Sunday, January 19, 2020

Populists to the 'Woke' Elites...


  1. The woke populists REJECT the notion that racism is populist. Dotard is a FAKE populist, btw. He tells you lies about walls that won't be built and jobs not coming back because of his tariffs. But his MAIN message is White Nationalism, which you REALLY like. Explaining why you ignore Dotard's massive corruption, lying, and the fact that he is a neocon neoliberal who serves the wealthy private sector elites (because he is one of them).

    Bernie Sanders 2020! He is the TRUE populist.

  2. (anti-white) Racism is only "populist" on the Left.

  3. I'm racist against myself? Who knew? Must be one of those things I have no choice in. Like Barack Obama has no choice but to be a Muslim (even though he identifies as Christian).

  4. ...and you're standing in the middle of it.

  5. btw - Where were all the imaginary white nationalists at yesterday's 2nd Amendment rally in Virginia's capitol, yesterday?


  6. The police arrest imaginary people? Who knew?

    USA Today, 1/17/2020: (article excerpt) Three more suspected neo-Nazis connected to a white nationalist group that reportedly planned to have members at a gun rights rally in Virginia have been arrested, authorities say. Three Georgia men were arrested on charges of conspiracy to commit murder and participating in a criminal street gang as part of the hate group, The Base, according to the Floyd County Police Department. [end excerpt].

    Do you exist, or are you imaginary?

  7. OMG, they "planned" to attend. If a KKK member goes to a performance of CATS on Braodway, are the Players all Grand Wizards?

  8. OMG, it looks like the White Nationalists weren't imaginary after all. And, no, I do not think that makes the others who did attend the rally White Nationalists. Just stupid.

  9. Did any ACTUALLY attend? Nope. So NO white nationalists were in Richmond for the 2nd A rally. None. Zero. Zip.

  10. Neither you nor any of your buddies attended the rally. Got it. But people belonging to other White Nationalist organizations were definitely planning on attending. But got arrested first. They definitely were/are not imaginary -- as you originally claimed.

  11. They also were NOT in Richmond at the rally, where you claimed they were.

  12. You're talking about what the reporter tweeted (the subject of the blog post you linked to). YOU brought it up. I NEVER claimed there were White Nationalists at the pro-gun violence rally in Richmond.

  13. Nope, you merely failed to successfully imply it.

  14. Because I never attempted to imply it. Obviously you're a narcissist like Dotard. He also can NEVER be wrong. Both of you have to make up some excuse to explain why you were't wrong -- even when you clearly are. And even if the "excuse" is incredibly stupid.

  15. You admit it when you are wrong? Pot meet kettle. lol!
