Monday, December 9, 2019

Congressional Nepotism Gone WILD!


  1. Does this mean that, in addition to Joe and Hunter Biden, the Senate republics are going to subpoena testimony from Nancy and Paul Jr Pelosi?

  2. Shouldn't they subpoena him and John Kerry's son, too?

    Nancy Pelosi's dad (and brother) were both mayor's of Baltimore. Nancy's mom was tried for accepting "kickbacks" from city contractors.

    Democrats keep their "corruption" all-in-the-family.

  3. Another serious allegation against D’Alesandro was that he had received kickbacks from building developer Dominic Piracci on city contracts. Piracci’s account ledger included several payments totaling $11,000 to D’Alesandro which he later erased to keep the information from investigators. The developer later explained that the payments were legitimate loans to Mrs. D’Alesandro to finance her cosmetics business which since had been fully repaid, and he doctored the documents only “to save” the D’Alesandro family “from embarrassment and from further trouble” given a criminal investigation into his business practices. In April 1954 Piracci “was found guilty of conspiracy to defraud the city of $42,996 in connection with the construction of an off-street parking garage in Baltimore,” and also found guilty for “obstruction of justice in that he submitted to a Baltimore City Grand Jury a ‘completely phony’ ledger to conceal $35,000 in weekly payments to the Peoples Holding Corporation” whose officers “were also charged with conspiracy to defraud Baltimore City in an off-street parking garage contract.” Mrs. D’Alesandro testified on Piracci’s behalf at his criminal trial, and although she insisted the “loans” from Piracci were repaid there was no documentary evidence to corroborate that testimony. The supposed repayments were made in cash rather than by check. Mrs. D’Alesandro’s testimony may have saved her husband’s sorry ass from criminal liability but could not save his then-bid to become Maryland’s governor. The D’Alesandro’s son Thomas III later married Piracci’s daughter Margaret.

  4. Nepotism and corruption: the handmaidens of Trump's presidency. (3/6/2018 Guardian article excerpt). ...Jared Kushner met with big-time financial executives in the White House and then hit them up for $500m in loans to his family's troubled real estate empire, a business in which he maintains an active stake. ... Already, the president set the ethical compass for his presidency low by failing to cut his own ties to the Trump Organization and not, as every recent president has done, releasing his taxes. The fact that Donald Trump is personally profiting off his presidency is an open secret in Washington as a stroll through the lobby of the new Trump Hotel in the grand Old Post Office proves. Just about anyone who wants a White House favor or a meeting is there, dropping at least $500 per night.

    Jared and the Kushner family have been even more brazen. Last year, his sister made news by promising US visas to rich Chinese in exchange for $500k investments in Kushner property. ... Israel, too, has been an easy target for Jared's greed. According to the New York Times the Kushners' company received an investment nearing $30m from Menora Mivtachim, one of Israel's largest insurers, in the spring of 2017.

  5. Jared Kushner was a millionaire long before he got involved with the Trumps.

  6. ...and he made all his money w/o sucking on the government's teats.

  7. He suckled at his dad's teat. Born rich like Dotard. "Self made" in other words. LOL. Hopefully both Jared and his FIL end up in prison. Where they belong.u

  8. Was his father in government like millionaire Bernie?

  9. As far as I know Bernie's father wasn't in government. And Bernie only became a millionaire late in life. Yet, instead of enjoying it while he can, he continues to selflessly fight for the common man. He truly is a great man, IMO. Hopefully the country will be lucky enough to see him serve as our president. God knows how spectacularly unlucky we were the last time (Putin selected our "leader").

  10. only became a millionaire late in life... by selling books to his campaign for a government position he's experientially unqualified for but desired ever since his honeymoon in Russia, decades ago.

  11. No, by selling books to the public. You're thinking of Dotard Jr in regards to the books. Most of which were purchased by the RNC (and will probably never be read). In regards to travelling to Russia, you're thinking of the Putin puppet Dotard -- who took his Miss Universe pageant there and decided he wanted a tower in that country with his name on it.

    FYI, Bernie Sanders was a mayor prior to being elected to the House and later the Senate. He has plenty of experiece. Dotard is the one who is experientially unqualified for his current position.

  12. the public? That's not what Bernie's campaign statements state in their "expense" statements.

    Bernie Sanders has become a millionaire, and he did it by selling his new book! In blunt fashion Sanders explained his get rich strategy: “I wrote a best-selling book. If you write a best-selling book, you can be a millionaire, too.”

    During the 2015 primary campaign the pre-millionaire Bernie employed a book buying/selling strategy that never would have gotten him rich but might be worth a glance now as the crowded Democratic primary race heats up.

    According to FEC filings, the Sanders campaign bought thousands of dollars of his books. Sanders spent almost $445,000 of his donors’ campaign funds with Verso Books, the publisher of Outsider in the White House, which was a quick re-working of his earlier Bernie book: Outsider in the House.

  13. The campaign statements unequivocally prove most of the sales went to the public. $445k (most of which went to the publisher) doesn't add up to millionaire.

  14. ...and the profgits of all those sales went to Bernie. $445 was one book during one election. How many books/elections has Bernie participated in (= millionaire)?
