Saturday, March 7, 2020

Trouble Ahead, Trouble Behind, Sleepy Joe You'd Better Watch Your Speed

Inconvenient Questions for Sleepy Joe & Cocaine Driver Hunter...


  1. Joe Biden should appoint his "dad" Hunter to a presidential advising position when he is elected president. He could take over Jared's large portfolio. Excepting, when it comes to the idiotic border wall, Hunter could be in charge of shutting down whatever activities are ongoing after Biden is sworn into office.

  2. I doubt that Hunter will be doing anything but collecting "royalties" on his dad's title's between doing his next 64 kilos of coke.

  3. I doubt that Jared will be doing anything but collecting "royalties" on his FIL's titles while Dotard snorts his next 64 kilos of Adderall.

  4. Jared Kushner made $800 million before his father had government title 1.

  5. Jared Kushner’s legal tax evasion shows how wealthy real estate investors steal from taxpayers. (excerpt) It's quite the scheme, and last year's tax law changes made it even easier to pull off. ... The New York Times published a new report showing how Jared Kushner, President Trump's son-in-law and senior adviser, largely avoided paying any federal income tax between 2009 and 2016. ... The way the tax loophole works is that the law assumes that buildings lose value every year. But as The Times explains, that's not really true; in fact, they often gain value. But even if they're gaining value, developers like Kushner can legally claim that the law's assumptions about depreciation are true, inflating the loss of value so they can report a loss of income.

    The company's assets are then integrated into the owner's personal taxes, meaning Kushner could report that, although he personally made a ton of money, he "lost" more because of what Kushner Companies purportedly lost in the value of its buildings. He can then deduct that loss from his taxes for that year and in the years to come, leaving him with no taxes to pay — even though he's actually raking in a fortune in profits. [end excerpt]

    Dotard klan = grifters.

  6. Legally paying your taxes qualifies as a "scheme"? lol!

    IRS bureaucrats=Stupid, lazy, incompetent Deep-Staters.

  7. He didn't pay. As per the article. And Dotard made the scheme worse in with his tax cut for rich people. As president, getting a tax cut that benefits yourself (and your SIL) written into tax law is DEFINITELY a scheme.

  8. Not paying what's not legally owed sounds like "prudence" to me. He isn't running a charity and has a LEGAL fiduciary responsibility towards his investors.

  9. Using political office to write the rules in your favor isn't "prudence", it's corruption.

  10. The President only "legislates" to the extent that Congress permits him to do so. If Congress has a problem with the Executive's use of his executive departmental "regulatory" functions and powers, they've none but themselves to blame for abdicating their legislative/ rule making responsibilities to executive agencies like the EPA.

    The Executive implements. The Legislature, legislates. THAT is the Constitutions prescribed separation of powers.

    And so if Trump is writing any "rules" to benefit himself personally, the corruption lies with the Congress, and NOT the Executive.

  11. Dotard and the sycophantic "GOP" Congress are BOTH to blame. One party is not unaccountable because they need the other to carry out their corrupt agenda.

    GOP tax cut includes $67 billion in carve-outs for real estate developers. (excerpt) Professional real estate developers will get a roughly $67 billion giveaway from taxpayers over the next decade even as individual homeowners get hit with higher taxes, according to a new analysis of the tax cuts Trump signed into law last December. [end excerpt]

    A tax break specifically aimed at real estate developers (the business Dotard is in) and (according to you) this has NOTHING to do with Dotard. BULLSHIT!

  12. Yep, just as I have argued. Congress legislated that tax break. Everything Trump is doing is perfectly legal and above board. :)

  13. Legalized corruption is still corruption. If you have no problem with it then why the complaints about the offspring of Democratic politicians profiting off their family name?

    btw, "everything" Dotard is doing is not even technically legal. "Individual One" has also committed explicitly illegal acts :(

  14. Legalized corruption is no longer corruption, BY DEFINITION.

    ...and if I complain about Joe's kids, it's because nepotism has always been unseemly, even when legal (Jared/Ivanka/Don Jr.).

  15. The point is to make such activities ILLEGAL and thereby END them.

  16. No way that will happen as long as we have a nepotism expert as predisent. I was kidding about Hunter getting an advising gig in the Biden administration. There is actually ZERO chance of that happening. You think Dotard's hiring of his kids is unseemly? I don't believe you. I think you LOVE it because it's yet another way to "own the libs".

    Corrupt, definition: 1. guilty of dishonest practices, as bribery; lacking integrity; crooked... 2. debased in character; depraved; perverted; wicked; evil. [end definition].

    Note that the definition of "corrupt" contains no reference to laws or a legal system. Ooops! Looks like legalized corruption IS still corruption. BY DEFINITION.

  17. Trump has Ivanka, Jared, and Don Jr. in his cabinet because if the "experienced establishment elites" held ANY of those positions, they would be used to sabotage Trump's America First agenda for the corporate globalists.

    If Bernie won, do you think he'd bring in Joe Biden ex-staffers and the Brookings Lawfare Group to fill his "expert" slots?. Nope. Not if he has half a brain.

  18. ...and you don't get to be an "expert" in the deep state by spouting radical new ideas that the establishment hates. THOSE kind of people get blacklisted, much like Bernie got blacklisted yesterday.

  19. Trump's entire first term has been used getting rid of Never-Trumper political appointees in the civil service. Why do you think he has the highest staff turnover of any modern president? Because the Hoover Institute Republican think tank has gone Never-Trump.

  20. So what you're saying is that we NEED Ivana Junior and Jared advising Dotard to push for things that benefit them financially? Why the HELL would we NEED that? As for Dotard getting rid of appointees, he is the appointer! If Dotard had half a brain (which he clearly does not) he wouldn't appoint "never-trumpers" in the first place. Although I'd say that isn't what is going on. What's going on is that Dotard hires republicans (and, that they are willing to work for him PROVES they are not "never trumpers") then (after working for him for awhile) these people come to realize just how f*cking stupid Dotard is. Which is why they get fired. THAT explains the high staff turnover.

  21. How about that anonymous person who wrote a book about Dotard's incompetence? They haven't found that person yet. LOL!

    btw, White Nationalism isn't a "radical new idea". Nor are big tax cuts for the wealthy or slashing programs that help the poor. These are all old, BAD ideas. Maybe you're talking about the "radical new idea" of running up the national debt bigly in order to stimulate the economy to help yourself get re-elected? Reagan did that, although Dotard has taken such economic stupidity to a new level. And it definitely has fooled magaturds like Franco and Rusty. I'll pass on these kinds of "radical new ideas"... thanks.

    And the Progressive wing of the Democratic party opposes job killing "free trade". It isn't only Bernie Sanders. It is the republican party that is wholly opposed to fixing our trade issues. Why Congressional republicans didn't take up any legislation concerning trade. There are Congressional Democrats who would have signed on to such legislation.

  22. The Democrat Party has the same problem that the RNC has. It's filled with corporate globalists, who make up the MAJORITY of BOTH party's.

  23. I don't disagree. Electing Bernie would have gone a LONG way toward addressing this problem. You chose Dotard and the problem remains. And a lot of other problems got a LOT worse. And many new problems arose as well. You should have voted for Bernie.
