Wednesday, March 4, 2020

Draining the FISA Swamp

Senator Rand Paul reported earlier yesterday evening that he met with President Trump in the White House to discuss the pending FISA reauthorization. According to Senator Paul President Trump will not support reauthorization without “significant FISA reform”.


  1. What's the "reform" he wants? If you're part of a republican political campaign you're untouchable and therefore free to break whatever laws you please?

  2. Given that Joe Biden is currently involved in a political campaign, any investigation of him should be off-limits because it is election interference. Yet we know that Toady Barr has agreed that he'll accept the Russian-manufactured "evidence" being gathered by Rudy. And use it (I presume) to harm Biden's bid for the White House (although not to prosecute him for any crimes, since there were none). Like I said, the "reform" will apply ONLY to republicans.

  3. Shoes on the other foot now, and you don't like it. Yes, w/o reform Trump is free with the entire federal government to pursue, spy upon, and trash the reputation of any rival, just as Obama and his Clintonian minions did in 2016...

  4. You're using magaturd delusions and Russian manufactured conspiracy theories to excuse impeachable offenses and corruption. The shoe is NOT on the other foot because BHO and HRC did not use "the entire federal government to pursue, spy upon, and trash the reputation of" Dotard. The IG report CONFIRMS that the investigation was opened with predicate. Neither BHO nor HRC forced Dotard to collude with Putin.

  5. The NSA Director, and AG both disputed the DOJ IGs conclusions vis "predicates" as his investigation was legally limited to "within DOJ" over a joint FBI/CIA operation.

  6. Dotard's toadies. And what is the basis of their disputing the IG's claims? So far there isn't one. Not one with any facts to back it up, that's for sure. Rudy Giuliani is NOT a government official! Rudy is facing potential charges himself. "Rudy investigates" (aka accepts Russian manufactured dirt) is NOT the proper channel for conducting an investigation -- *if* there were any Biden wrongdoing.

  7. Crossfire Hurricane was an FBI/CIA Joint task force. The DOJ IG wasn't permitted to question any of Brennan's CIA minions. So how could he know anything about the predicates for a JOINT investigation? At best, he'd only collect half the facts. Do you accept judgements based upon half-truths?

  8. The FBI and CIA can't share intell? Who knew? That the investigation was conducted with predicate is a FULL, not a "half" truth.

  9. Well see the FULL truth in a few months when John Durhams's report comes in. :)

  10. By total coincidence just in time to help the Dotard campaign. republicans just keep investigating, hoping that (eventually) they'll get the results they want (see Benghazi). If not, then there is the fact that many will assume that if there is an investigation there must have been wrongdoing. Why Dotard wanted Zelensky to ANNOUNCE an investigation (but not conduct one). Also the reason for the long life of the HRC email hoax.

  11. Trump was in charge of the Hillary e-mail investigation? Who knew?

  12. A republican was in charge of the email investigation. At the FBI, which is highly conservative. And favored Dotard in the DJT/HRC contest.

    The FBI is Trumpland: anti-Clinton atmosphere spurred leaking, sources say. (excerpt) Deep antipathy to Hillary Clinton exists within the FBI, multiple bureau sources have told the Guardian, spurring a rapid series of leaks damaging to her campaign just days before the election. ... "The FBI is Trumpland", said one current agent. ... the bureau disregarded longstanding rules against perceived or actual electoral interference when Comey wrote to Congress to say it was reviewing newly discovered emails relating to Clinton's personal server. [end excerpt]

  13. Mueller and Comey were FBI RNC Stooges looking to stack the deck for Trump. BWAH-HA-HA-HA-HA!!!!!

    You kill me, Dervy!

  14. That isn't what I said. The republican James Comey worked at an institution that was pro-Dotard. And he (despite whatever his intentions were) effed up bigly to the benefit of Dotard and detriment of Hillary.

    My comment does't mention Muller. Although he is a republican. I think he could have (and should have) went farther then he was willing. The excuse is that he is "by the book". But I can only judge the results (which favored Dotard). I am not able to read his mind.

  15. The Obama Administration was pro-Trump? Who knew?

    Both Comey and Mueller were "Never-Trumpers". You'll find out what that means when the 'neutral' DNC castrates the Bernie faction AGAIN during the primaries. But you can console yourself that THIS time they aren't using the entire US government Intelligence Community to "insure" it.

  16. The Obama administration was not pro-Trump. Much of the FBI was and still is, however. The institutional (not appointed) rank and file (not leadership). I've never heard Mueller described as a "never-trumper". But OF COURSE (in your delusional mind) anyone revealing truths about Dotard HAS to be a "never-trumper" and part of your imaginary "deep state" anti-trump "coup" conspiracy.

    I don't believe the DNC is neutral. I believe they want Biden and don't want Bernie. As for "this time they aren't using the entire US government Intelligence Community to insure it", I don't know what you're talking about. That's your delusion re Dotard. Are you saying there is another conspiracy concerning the Obama administration doing something to thwart Bernie Sanders in 2016? If so, I won't use it to console myself. I don't do anything with conspiracy BS except debunk it.

  17. Please. Mueller was the FBI Director when FBI Contractors began spying for the Oval Office in mid-2012 on the political campaigns of their opponents. Admiral Rogers and Judge Collyer have exposed the mere tip of the spying iceberg. This is only the beginning of the backlash...

  18. Re "After an initial attempt to exploit IRS records"... fake news.

  19. Don't you hate it when Deep State actors reveal their true agenda?

  20. From your link: Lois Lerner was in contact with the Department of Justice Criminal Division about criminally prosecuting conservative tea party groups for pursuing political activity (opposed to President Obama's agenda) by "posing" as non-profit organizations.

    "Opposed to President Obama's agenda" is bullshit. "Posing" shouldn't be in quotes, as that IS EXACTLY what they were doing. And prosecuting them sounds like a good idea to me. They should have been.
