Monday, January 6, 2020

Notes to/for Progressive Know-It-Alls


  1. How is Gervais' monologue "notes to/for Progressive know-it-alls"? Maybe you meant "Hollywood know-it-alls"? Although they did hire him. 5 times, as he points out. So obviously they are able to laugh at themselves. Unlike Dotard. He got made fun of at that correspondents dinner and, instead of taking it in stride, he vowed revenge. Because, as an egomaniac, he has absolutely no humility or ability to laugh at himself. The ability to laugh at yourself indicates an ability to acknowlegde mistakes, improve and become better human beings. A feat Dotard is incapable of.

  2. ...and by you distancing yourself from "Hollywood" Progressives who CAN make fun of themselves, you prove yourself incapable of laughing at yourself...

    ...proving that you are a Progressive fundamentalist, much along the lines of Private Pyle.

  3. ...who identifies much too closely with their ideology... not cable to comprehend or establish a necessary ironic distance.

  4. Who knew I was a 3-piece suit wearing Hollywood Liberal? Only you, apparently. My family would be surprised. LOL.

  5. You're saying that you're not progressive? I know that...

  6. Sure, but that's an "alternate fact". AKA complete bullshit. But that applies to a LOT of what trumpers "know".

  7. That "progressivism" isn't in any way, shape or form, progressive? There's nothing "alternative" about THAT fact.

  8. Of course Progressivism is progressive. And your "fact" absolutely is an "alternate" one. One from an alternate universe.

  9. Mythopoeiac constructions aren't "facts", Dervy. Sorry... :(

  10. When it comes to what qualifies as progressive, the Left does't give a shit about bullshit criticism from the HIGHLY regressive magaturd/White Supremacist Right. Clicked your link, saw your video was over a half hour and closed the tab.

  11. That's a shame, you could have learned from CS Lewis about the mythopoeiac origins behind your "progressive" ideology.

  12. I've read quite a few CS Lewis books. The wrong ones, apparently. I don't know what work of his contains info about "the mythopoeiac origins behind the progressive ideology".

  13. “Progress means getting nearer to the place you want to be. And if you have taken a wrong turn, then to go forward does not get you any nearer.

    If you are on the wrong road, progress means doing an about-turn and walking back to the right road; and in that case the man who turns back soonest is the most progressive man.”

    ― C.S. Lewis

  14. Myth's, like that of "evolutionary progress", are, as C.S. Lewis stated, "Lies breathed through silver..."

  15. That is clearly a statement about progress, in general (one I would not disagree with) and not a criticism aimed at the American progressive political movement.

  16. No? The movement's name doesn't imply improvement? Who Knew?

  17. Nobody. I'm saying the quote is not DIRECTED at the US Progressive political movement. It's a quote about progressivism in general.

    Quote: In Mere Christianity, Lewis bluntly states that "a Christian society would be what we now call Leftist".

  18. So you're saying that the "progressive" political movement has nothing to do with either political improvement or progress.

    Who knew?

    btw - Are you familiar with the terms and distinctions between Canadian Red Tories and Blue Tories? If so, I'd say that whilst Red Tories advocate very "Christian" policies (ala Catholic Worker/Dorothy Day) their theology is, in my experience, anything BUT "Christian".

  19. A Blue Tory is, in Canadian politics, a conservative who advocates free-market or economically liberal policies. . The term has been applied to members of the modern Conservative Party of Canada and provincial Progressive Conservative parties, as well as the historical Progressive Conservative Party of Canada, Reform Party of Canada and Canadian Alliance

    Note - "Progressive" = free market

  20. The adjective "red" refers to the economically left-leaning nature of Red Toryism in comparison with Blue Toryism, since socialist and other leftist parties have traditionally used the colour red.

  21. Progressivism in the 21st century U.S. is significantly different from the historical progressivism of the 19th-20th centuries. According to Princeton economics professor Thomas C. Leonard, "At a glance, there is not much here for 21st-century progressives to claim kinship with. Today’s progressives emphasize racial equality and minority rights, decry U.S. imperialism, shun biological ideas in social science, and have little use for piety or proselytizing." However, both historical progressivism and the modern movement shares the notion that the free markets lead to economic inequalities that must be ameliorated.[65] Many modern progressives have used the term "new progressivism" to make this distinction.

    As for me, I'm a radical progressive of the "old" progressive movement.

  22. Further empowering and enriching the already wealthy doesn't seem like "progress" to me. Dotard does have "prone to demagoguery" down. You must mean backward progress. Which is actually regression.

    "So what you're saying" is what YOU are saying, not what I'm saying. I don't know what the point of such stupidity is.


  23. The already wealthy are the corporate shareholders. Radically altering the terms of ownership is hardly going to make them richer. No longer can they use cheap foreign labor to make products and sell them w/o tariffs in the USA.

  24. So why has the trade deficit increased since the "election" of Dotard? LOL. Nothing can shake you from your delusions. It it be time for your family to consider institutionalization.

  25. Phase 1 of the new China deal gets signed Wednesday. :)

  26. Quote: Supporters of the president have seized on the latest trade news as a sign of progress, but several experts believe the deficit improvement may be more of a statistical quirk than a sign of concrete economic improvement. "In 2019, the U.S. trade deficit narrowed – but for all the wrong reasons. Instead of strong exports, the slump in imports outpaced the fall in exports", a team of researchers at Oxford Economics wrote in a research note Tuesday. [end quote].

    Phase one trade deal with China gets tepid reception in U.S. (excerpt) After U.S. officials announced a truce in the trade war with China with much fanfare, economists and trade experts call it largely a victory for Beijing. [end excerpt]. :(

  27. Slump in imports = American jobs.

  28. fall in exports = Americans losing jobs. BTW, "slump in imports" could mean people just aren't buying. Did that slump translate into domestic sales? I haven't heard about factories moving back and hiring Americans. Companies are moving, but to other lower wage countries.

    Quote: Mr. Trump's trade policies, including tariffs, had pushed factory activity not to the United States but to low-cost Asian countries other than China, like Vietnam. [NYT 8/13/2019].

  29. Quote: Overall consumer spending growth, in turn, is slowing at a critical period for the economy. ... "High-income consumers have been the Atlas holding up the U.S. and global economies", says Mark Zandi, chief economist at Moody's analytics. "But they appear tired, and if they founder, so too will the economic expansion".

  30. fall in exports = Americans destroying their surplus capacity in a NECESSARY reduction of a certain type of job.

  31. China has agreed to buy $200 billion worth of additional U.S. goods and services over the next two years as part of a phase one trade pact to be signed in early January, U.S. Trade Representative Robert Lighthizer told reporters on Friday.

  32. American farmers aren't that happy with your assessment that bankrupting them is "necessary".
