Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The Left, Exposed


  1. Phallic leader = Dotard is a huge dick.

    "Is" not "has". As per Stormy Daniels, Dotard's member is small.

    Racist, misogynist egomaniac = huge dick.

  2. As for the rest of the content of the first video -- constructive criticism can be a good thing. Hopefully the result will be the death of the "third way" inflicted on the Democratic Party by Bill Clinton and a return to our progressive roots (Sanders or Warren as the nominee and not Biden).

    Your side doesn't do constructive criticism. That "autopsy" you were supposed to do (to figure out why you get so few minority votes) was never done. Instead you selected a White Nationalist. One most republic politicans hate, btw. Just look at what they said about Dotard previously. They did not change their minds. They lie now because Dotard is getting them the conservative judges and tax cuts for the wealthy they want. The other stuff can be easily reversed when Dotard is gone (most republic politicans don't want a wall or protectionist trade policies -- explaining why they have never worked with him on either).

  3. Your side is in denial about minority voting habits...

    Is Donald Trump heading towards a 50-state sweep in the 2020 election? That’s what some political analysts are saying after new polls that show surging support among African American, Asian and Hispanic voters. These are the voters that have traditionally voted democrat.

    That support may be one reason Democrats want to remove Trump from office before November.

    The new Emerson poll puts Trump at a whopping 35 percent with black voters and an amazing 38 percent with Hispanics who now outnumber blacks as the largest minority in the nation. Trump has more than tripled his support among African Americans while Hispanics, who have gained their citizenship legally, appreciate his clamping down on those bypassing the immigration process.

    “If you add in Asian voters at 28 percent approval,” notes Emerson’s director of polling Spencer Kimball, “our number is very close to the new Marist poll,” which finds Trump’s approval at 33 percent among non-white voters.

    An amazing and historic number for a Republican.

    But before you discount it as just one poll, other data suggests the same thing making it even worse for Democrats. A Rasmussen Reports poll has Trump support among black voters at a strong 34 percent, and even the new CNN poll, which has in the past undercounted the President’s support, still has Trump’s approval among non-white voters at 26 percent.

    And, this week in the midst of impeachment hearings, polls show Trump’s support among all Americans as high as 52 percent.

    That’s amazing say most observers.

    Zizek's "critique" is that Democrat "Identity Politics" is heading for a MAJOR FAIL in 2020.

  4. Dotard-style White identity politics is headed for a major fail. Dotard MAY be able to cheat his way to another "victory" in 2020 (while losing the popular vote again) but demographics are not on your side. Your side being White racists and the useful idiots who will vote for a racist candidate.

    As for your polls, I say "LOL".

    Quote: [conservative] Pollster Frank Luntz... took issue with the Rasmussen poll because of inherent bias and he cited past discrepancies from the firm about Black voters before the 2018 midterm elections. "One week before the 2018 elections, Rasmussen had President Trump's support among Black Americans at 40 percent. According to exit polls, only 8 percent of black voters nationwide voted for Republican candidates", Luntz tweeted Monday, reminding disillusioned folks to beware of fake polls. [end quote].

    Dotard will not receive anywhere NEAR 35 percent of the Black vote. Dotard received 8 percent of the African American vote in 2016. As per another polling company, "Gallup averages show Trump with a 10% approval rating among blacks in 2017, 11% in 2018 and 10% so far in 2019. In short, Trump's approval rating among blacks has essentially not changed over time".

  5. Colour identity politics only works for racists like you, Dervy. Sorry, but the intersectional "jig is up"! Minorities have caught on to your pander-pander game.

  6. btw - Trump doesn't have to win 35 percent of the Black vote. He only needs to win 8%... and convince the other 27% to stay home on election day. :)

  7. ...and the fact that the Democrat candidate will undoubtedly be white almost certainly guarantees that.

  8. Racists like you call it "pandering". Democrats call it addressing constituent concerns (aka doing their job). republics only care about constituent concerns if the constituent is wealthy ("their job", as they see it? Addressing donor concerns).

    btw, we're well aware that depressing the vote is a tried and true republic strategy. Along with disenfranchisement (throwing people off the rolls). Show up to vote and you're told, "sorry your name isn't on the list". You can vote, but only with a provisional ballot (which most likely will never be counted).

    The republic party would be a permanent minority party if not for these tricks and cheats.

    No matter who the Democratic nominee is, I expect the VP to be a minority woman. Possibly Georgia governor* Stacey Abrams (*elected, but governorship stolen from her).

  9. Stacey Abrams is just about the dumbest cow on the planet. Good luck with that.

  10. Being "stupid" must be what enabled Abrams to earn a Master of Public Affairs degree and a J.D. degree from Yale Law School. I definitely think she will be an asset to the ticket if the Democratic potus nominee selects her as his or her running mate. Anyway, the Democratic Party does not want votes from racist misogynists like you. You have your racist misogynist candidates, Dotard and his evilvangelical albino vp.

  11. Dotard is the dumbest fake rich "businessman" orange-painted clown on the planet. I think the evidence is pretty clear that Dotard "earned" his degree via "affirmative action" for the kids of rich parents. I've heard that he paid fellow students to take his tests for him.

    Trump's professor thought he was his dumbest student ever (article excerpt). Despite the US president attesting to the fact he finished "top of his class" at Wharton business school of the University of Pennsylvania, his former professor college professor William T. Kelley had another view.

    After Kelley's death, Frank DiPrima a close friend of Kelley revealed that the professor felt the president was a fool. "Professor Kelley told me 100 times over three decades that 'Donald Trump was the dumbest goddam student I ever had'"...

    In 2001, Gwenda Blair, a biographer, wrote that Trump was admitted to Wharton on a "special favour" from a friendly admissions officer, allegedly known to Trump's older brother, Freddy. [end excerpt].

    I'm inclined to believe this reporting, given the AMPLE evidence of Dotard's stupidity. There is also the fact that Michael Cohen testified that he was instructed by Dotard to threaten Dotard's former schools not to release his grades.

    Quote: "Michael D. Cohen, President Trump’s former lawyer and fixer, told Congress on Wednesday that Mr. Trump had instructed him to send threatening letters to his alma maters, warning of jail time for anyone who released his transcripts" [end quote].

    Why not release the grades... UNLESS they were bad. LOL. Stacey Abrams would kick Dotard's ass in an IQ test competition.

  12. Where are Obama's transcripts? Buried with his Foreign Student applications?

  13. Obama didn't threaten schools to not release them. They don't release them because they are private. Dotard makes threats because he is a paranoid egomaniac with persecution delusions. Although some are "out to get him" because he is such a lying a-hole. If he had never (obviously) lied about his academic performance, he wouldn't need to worry about anyone leaking his grades to set the record straight.

    Another reason nobody ever leaked Obama's records -- he is exactly what he appears to be. A modest, highly intelligent hard-working individual (as opposed to a lazy dullard with an over-inflated ego like Dotard). Obama does not need to threaten anyone to not release his trsnscpits because they contain absolutely nothing of a scandalous nature.

    Someone born in the US can't be a "foreign student".

  14. ...unless they lie on their college applications and say that they're from Kenya...

  15. No, I know it that it stands to reason that the statement, "Someone born in the US can't be a "foreign student"." is patently false. There are many ways that it can happen, lying is simply the "easiest".

  16. OK, they can't be a "foreign student" when attending a school located in the United States. But that caveat was implied and the statement is not "patently false". In any case, as Obama's records haven't been released, you have no way of knowing if he claimed to be a "foreign student". I don't know why he would. And I think there is a very good chance that would have come out if he had. The bottom line is that that "factoid" is conspiracy theory BS. Something for which there is absolutely no evidence, but you believe it anyway.

  17. If the Saudi ambassador's son were born in the USA, he couldn't attend an American University when he turned 18 as a "foreign student"? Who knew?

  18. If a Kenyan student fathered a son while attending university in the US, his son wouldn't self-identify as Kenyan? Oh, the dreams of a father....

  19. The Kenyan constitution states that " a person is a citizen by birth if on the day of the person’s birth, whether or not the person is born in Kenya, either the mother or father of the person is a citizen " (Art. 14.1). Children born abroad and who have at least one parent with Kenyan citizenship, are automatically Kenyan citizens by birth.

    Baraka Obama[1]
    June 18, 1936[2]
    Rachuonyo District, Nyang'oma Kogelo, Kenya

    November 24, 1982 (aged 46)
    Nairobi, Kenya

    Cause of death
    Car accident

    University of Hawaii, Manoa (BA)
    Harvard University (MA)


    Kezia Aoko (m. 1954)

    Ann Dunham
    (m. 1961; div. 1964)

    Ruth Baker
    (m. 1964; div. 1973)

    Jael Otieno[3][4][5][6]

    8, including Auma and Barack

    Obama family

    Barack Hussein Obama Sr. (/ˈbærək huːˈseɪn oʊˈbɑːmə/;[7][8] 18 June 1936[2] – 24 November 1982) was a Kenyan senior governmental economist and the father of Barack Obama, the 44th President of the United States. He is a central figure of his son's memoir, Dreams from My Father (1995). Obama married in 1954 and had two children with his first wife, Kezia. He was selected for a special program to attend college in the United States and studied at the University of Hawaii. There, Obama met Stanley Ann Dunham, whom he married in 1961, and with whom he had a son, Barack II. She divorced him three years later.[9] The elder Obama later went to Harvard University for graduate school, where he earned an M.A. in economics, and returned to Kenya in 1964. He saw his son Barack once more, when he was about ten.

  20. Barack Obama Jr. never really knew his father and never visited Kenya until he was 27 (in 1988). So the f*ck what if Kenya considers people who've never set foot inside their country to be "citizens"? The same applies to Ted Cruz. Except he was BORN in Canada (which confers dual citizenship to people like him). But there was far less outcry on the Right when he ran for president.

    Obama's mother was a US born US citizen who gave birth to her son in the United States.

  21. ...and according to Kenyan law, Barrack Obama Jr. is a citizen of Kenya.

    ...and according to Islamic Law, he is also a Moslem.

  22. ...and Barrack Obama has made sure that we will NEVER see his "foreign student" applications to US colleges.

  23. You can't see something that doesn't exist. And apparently you don't believe in self determination. At least when it comes to former Black presidents. F*ck you.

  24. Self determination... is that what they call Saudi backers now...

  25. I am dismissing your source as fake news. As you dismissed the factual information concerning Dotard being a neoliberal only because of where the information came from. Although, in regards to your info, I think it most likely IS fake news. I'm more concerned about Dotard's Saudi associations, in any case. Dotard aiding in the sweeping under the rug of the murder of a journalist was particularly disgusting.

    And apparently our troops are now mercenaries for Saudi Arabia. In exchange for imaginary 1 billion dollar payments.

  26. Live in denial all you want, but "Percy Sutton is the radical attorney, who represented Malcolm X. In the clip below, he relates how he helped Obama gain admittance to Harvard at the request of Khalid Al-Mansour, who is an adviser to an extremely wealthy Saudi prince, Al-Waleed bin Talal, one of the 4-5 wealthiest men in the world. Al-Waleed bin Talal is also a major supporter of the Muslim Brotherhood."
