Monday, April 13, 2020

Vote for China Joe...


  1. I'm still voting for Joe. You can vote for China Dotard, Putin's puppet and Xi's dupe...

    China Loves Trump. The people love a winner. The leadership loves a dupe. (excerpt) China... appears to have assessed that Trump, the self-proclaimed master deal maker, would rather have a bad deal than no deal at all, and could be persuaded to compromise on almost anything in order to declare a "win". ...[As per] Shen Dingli, a professor of international relations at Fudan University... Trump... is "an especially easy president for China to handle". "We are lucky", he added. [end excerpt]

  2. "EVERYONE loves Trump. Trump is China's dupe, Russia's dupe, and the Deep State dupe. The press LOVES the Donald."


  3. Something we agree on. Except for the "bwah". Which, I assume is your way to quickly dismiss an obvious truth.

  4. The obvious truth is that you're easily influenced by ideas that you desire to be true, and not the ones that you don't.

  5. LOL. Says someone who disbelieves experts because they say things you don't want to be true. FYI, I don't desire a recession because a lock down will save lives.

  6. I never distrust experts with skin in the game like my doctor or airline pilot. If they f*ck up I'll sue them for their last nickels, and they know it.

  7. And yet patients still die due to physician error and airplanes still crash and kill passengers due to pilot error. Your doctors and pilots MUST be especially fearful of being sued by YOU (or your survivors) -- so they try extra hard to not f*ck up. They take one look at you and your awe-inspiring presence convinces them to do the best they can not to kill you (or displease you in any way).

  8. Wouldn't it be hilarious if you took to the streets to protest the coronavirus lockdown in your state, contracted covid19 and had to be put on a ventilator, then (your family claimed) you died due to physician error -- but they lost their lawsuit?

  9. I have a DNR/DNI clause in my Living Will. They put me on a ventilator, they won't win their lawsuit.

  10. you think it's a big regret for people who have had coronavirus, been put on a ventilator and lived? Not having a DNR and thus not come out the other side with their lives? If you're elderly and your chances aren't good -- I can see not wanting to go through that. Otherwise, maybe most people would chose to live? Provided they don't have lung issues to deal with for the rest of their lives.

  11. Sure, although I've read it's at least 20 percent. Apparently you think it should be 0 percent because the percentage is too low to bother trying. And here I thought republicans opposed death panels...

  12. ...unless, as many suspect, ventilators are killing them. Nothing like being killed by inappropriately applied standard medical protocols.

  13. No. Coronavirus is killing these people. You think an inability to breath isn't fatal?

  14. Do you think that rising from a water depth of 100 feet holding your breath won't kill you?
