Sunday, April 12, 2020

IS CDC Faking the Covid19 Death Data?


So how come "Total" deaths are declining significantly in the last few weeks... while "Covid" deaths are up, deaths from "Influenza" and "Pneumonia" are down SIGNIFICANTLY? Is this simply a fake attribution of pneumonia and influenza (et al) related deaths to Covid?


  1. The Stupid State, THAT is for certain.

  2. President Donald Trump was pilloried by the media for questioning whether New York would actually need 30,000 additional ventilators or 40,000 ventilators total as claimed by Gov. Andrew Cuomo in late March. New models from the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation show that New York already reached its peak projected ventilator usage on April 8, with a projected need of 5,008. The actual use may have been even lower.

    Cuomo only overshot reality by a factor of 5...

  3. Cuomo also claimed the state would need 140,000 beds. The IHME model reports that peak bed use was projected to have been reached on April 8, with fewer than 23,000 beds needed. Cuomo’s projection was apparently off by a factor of more than six.

  4. Your post was about known deaths, not projections of how many ventilators and beds Cuomo may have incorrectly predicted NY would need. And Fauci works for the Dotard administration. Like I pointed out to you recently, when Dotard drones on and on (praising himself for his inept response) Fauci often speaks next. Both of them are up there in front of the reporters together.

    FDA authorizes CPAP machines and more as emergency ventilator alternatives... They did that because hospitals are getting all the ventilators they need?

  5. for CPAP alternatives, proof of the over-reaction to Cuomo's sky falling.

  6. btw, over at Lisa's, a new video states that ventilators are CAUSING all those deaths... that 80% of patients w Covid19 who are put on ventilators will die, as the ventilators damage lungs filled with fluids... so Cuomo'sdemand for ventilators is a demand for increased deaths.

  7. From the last week in the table... pneumonia deaths are way that because a feared respirator shortage lead to a decrease in patients w/pnemonia being prescribed.assigned respirators... that the respirators may heve been a contributing factor in killing people with pnemonia?

  8. erratum - substitute "ventilator" for "respirators" in all usages above.

  9. So, ventilators are totally unnecessary and doctors are murdering people by using them? There are downsides to HAVING to placed on a ventilator. Re Lisa's video, Shiva Ayyadurai's wikipedia page has a segment titled "COVID-19 misinformation". He is obviously a quack as well as a trumper conspiracy theorist nutjob. NO WONDER Lisa says "This is most coherent thing I have heard about COVID19". There is definitely something very wrong with you people.

  10. Mortality in patients with acute lung injury on mechanical ventilation has been estimated to range from 24% in persons 15-19 years of age to 60% for patients 85 years and older [4]

    Why is the mortality rate 87% for COVID19 patients?

  11. btw - Mechanical ventilation is an essential, life-saving therapy for patients with critical illness and respiratory failure. Studies have estimated that more than 300,000 patients receive mechanical ventilation in the United States each year [1-3]. These patients are at high risk for complications and poor outcomes, including death [1-5]. Ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP), sepsis, Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS), pulmonary embolism, barotrauma, and pulmonary edema are among the complications that can occur in patients receiving mechanical ventilation; such complications can lead to longer duration of mechanical ventilation, longer stays in the ICU and hospital, increased healthcare costs, and increased risk of disability and death.

  12. ...and why did pneumonia deaths decrease nearly 50% last week (because the patients WEREN'T put on ventilators?)
