Thursday, January 2, 2020

What a White Democratic Nominee Means in 2020

The smart move for Democrats would be to boost Hispanic/Asian voter turnout with an Asian/Hispanic Presidential/VP ticket. The turnout upside (vs. Black's) is double. Yang/Castro 2020!


  1. Yang will not be on the ticket (as the potus or vp nominee). Castro is a possibility, but I think the VP choice will be a minority woman.

  2. I agree with your loud proclamation about yourself. I'm pretty sure everyone already knows that about you though.

  3. everyone knows about you, even though you wear your Klan robes under your three piece suit.

  4. Progressive thinking cap = there aren't any, there's no need for one.

  5. It's the Right that is anti-intellectual, anti-science and says there a conspiracy of "Liberal professors" who are brainwashing our kids. trumpturds wear their dunce caps with pride.

  6. ...and it's Liberals who have made a college education moot/ irrelevant/ not worth the money. :)

  7. Harvard/Yale = the modern equivalent of Clown College.

  8. Is Wharton a clown college too? I see one of that institution's former students on TV a lot -- acting clownishly and wearing orange clown makeup and clown clothes (ill fitting suits and ridiculously long ties).

  9. I don't think that Marx had much of an effect on the Wharton School, so, no.

  10. I'm not aware that Marx (Karl or Groucho) had any effect on Harvard or Yale. In any case, a number of former presidents (both Democrats and republics) attended those institutions. Is gwb a Marxist? He must be, given that he attended both Yale and Harvard. So how the Hell did he get the republic nomination?

  11. Harvard and Yale are business schools? I thought that they were Universities.

  12. You also think Dotard is a "successful businessman". LOL.

  13. How quickly they forget the expert problem.

    An expert who has never failed is not an "expert". He is merely a scholar.

  14. NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: “There are experts who are experts, and experts who aren’t. What marker is there? How would we know? We know very well that a pilot, a plane pilot, is an expert. Why, because there’s skin in the game, there’s some kind of contact with reality. A dentist is an expert. Your tailor is an expert. But you can never tell if an employee of the Federal Reserve Bank of the United States is an expert. As a matter of fact, I’m certain that they’re not experts. Economic forecasters, [but] they are not experts. So, they are what I call the “faux experts.”

    We know where they are. It’s very simply someone who makes a decision that doesn’t have visible consequences for the person to be affected. And that’s what I call the no-skin-in-the-game expert.

    PAUL SOLMAN: And it’s to the reaction against those experts that you attribute to Brexit and Donald Trump?

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: Yes, of that rise of the class of pseudo experts running our affairs.

    PAUL SOLMAN: My initial question was, “What black swans do you see now?” You said, ‘Hey, too many people with not enough skin in the game, is setting us up for…’ What?

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: For a riot, because people understand. They have the Web, they have Twitter, they have access.

    PAUL SOLMAN: What are they going to do?

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: They are rioting. They elected Trump, they are electing all these governments… There’s a riot against the class of over-educated, Harvard, Ivy-league, Cambridge, Oxford, Ecole Normale in France, this whole class of people is no longer going to be able to run our affairs… The system laden with debt and with pseudo experts will collapse eventually.

    PAUL SOLMAN: So, that’s the black swan, a collapse.

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: A collapse, because we haven’t really remedied what happened in 2008. We haven’t fixed anything from 2008, what caused 2008. There’s still a lot of debt in the system… Now it may be, miraculously, under Trump, we may have a second wind and America may rise again, and pay the debt. Hopefully that would work.

    PAUL SOLMAN: You mean huge economic growth?

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: That’s my hope.

    PAUL SOLMAN: Were you in favor of Donald Trump?

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: I was not against. First of all I gave him higher odds, because of this. I was writing the chapter on the I-Y-I, the Intellectual Yet Idiot, and I was describing the mechanism. And I said people are rioting against that. And I said that anyone who makes more sense to your Chinese grocery store owner, just off the ship, more than to an intellectual, would win. That’s what happened. I gave Trump close to 50 percent chance at a time when it was not possible. Mostly for technical reasons, and also because I believe that you can see that he makes a lot of sense to merchants, to small business owners, but he doesn’t make sense to intellectuals. So, he has to be that person. But anyone would have been elected, had they played that same platform, of coming in and trying to address in simplistic, but very clear, no nonsense terms to the general public.

    PAUL SOLMAN: By saying the people who have been running the show have been leading you astray.

    NASSIM NICHOLAS TALEB: He got the disease right. Now whether he’s going to fix it, I don’t know.

  15. Failing continually makes someone an expert? To the point where American banks refuse to extend loans to you and you're forced to go outside the US for Putin-backed loans. Who knew?
