge stick, but you'll never win a murder 2 conviction with THAT drug and virus loaded PoS. Just more Riots to follow by design... a boost to future Black Pander Party candidates straight out of the DNC playbook.

    Democrats don't want justice. They want ISSUES to RUN on... :)

  6. republicans don't want justice, they just want issues to run on. PROVEN by Dotard's response to the protests. He is NOT AT ALL interested in addressing the concerns of the protesters, only "dominating". Another appeal to his frightened and hate-filled White base (people like you).

    fyi, manslaughter would be appropriate if Chauvin did not intend to kill Floyd. As the tape clearly shows, this was murder. Chauvin decided to kill Floyd when he kept his knee on his neck ever after he knew Floyd had no pulse. And slandering the victim (and trying to say it was his own fault) surely should not work as a defense.

  7. lol! You must have missed the resisting arrest video that proves Chauvin's intent was to put him in the police car and take him Downtown.

  8. So the f*ck what? Obviously that isn't what happened. Since when does being uncooperative justify an instant death penalty?

  9. It does justify a shove to the ground and a knee on your neck, all proper Minneapolis police procedure.

  10. So George Floyd wasn't on breath constricting opioids and infected with the breath constricting COVID-19 virus before any cops sat on his torso?

  11. So George Floyd didn't tell the cops that he couldn't breath? And they didn't callously ignore him? And Officer Chauvin didn't continue to kneel on Floyd's neck for 2+ minutes after being informed that he ceased breathing and had no pulse? I guess George Floyd must still be alive then. I wonder why people are protesting...

  12. Also, AS PER YOU, covid is a "relatively harmless virus". So why do you NOW keep insisting it was a factor? Who says Floyd's case wasn't a mild one? Not that having covid makes it OK for cops to murder you.

  13. Criminals being arrested never lie? Who knew?

    All the procedures that the Minneapolis police performed in the arrest and subsequent death of George Floyd were, as Sally Yates would say, "By the Book". All of them.

  14. Take a relatively harmless virus that impairs breathing, mix it with a cocktail of fentanyl which impair breathing and methamphetamine, which cause seizures, and throw in a couple of cops sitting on his chest and "poof" you have factors contributing to repiratory arrest.

    Assume for a minute that Floyd's death occurred during CPR. Would you charge the EMT with murder now, too?

  15. So, when Floyd ceased breathing and had no pulse, that was him "lying" as well?

    And Chauvin wasn't giving Floyd CPR. Apparently you don't understand the difference between someone purposefully attempting to take a life and someone purposefully attempting to save a life.

    ...throw in a couple of cops sitting on his chest and "poof" you have a murder.

  16. The police are not omniscient. They still thought Tony Timpa was alive while they joked, "time to go to school..."

  17. Were the Minneapolis police officers all trained and certified in CPR?

    16 weeks of POLICE training, and you expect them to all be EMTs...

  18. You should sign up… but then the thought of actual public service probably offends you.

  19. Only EMTs don't laugh at people lying on the ground unmoving? Who knew omniscience was required to check a pulse? Perhaps they could have done that. As opposed to joking (when there was nothing to joke about).

  20. Have you ever checked a pulse? Could you detect a feint one?
