Wednesday, January 22, 2020

Another Staffer Feels the Bern for Communism...


  1. Low level staffers? Who cares? I'm more concerned about White Nationalists serving as high level advisers in the Dotard administration :(

  2. Steve Bannon, Sebastian Gorka, Steven Miller, and Michael Anton are now "imaginary"? who knew? Dotard, the most corrupt president in US history, is uniquely unqualified to be president.

  3. Bernie = the president America desperately needs!

  4. ...none proven to be white nationalists.

    Democrats, all hats, no cattle.

  5. There is significantly more evidence that the men I named are White Nationalists then there is evidence that shows Bernie Sanders knows who the hell Kyle Jurek is. Or agrees with or condones his beliefs. Yet James O'Keefe thinks he "exposed" Sanders and you apparently agree. LOL!

    "All hat, no cattle" describes Dotard. As a failed businessman and as a clueless and inept president.

  6. Being "white" and "nationalists" would certainly be evidence. Too bad it's insufficient evidence to equate to "WHITE NATIONALISTS".

  7. It could only be true is all white people were racists. Are you making some kind of admission in your accusation?

  8. You're pretending to not know White Nationalists work closely with Dotard.

  9. They don't. There's not a single NAZI or Klansman within 1,000 feet of Trump unless the Democrat Congressional delegation enters the Oval Office.

  10. I wasn't talking about Nazis or Klannsmen, liar. I don't believe anyone in the Dotard administration is an active member in any group that identifies as either. The people I mentioned agree with much of White Nationalist ideology. The reason Dotard brought these men into his administration is that he agrees with a lot of White Nationalist ideology.

    The TRUTH is that they want the votes of White Nationalists. And the White Nationalists see what the Dotard administration is doing and are happy that their agenda is being advanced.

    btw, what currently serving Democrats are you falsely and slanderous accusing of being members of any Nazi or KKK organization? What are their names and what is your "evidence"?

  11. Democrats don't want everyone's votes? Who knew? Will they disown the votes of Communists and Anarchists? Black Bloc demonstrators? Antifa? I didn't think so.

  12. I can name at lest two communist organizers for Bernie.

  13. I already named 4 people who worked and still work in high level positions in the Dotard Administration who are White Nationalists. You deny that they are despite the evidence that proves you wrong. I don't give a shit about "at least two communist organizers for Bernie". These morons do NOT have Bernie's ear. He doesn't agree with them politically. If they want to get Bernie elected (even though he will NOT work to make their worldview a reality) I don't give a crap.

    Meanwhile Stephen Miller IS working hard to advance White Nationalist agenda. Why the White Nationalists will vote for Dotard. He wants their votes and is working for their votes. Democrats are not working for the votes of any of the people in the groups you mentioned. They can vote for a candidate who will not advance their agenda or they can not vote at all (more likely). The Democratic candidate will disavow and disown votes from these people by not representing them.

  14. lol! Two PROVEN commies agAinst allegations...

    Jews are not White NationLists.

  15. Jews shouldn't be White Nationalists. Yet Stephen Miller is. And Steve Bannon isn't Jewish.

  16. So you admit Stephen Miller is a White Nationalist?

  17. ...only if you admit that Barrack Obama is a Communist appartchik.

  18. Barack Obama was never employed by the Soviet Russian government. He also isn't a Communist. Both are necessary to be an apparatchik. Soviet Russia doesn't even exist any longer. So I can't admit to your fantasy. Obama being an apparatchik would have been (and is) impossible. Even if he greatly desired it.

  19. His mentor, Frank Marshall Davis, was a card carrying communist.
