Tuesday, March 3, 2020

Why Bernie Sander's Communist Views Still Matter


  1. Your delusions concerning Bernie Sanders don't matter. Not to people who care about facts, at least.

  2. So why didn't Amy Klobuchar and Mayor Pete endorse their fellow Commie Bernie Sanders? Instead they endorsed the establishment/corporate Dem choice, Joe Biden.

  3. Because even they are not so stupid as to wish to kill the free enterprise goose which lays a myriad of golden eggs and Bernie so wholly disdains.

  4. No. It's because Joe Biden is a Moderate and Amy and Pete are also moderates. And Bernie Sanders is a Progressive. Progressives recognize the fact that the wealthy are hoarding the golden eggs and that government intervention is the only way to address that problem. To claim that Bernie wants to do away with free enterprise and "wholly disdains" it is total bullshit.

  5. Nationalizing entire industries turns golden eggs into increasingly sterile government run gulag economies. THAT is Bernie's preferred method.

  6. Regarding nationalizing entire industries... (1) I doubt he wants to, and (2) he definitely is smart enough to know he can't. As I pointed out to you previously, Sanders wants to expand "the four existing federal power administrations that cover most of the rest of the Lower 48". i.e. do more of what we're already doing. This was according to an article YOU QUOTED ME. So you KNOW you're lying.

    In any case, private industry is quite capable of turning "golden eggs" into rotten eggs. Enron, for example. And why should power be a "golden egg" for the oligarchs anyway? Everyone needs power, so producing it at cost (with no rich leeches getting golden eggs) sounds like a VERY GOOD IDEA to me.

  7. And you know that all four federal agencies sell hydro power, exclusively. Now imagine that they made a law saying that Americans could only buy hydro power from the four agencies. Where would Americans get the other 93.9% of the energy they currently consume? Bernie's promise is for 100% renewable energy by 2030. And I sincerely doubt that the US economy can increase their energy efficiency 90% in the next 10 years without completely collapsing it.

  8. Vote for Bernie's rotten golden omelette in 2020!

  9. I'm not going to imagine something that has no chance of happening. And 100 percent renewable by 2030 is aspirational. What's important is that we make an effort to go in that direction. Dotard's rotten omelette ingredients include more coal and other dirty energy plus idiocy about windmills causing cancer.

  10. You're right. Bernie will never be president.

  11. What has no chance of happening (even with Bernie Sanders as president) is the government passing a law (or the president issuing an executive order) that says the public must "buy hydro power from the four agencies" when those agencies only have the ability to fulfill a fraction of the public's power needs. The result would be an instant recession/depression. And likely many deaths. Your "now imagine" was STUPID. As is your reply. You can't agree with something I did not say.

    It does look like Joe Biden will be our next president, however. Although (before Super Tuesday) you were worried. As all your anti-Bernie (smear-filled) posts prove.

  12. Bernie promised to use Executive Orders.

    As for Biden, he has a slightly better chance than Bernie, but the Bernie Bros aren't going to turn out for him. You really think that the Jimmy Dore/ Aaron Mate/ Glenn Greenwald/ Left is going to pitch for Biden? BWAH-HA-HA-HA!

  13. As Super Tuesday proved, African Americans will turn out for Biden. And moderates, including moderate Republican voters. F*ck Jimmy Dore. Some of Bernie's supporters are (unfortunately) a-holes and idiots. Misogynists who disparaged Elizabeth Warren, for example. When she was the other Progressive running. And (in many ways) would have been a better choice than Bernie Sanders.

  14. Remember Al Gore in 2000? That's what happens when the hard Left zigs towards the Green Party Candidate. Howie Hawkins is going to do VERY well in 2020. :)

  15. I've never heard of him. What about Tulsi's independent spoiler run?
