Sunday, April 12, 2020

Progressive 3rd party Dreams...


  1. A conversation between two people who really love Dotard and desperately want him to remain predisent for 4 more years. Why you posted the video, obviously. Bernie should have run against Obama -- yeah, THAT would have gotten him the Black vote.

  2. The guest was Bernie's outreach coordinator in 2016... he loves Trump?

    Get out of the Nile, Dervy… you're too deep in it.

  3. If neither one of these people loves Dotard, why are they trying so hard to get him a second term? The choices are Biden or Dotard. If you're against Biden you're for Dotard. For the record, my preference was Bernie.

  4. If you are FOR Biden, you're FOR Neoliberal control of the Democratic Party FOREVER.

  5. Until people stand up for their interests within their he Democratic Party and risk losing elections, the establishment is free to sell them out at will. And once you do and WIN, You're unlikely to lose again.

  6. Your interest in a revolt in the Democratic Party is that it will greatly aid in the "reelection" of Dotard. I'll go with Biden over the neoliberal fascist -- easy. Also, I thought it was the "Democrat Party". Is your use of the correct "Democratic Party" supposed to convince me your concern is genuine?

    FYI, Bernie Sanders has pulled the Democratic Party to the Left. God Bless him. The revolution continues. Of far greater importance (than getting everything we want immediately) is getting rid of Dotard.

  7. Bernie Sanders: We've got to make tRump a one term president. We need you [Biden] in the White House. I will do all that I can to see that that happens, Joe. I know that there is an enormous responsibility on your shoulders right now. It is imperative that all of us work together to do what has to be done. Not only in this moment, but beyond this moment.

    Joe Biden: Bernie, I want to thank you for that. It's a big deal. I think that your endorsement means a great deal. It means a great deal to me. People are going to be surprised that we're apart on some issues, but we're awfully close on a whole bunch of others. If I am the nominee, which it looks like you just made me, I'm going to need you. Not just to win the campaign, but to govern.

  8. You WISH I was a sucker who would vote for Dotard by not voting for Biden. Unfortunately (for you) I think the number of such suckers is low -- idiots like Krystal Ball and Jimmy Dore who are working hard to help Dotard stay in office.

  9. ...and the list of suckers keeps growing exponentially... :)

  10. Bad lip reading = fake. Not that, as someone who can't get enough fake news and "alternative facts", cares. Why you love Creepy Dotard's lies.
