Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Bloomberg Wins Iowa!

Qui bono from the Democratic caucus count failure? Easy answer - Midget Mike!

Preventing Private/ Individual knowledge from becoming Public/ Common/ Mutual Knowledge. Is the Emperor naked yet?
Go Oligarchy!

The man who sat out the Iowa Caucuses, wins!


  1. Bloomberg got no votes. Is the emperor naked yet? Yes. He has been exposed for quite some time. But you obviously like it that a moron is in charge. Unfortunately.

  2. BANNON: I think he — look, he knows he's not going to beat Donald Trump. He knows he's not going to win the nomination.

    BARTIROMO: You said he wants to be something else, not...


    BANNON: He's — he's basically doing a leveraged buyout of the Democratic Party, is what he's doing.

    He's an LBO of the Democratic Party to control the Democratic Party to select who their candidate is going to be and use his capital, OK, and organization and technology to defeat Trump.

    And that's why this is very dangerous.

  3. Your candidate is controlled by Putin, so you can take your concerns and f*ck off. Does Bloomberg scare Putin and therefore you?

  4. Why didn't the Mueller report out the puppetmaster? lol!

  5. You're f*cking kidding me but I don't find your "jokes" funny. The outing of the puppet master is in the TITLE.

    It is the "Report on the Investigation into Russian Interference in the 2016 Presidential Election".

  6. ...the only Russian interference was introduced by the Steele dossier.

  7. I'm surprised you don't insist that is what the Mueller report says. It doesn't, btw. This is like you blaming the whistle blower. HOW DARE someone notify us of Dotard's cheating attempts. It's cheating to tell on a cheater is your defense? Sorry, but no effing way. Cheating MUST be reported, which is why Chris Steele went to the FBI. I, for one, thank Steele, the whistle blower and the people who testified at the House hearings. These are people who had the guts to do what is RIGHT.

  8. Then you are truly Putin's useful idiot.

  9. Only on opposite day. On every other day YOU are a useful idiot for Putin.

  10. ...saying exactly what a Putin agent would say, eh, Comrade Dervy?

  11. No, it's Comrade Minus who is saying exactly what a Putin operative would.
