Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Marxism's Deep State Influence


  1. You've identified the (imaginary) enemy -- the never-trumper deep-state republican Marxists!

    The Epoch Times says they are "fact based" and "unbiased"... LOL!!!!!

    Quote: According to BuzzFeed News, The Epoch Times is known as "one of the staunchest defenders of Donald Trump's presidency". The paper has championed Trump's Spygate conspiracy theory in its news coverage and advertising, and... the Edge of Wonder hosts [Epoch Media Group's YouTube channel]... "embrace QAnon completely" even though "almost nothing QAnon has foretold has actually taken place... [end quote].

    Epoch Times = trumper fantasy fiction.

  2. The NY Times - Marxism's go-to outlet for Progressive dopes.

  3. The aliens that Dotard formed the "space force" to combat are fans too. LOL!

  4. Right. The "space force" previously existed within the Air Force (as the Air Force Space Command) and was recently "reimagined" as a separate branch of the military. Even though nothing changed (the "space force" is still a part of the Air Force). All because of the delusional rantings of a crazy old man. :(

  5. The USAF was once part of the USA. After WWII, it became a separate entity. Perhaps after WWIII, the same will happen with the Space Force.

  6. I doubt it. After the nukes are dropped most/all of humanity will be extinguished and there will be no need for a "space force" (following WWIII). The only reason this happened now was to turn idiocy from Dotard into a "win". It is a bad joke. Just like his presidency.

  7. So you're tired of Trump winning. Get used to it. He's got 5 years of winning left. :)

  8. Dotard wins = America loses.

    Looking forward to some wins for the Democratic president starting in 2021. ALL will be wins for the American people and not just the already wealthy ones. And no more wins for Putin, either.

    Also looking forward to loses for Dotard and his fellow criminals. Many of whom will hopefully be prosecuted and convicted by the Sanders or Warren administration :)

  9. You're setting yourself up for a ton of disappointment...

  10. Poor Hunter's really getting in deep... it's very likely to ruin his dad's presidential bid.

  11. Warren proposes federal task force to investigate Trump corruption. (excerpt) Warren pledged to create an independent Justice Department Task Force to investigate violations of Trump administration officials of federal bribery laws, insider trading laws and other anti-corruption and public integrity laws. [end excerpt].

    If this happens I won't be disappointed. No matter which Democrat becomes president, a task force to investigate Dotard corruption ABSOLUTELY will be necessary. The lawbreaking of the most corrupt president in US history can NOT be swept under the rug!

  12. I hate to inform my Democratic friends, but in the US Justice System (before Obama, anyways) we have DOJ search for the crimes, and THEN find the people responsible, and NOT the other way around. :)

  13. Show me the man and I’ll find you the crime.

    - Lavrentiy Beria

  14. Both of those things have already happened. We just need to build the case.

    Finding a person you want to be guilty of something then looking for dirt to "prove" your allegations is what you did to Joe Biden.

  15. If that were true, you'd be naming the crimes and trying to find the person responsible. That you can't put the two together is evidence of your bias.

  16. Money laundering, income tax evasion, filing false income tax reports, insurance fraud, sexual assault and felony campaign finance law violations are some of the crimes he committed as a private citizen. "Find the person responsible" -- bwahhh!

    Am I biased against rich a-holes who continue to get away with serious crimes for decades? Damn right I am!

  17. How much money was laundered? Which line items on his tax returns were fraudulent? What insurance company has filed suit? And what election crimes NOT also committed by Hillary were perpetrated? Name them.

  18. Am I biased against rich a-holes who continue to get away with serious crimes for decades? Damn right I am!

    great, but until you prosecute some of them with (D)s after their names and not just (R)'s, nobody gives a sh*t because your bias is telling, and it's not against "rich" a-holes.

  19. I am in no position to prosecute anyone, but I don't care if they are Democrats or republics. They should be prosecuted. Especially when the criminality is obvious and as egregious as with Dotard. Also, I ALREADY told you that the cases need to be built.

    FYI, the case we do know about that was built sent Michel Cohen to prison. Dotard was a co-conspirator in that case (named in court documents as "individual 1"). There aren't any court cases naming Hillary Clinton as s violator of campaign finance law.

    I did notice that you didn't ask for the names of any of the MANY women accusing Dotard of sexual assault. Perhaps because you know how very guilty Dotard is on that front. But the lawsuit of Summer Zervos is still active.

  20. lol! You're as impartial as a Chiefs fan on Superbowl Sunday....

  21. ps - How many gold diggers are trying the Me2 cash shakedown on Trump?

  22. There have been 3 gold diggers that I'm aware of. Ivana, Marla and Melania.

    I'm as impartial when it comes to Dotard's guilt as you are when it comes to the Barack Obama conspiracy theories (you believe them all). You should know there is no requirement for people to be impartial in their personal opinions. What a moronic "gotcha".

  23. You can't "agree" with something I did not say.

  24. But I can agree with what you imply by your own statements. :)

  25. Then I agree that you are moronic. Your statements that imply this far outnumber mine.

  26. You are certainly entitled to your opinion. I would simply note that you have demonstrated yourself to be not very 'numerate'.

  27. In every statement involving a quantity.
