Saturday, June 6, 2020

Rothbard on T.R.'s Regressive Era


  1. Because the power of big money has captured the regulators, that doesn't mean we have no choice but to give up and get rid of the regulators. The solution is to work harder to make government FOR and BY the PEOPLE. I support rule by The People. As opposed to rule by the wealthy people (your preference, so long as they're wealthy people in the private sector and not wealthy people who work in government).

  2. I have a feeling that the Government Unions would have something to say about working harder...

  3. I was talking about electing Progressives to pass laws that deal with regulatory capture.

  4. ...and make The Democratic Party illegal? Good luck getting them to do THAT!

  5. The effect would be less corporate donations going to republicans. They're the ones who most heavily rely on corporate cash to fund their campaigns. And I have no problem with Corporate Dems being made "illegal".

  6. Hillary spent 3x the corporate money that Trump spent

  7. Both Dotard and Hillary are corporate conservatives. Why I voted for Bernie Sanders in the primary. He takes zero corporate money.

    Although Hillary wouldn't have began her term in office with a huge corporate tax cut. A tax cut you support. Dotard's corporate funders got what they paid for and THEN some.

  8. You voted for Hillary in the General, you corporatist loving dervish. I didn't vote in the Primary. I'm a registered Independent. We CAN'T vote in the CLOSED PRIMARIES in MD. :)

  9. You voted for Dotard in the General because you were FOOLED into voting for a lover of the corporatist globalists who pretends to be on the side of working Americans. That, or you lie and are actually a corporate globalist guy.

    I voted HRC because she said she would not sign the TPP and was the best choice among the two candidates. However bad HRC would have been, she still would have been infinitely better than Dotard.

  10. Did Trump sign the TPP? lol!

    Would Hillary have renegotiated NAFTA? Put tariffs on China?

    Sorry, but I don't buy your anti-globalist reasons.

  11. No, HRC wouldn't have made minor, relatively meaningless, changes to NAFTA and called it a "win" (duping fools like you). Nor would she have driven US farmers to bankruptcy and suicide with an idiotic trade war by executive decree (as opposed to changing trade policy through Congress). HRC wasn't my first choice, but she came in ahead of Dotard. WAY ahead. Your "positives" aren't positive at all. They're negatives.
