Monday, February 3, 2020

Does the DNC Belong to Bloomberg Now?

Start @ 8:15

[T]he whole thing is rigged. And the Democrats, and particularly the Bernie Sanders supporters, should understand, you're playing in a rigged game.

Michael Bloomberg, who really now you're seeing an oligarch come in here, an oligarch that has committed $2 billion not to make himself president, $2 billion just to defeat Donald Trump.

And here's the thing.

BARTIROMO: You don't think he wants to be president?

BANNON: I think he — look, he knows he's not going to beat Donald Trump. He knows he's not going to win the nomination.

BARTIROMO: You said he wants to be something else, not...


BANNON: He's — he's basically doing a leveraged buyout of the Democratic Party, is what he's doing.

He's an LBO of the Democratic Party to control the Democratic Party to select who their candidate is going to be and use his capital, OK, and organization and technology to defeat Trump.

And that's why this is very dangerous. Now you are seeing an oligarch actually step over, has no chance at all to actually defeat Trump as a presidential candidate, do something that's much more dangerous to this republic.

That's why it's got to be followed. And it's serious. Remember, he can apply and capital like nobody else. He's worth 70 — over $70 billion now.


  1. So it isn't dangerous that a foreign oligarch owns the RNC? At least Bloomberg is a US citizen .

  2. Note to Dervish. Read the Mueller Report. No collusion.

  3. Note to Minus: The Mueller report details bigly collusion. You're a GD liar.

  4. Mueller indicted them.


    13 Russian nationals and three Russian companies were indicted on conspiracy charges, with some also being accused of identity theft. The charges related to a Russian propaganda effort designed to interfere with the 2016 campaign. The companies involved are the Internet Research Agency, often described as a "Russian troll farm", and two other companies that helped finance it. The Russian nationals indicted include 12 of the agency’s employees and its alleged financier, Yevgeny Prigozhin.

    12 Russian GRU officers: These officers of Russia's military intelligence service were charged with crimes related to the hacking and leaking of leading Democrats' emails in 2016. [end quote].

    You forgot? I doubt it. I don't know what the point of your BS is.

  5. All that were successfully extradited were convicted, a**hole.

  6. As part of a 12-count indictment of Paul Manafort, prosecutors included charges that the longtime Republican operative misled the government about the nature of his work for the Ukrainian government under the Foreign Agent Registration Act, or FARA.

  7. Quote: A Russian billionaire paid former Trump campaign chairman Paul Manafort millions of dollars to boost the interests of Russian President Vladimir Putin ... "According to documents that we've reviewed, Paul Manafort secretly worked for a Russian oligarch who wanted him to promote Russian interests", the AP's Chad Day tells NPR's Rachel Martin. "And in particular, he wrote a memo that outlined this kind of vast plan for him to promote Russian interests in the former Soviet republics — and also to specifically benefit the Putin government". [end quote].

  8. Then why'd the FBI insist he register as a Ukrainian foreign agent, and NOT a Russian one?

  9. •Paul Manafort (2018)—Mr. Manafort, a U.S. national, pleaded guilty in 2018 to a charge of conspiracy against the United States in violation of 18 U.S.C. § 371, which included a conspiracy to willfully violate FARA, make false statements on FARA filings, and launder money in connection with a FARA violation. He received a five-year sentence associated with this conspiracy plea, along with additional sentences for other criminal violations. Mr. Manafort did not initially register under FARA for his work within the United States as an agent of the Ukrainian Government and the Ukrainian Party of Regions, which was associated with former Ukrainian President Victor Yanukovych. Mr. Manafort and his public relations firm did, however, file a late registration in 2017 at the direction of the Department of Justice’s FARA Registration Unit before charges were ultimately brought against Mr. Manafort and his associates involved in the Ukraine-related activity.

  10. ...and don't tell me that Bob Mueller had gotten confused, again!

  11. Manafort was working in Ukraine on behalf of Putin. You're the one who is confused.

  12. SO what you're saying is, "Mueller is totally incompetent." For once, we agree!

  13. Unless what you're saying is that Manafort was a Russian agent. Then, yes, we do agree.

  14. The Mueller evidence proves he was a Ukrainian agent. Unless you think that Ukraine is colluding with Russia now, too... lol!

  15. Manafort was working in Ukraine on behalf of Putin.

  16. ...and all this time, I thought his paychecks came from the Ukrainian Party of Regions/ Ukrainian President. Who knew?

  17. Quote: ...Manafort's job [was] giving an "extreme makeover" to a presidential hopeful named Viktor Yanukovych, who had the backing of the Kremlin and most of Ukraine's wealthiest tycoons. ... With guidance from Manafort and backing from Moscow, the Party of Regions made an astonishing comeback over the next five years, culminating in Yanukovych's successful bid for the presidency in 2010. [end quote].

    btw, regarding your claim that Manafort has been falsely imprisoned (and will be paid by the US government for this reason), the article I quote above says, "after another revolution in Ukraine forced Yanukovych from power in 2014, the national anti-corruption bureau discovered a secret ledger of off-the-books payments from the Party of Regions; Manafort's name appears in the document 22 times, with payments worth $12.7 million designated for him between 2007 and 2012. ...Manafort and an associate laundered the proceeds of his work in Ukraine through offshore accounts, and failed to pay U.S. taxes on the income".

    Manafort is guilty. Why he was convicted and is now in prison.

  18. Most of Ukraine's oligarchs aren't Ukrainians? Who knew?

    Tax evasion. How un-American! lol!
