Wednesday, February 5, 2020

We Must Stop Trump from Cheating...

...So That the DNC Can Rig the Election!



  1. Ball: "I'm not alleging a grand conspiracy... [it was] a combination media and Democratic establishment contempt combined with utter incompetence".

    That isn't the same "rigging" that Dotard is engaging in. And DNC incompetence certainly does not excuse cheating by Dotard, Russia and whatever foreign power decides to help him cheat. I can definitely understand why you are pushing this false equivalency, however. To give Dotard cover to steal the presidency again.

    The DNC sucks and yeah, they don't want Bernie. But there is a WORLD of difference between the DNC sucking and Dotard colluding with foreign powers to cheat.

  2. btw, it isn't "rigging" when accurate results are released (eventually)... Sanders WINS! Go Bernie! You made a BIG DEAL about Dotard not being the candidate the republic establishment wanted and insisted it was a GOOD thing (he beat the establishment). Yet it's BAD that the same is true of Bernie? Piss off.

  3. was ALL about slowing Sanders momentum going into NH, and propping up the Biden stalking horse until Bloomberg can play the DNC "White Knight" on Super Tuesday.

  4. Biden finished in 4th place.

    btw, was it "planned incompetence" in 2012 when, after the repubic Iowa caucuses, the winner was first announced as Romney, then Santorum, and finally (quite awhile later) Ron Paul?

  5. Yep. That's the Neolib center for you... putting down the party fringes.

  6. So, what you're saying is that they ALL cheat and that Dotard "won" (and will "win" again) because he's the best cheater?

  7. Nope. Just the Neolib Monoparty (current owners of the DNC w/NeverTrumpers).

  8. Uh, oh... the lies are catching up...

    Democratic National Committee Chair Tom Perez is calling on Iowa Democratic officials to immediately recanvass Monday's caucus vote after days of uncertainty and growing concerns about the accuracy of the results.

    "Enough is enough," Perez said in a tweet. "In light of the problems that have emerged in the implementation of the delegate selection plan and in order to assure public confidence in the results, I am calling on the Iowa Democratic Party to immediately begin a recanvass," he said.

    A recanvass is essentially a double-checking of the vote. Iowa officials would have to hand audit the caucus worksheets and reporting forms to ensure that they were correctly calculated and reported.

  9. So, what you're saying is that they ALL cheat and that Dotard "won" (and will "win" again) because Putin is the best cheater?

  10. Yes, I know you think Dotard and Putin are an unbeatable team. Hopefully the American people turn out en masse to vote out the Putincrats, including the head Putin puppet. If not America is f*cked.

  11. No, America is tired of Democrats Russia-Russia fear mongering. They no longer believe anything in the NY Times, WaPo, or on CNN/MSNBC. FAUX News ratings are going through the roof.

  12. magaturds are tired of Dotard+Putin=collusion truth telling. Dotard did it in 2016, and he's doing it again. You'd LOVE it if we ignored the cheating and pretended it wasn't happening. Sorry, but that isn't going to happen :P

  13. FAUX News ratings for the same period were 4x #2 MSNBC's...

  14. You've got a lot of weak-minded people on your side who are hungry for "news" that reinforces what they want to believe.

  15. Yep, THAT explains "Russia-Russia" all right.

  16. ...because Russian interference is a required Ukrainian talking point.
